

ウィスパリング同時通訳研究会コミュのKENNEDY GODFREY GASTORN (United Republic of Tanzania)

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President of the General Assembly; Secretary General of the United Nations; Distinguished Heads of State and Government; Ladies and Gentlemen,

The 75th Anniversary provides unique opportunity for the International Community to reaffirm our shared commitment in maintaining peace and security in the World, fostering social economic development as well as protection of human rights across the World. As we dwell on the theme “The future we want, the United Nations we need: reaffirming our collective commitment to multilateralism - confronting COVID-19 through effective multilateral action”, it is important to underscore the role that the United Nations has played including the adoption and implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We commend the efforts by the Organization in reducing hunger, gender equality, maternal and child mortality rates, and the prevalence of HIV as well as increased access to clean and safe water, among others.

Mr. President, We are very much aware that despite the achievements several challenges, which need international cooperation in addressing them, such as protracted conflicts, inequality, poverty and climate change, still remain. Mr. President, Ten percent of the World population still lives in extreme poverty today, struggling to fulfill the most basic needs such as health, education, and access 2 to water and sanitation. Also, the effects of COVID-19 crisis are expected to worsen the situation. In this regard, more coordinated and deliberate efforts are imperative within the United Nations System.

Mr. President In the period of 75 years, the United Nations has demonstrated what we can accomplish when we work together. The increasing trend of unilateral decisions taken by some Member States is certainly imposing negative impact on the multilateral system and undermines the profound principles of the establishment of the United Nations. If we desire to achieve the future we want and the United Nations we need, we as Member States ought to reaffirm our collective efforts in support of multilateralism.

Mr. President, We welcome the ongoing reforms within United Nations System aimed at making the organization more relevant to the 21st Century. We are very much convinced that the initiatives are very critical in improving efficiency and effectiveness of the Organization and make it even more fit to addressing the underlying challenges that continue to confront our World. In this regard, Tanzania is committed in the ongoing Inter-governmental Negotiations on the United Nations Security Council reform and urges all Member States to continue engaging constructively in this regard.

Mr. President, Tanzania is proud to have been participating actively in the United Nations activities. My country remains committed to the Charter of the United Nations. We pay much gratitude and respect, to those who have paid the ultimate price in the line of duty. Tanzania have been steady contributor of men and women who are serving under the UN flag in peacekeeping operations for the purpose of making life better for all. We look forward to a successful adoption of the Declaration for the Commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations. I thank you.



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