

ウィスパリング同時通訳研究会コミュのJÜRGEN STOCK, Secretary General of INTERPOLE

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Your Excellency, President of the UN General Assembly; Excellencies; Ladies and Gentlemen; It is an honor for INTERPOL to address this General Assembly, as it gathers to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. In 1996, INTERPOL became a Permanent Observer to the United Nations, months before the signature of their first Cooperation Agreement. In 2004, the INTERPOL Special Representative Office to the UN in New York was established, followed just three years ago by a second office to the UN in Vienna - the same city where INTERPOL was founded in 1923, almost 100 years ago. Today, we celebrate seventy-five years dedicated to diplomacy and multilateral action in the service of Peace and Security, Human Rights and Development. Seventy-five years - during which INTERPOL and the United Nations have been sharing a lot. The global landscape they face – in its complexity and ever-shifting threats… The dedication in serving their respective members - equal and sovereign in their decisions… And the vision they have been building together – step by step; day by day - towards a “better” and a “safer” world… Today, that landscape is one of crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic is a formidable challenge to security worldwide. It has broken international flows connecting us all. It has brought tragedy into our communities. Once again, the international community is called to action. Once again, the United Nations is needed, in order “not to lose sight of each and every life” at peril, in the words of Secretary General Guterres. And once again, crime is targeting those lives, when most vulnerable. Spreading violent narratives; attacking essential health infrastructures; crippling economies and businesses; and defrauding victims. This is where INTERPOL works at the side of the UN, by assisting law enforcement, every day, at the frontlines - through global information sharing, operational support and capacity building. Member states strongly believe in this cooperation. More than one hundred UN Security Council and General Assembly Resolutions have called for INTERPOL support against a wide range of threats - from terrorist travel and human trafficking, to environmental crime and crimes against humanity. As I speak, INTERPOL alerts are helping implement Security Council targeted sanctions across the globe. Simply put, the United Nations is a natural ally to INTERPOL. And this alliance continues to expand – in breadth and depth. Over the years, INTERPOL has secured close to 30 different cooperation frameworks with UN Organs, Subsidiary Bodies and Specialized Agencies. A common thread is our shared Vision of combining security, justice, human rights, development and peace to build a Safer World. INTERPOL’s full commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals and the UN 2030 Agenda, which I wish to re-affirm today, is rooted in this same conviction. INTERPOL’s Seven Global Policing Goals enshrine concrete actions which UN member states can champion and support, as part of their effective implementation of the Agenda 2030. Crime-fighting is an integral part of the change we want to achieve, for the generations to come. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, Our United Nations partners and allies are among the pillars of our success, and the sources of the knowledge we carry across borders. In 2020, and beyond - INTERPOL is and will always remain at the side of the United Nations. Thank you very much



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