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"Jesse is my homie. haha"

Whats up RIZER'S? CHOUSHIDOYO MOTHAFACKOS? Lets all share our memories of how we met Jesse.... In english! Sounds fun right! Im American and I study japanese but its hard, so I will try to read everyones message!

Please reply to my message in english if possible, if not Japanese is OK, so lets all share our memories of meeting Jesse... (My photo is with NK and Jesse on Gangima Night)

Jesse is fuckin' badass...

This guy Jesse.. haha.. I went to the E.D.O. MTV show in Kamakura on August 5th 2007, and we laughed together quite a bit. And then I saw him one more time before I left Japan on August 23rd 2007 at the RIZE concert. "Gangima Night" was fuckin fresh yo.\

Jesse. You crazy mothafucko. \ou are fucking hilarious man!

And so... To anyone who loves Rize, or even E.D.O. Let me tell you that these fools like to party and have a great time! Jesse.... SOOO DRUNK! SOOO FUNNY! JESSE IS MY HERO!

I dont really know Jesse, Ive only met him three times. But I knew from the first time I met him (at Cane's in San Diego when he played with RIZE and opened for the KOTTONMOUTH KINGS on the Natural Vibes tour) that he was a funny motherfucker man. That concert changed my LIFE! Thats the night I knew I was a RIZER.

Four years ago I bought the Natural Vibes cd after talking with Jesse for a while after the show. I said "whats up?" to UZO and got his autograph but didnt talk for long... (The language barrier was tough) and I would have said whats up to NK if he wasnt so busy entertaining the few Japanese girls that showed up... And at that time, I didnt speak much Japanese, so talking english with Jesse was a real blast. Talking to UZO was fun but short-lived. The language barrier was too big at that time. Demo ima sukoshi nihongo wakarimasu! ore wa SUPER GAIJIN ALAN desu! Well not really either.... But yeah that was the first time.

The second time came on August 5th when I went to the EDO MTV BEACH HOUSE concert (8/5/07) in kamakura. That was soooo sick... and it was free! Hahaha! And I rocked it hard for Jesse, just because I knew it would be a sick show. And after the show I kicked it with Jesse for a long time and I told him I was at the Canes show in San Diego and he was really suprised and so genuinely thankful for my fan support. I thought that was fuckin awesome. And he was really suprised to hear about a white kid he influenced in America 4 years ago. Well yeah, add one more tick to the list of RIZERS mothafucko.

Then the last time i met up with Jesse (so far) was on 8/23 at the Gangima Night show in Tokyo.. First of all, that concert was tight. I still got videos i need to post on youtube. haha But secondly, being able to kick it with RIZE for a day was a dream come true. Even though it wasnt really "for a day," it was still for a "Gangima Night" long enough to appreciate his humour.

So feel free to share your stories of Jesse here, and im sure there are some FUNNY STORIES OF JESSE!





『そうよボブexclamation ×2私も見たわexclamation ×2オレンジ色の丸い物体よexclamation ×2



Yeah, not many American RIZERS, but I do my best to play RIZE for everyone that I can. haha

Talking with JESSE is always a good time. That guy is CRAZY! DGAF!



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