

English Journal Project -DiaryコミュのDifference between Media in Japan and foreign countries

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Former president of Murakami Fund, Yoshiaki Murakami, is charged of
insider suspicion now.
Actually, many media accused him as a bad person who deceived a public
and turn a huge profit in an incorrect way.

However, media in foreign companies see the case differently.
For example, NY times showd a negative comment to the affar.
It quoted a word which is "if this means markets will become faire for
everyone, then it's a plus", "But if it just means that
the nail that gets up will get hammed down, then it is a minus"

Many Japanese media just tell how he traded badly, and rarely quote
negative ideas which is disagreeable to this suspicion.

There are people who doubt if Murakami broke a insider trading law really.
Actually, there not exist the rules which prohibit two more fund companies
collaborate and buy a stock of other company in any countries.
And, "It will be difficult for prosecuters to prove his suspicion",
written in iht.com.

Anyway, in foreign countries, they have a different point of view to this case.
So, It's really good for us to read newspapers of another country.
It gives us a wide and international view point.
And sometimes, they see some affire differently from most of the Japanese media do.

NY times



It was very hard for me too.

well, I am waitting for your good comment.
I also want to read it deeply. The idea of which you explained to us is very interesting. Knowing news in other languages and other aspects are surely important to distinguish something by ourselves. So let me have time to read completely! But it's very good job!



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