

ISBコミュのISB 60th Anniversary Event - Lottery ! のお知らせです

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ISB Alumni Association の関係で今日は業務連絡のような宣伝のようなご案内をさせて頂きますね。。(^^)
皆さん、ISB Newsをオンラインでご覧になっていらっしゃいますか?

それを記念して、Alumni Associationでは企画案内をウェブサイトに記載しております。
一口100ユーロのドネーションをすることによりLotteryに参加する資格を得ることができます。この100 ユーロはAlumni Association やISB での様々なプログラムをサポートする為のドネーション金になります。(このLotteryに参加する為にはいくつか注意点がありますので、詳細は下の方の英文にScroll してご確認下さい)。
確かに100ユーロは小さい金額ではありません...しかし当たったら、ベルギー行きの飛行機代を出してもらえることになるかもしれません! 年末ジャンボよりは当たる確率は高いようですのでご興味ある方には是非おすすめしたいです。




ISB Alumni Associationでは来年の60周年記念イベントで皆様にお目にかかれるのを楽しみにしております!




All the information and how to enter can be found underneath or here
www.isb.be/alumnidrawing <http://www.isb.be/alumnidrawing> .

Calling All Alumni!

Help support ISB and get the chance to win one of our great prizes on offer!
Donate EUR100 to the ISB Annual Fund and enter the drawing and you might be the lucky winner of a trip to Brussels to attend the ISB's 60th Anniversary Reunion
<http://www.isb.be/cf_enotify/linkforward.cfm?n=485&u=0&m=su&dest=http://www.isb.be/page.cfm?p=2527> !

Don’t miss this unique opportunity: as the drawing has only recently been opened, your chance to win is VERY HIGH! The funds raised will be used to support the Alumni Program and Annual Fund projects.
Enter now <http://www.isb.be/cf_enotify/linkforward.cfm?n=485&u=0&m=su&dest=http://www.isb.be/page.cfm?p=1737> and good luck!


1st Prize
A Round Trip Economy Tickets for 2 people from any destination to Brussels.

2nd Prize
Three-night stay at a luxury hotel in Brussels, including breakfast, for 2 people (Check-in on June 10, check-out on June 13, 2011)

3rd Prize (x 2 winners)
Free attendance to the 60th reunion events <http://www.isb.be/cf_enotify/linkforward.cfm?n=485&u=0&m=su&dest=http://www.isb.be/page.cfm?p=2527> for 2 people.

4th Prize (x 2 winners)
Deluxe basket of your favorite Belgian treats upon your arrival at the 60th reunion.

Rules and Regulations

〓 This promotion is available to all alumni (Definition of an ISB alumni includes ISB
graduates, non-graduates, parents of alumni and former faculty and staff) who
are over 21 years of age.

〓 Alumni who make donations of 〓100 during the time period of November 15 -
December 15, 2010 will be entered into the drawing. All donations must be made
via credit card through the special ISB website link for this promotion.

〓 Alumni who have made a donation of more than 〓100 between August 1 and November
14, 2010 will also be entered in the drawing.

〓 Each donation of 〓100 will make the donation eligible for one entry. For example,
if you donate 〓500 you will be eligible for 5 chances.

〓 Due to the nature of this promotion, donations will not be tax deductible.

〓 The winners will be announced via e-mail to the entire ISB Alumni Community on
Friday, December 17, 2010 as well as personally notified by The International
School of Brussels on the same day.

〓 This promotion is non-transferable.

〓 All arrangement for each prize will be made by the ISB Alumni/Development Office.


The International School of Brussels, Alumni Office - Kattenberg 19, 1170 Brussels Tel: +32 (2)2 661 42 69 〓 Fax +32 (0)2 661 42 00 〓 www.isb.be/alumni



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