

埼玉英語会 英検1級・準1級 コミュのIn dark times it's great to be among friends - Swedish PM

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Speaking at the White House, Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson says
her country's Nato application marks a "historic moment" after her country's 200
years of military non-alignment.

She hails the "deep and long-standing friendship" with the US, and shared values
of democracy and freedom, but says those values are "now being put to the test".

The situation in Ukraine reminds us "of the darkest days of European history"
and in "dark times it is great to be among close friends", she says.

She says Nato will be stronger with Sweden and Finland as members.

"We are security providers, with sophisticated defence capabilities" as well as
a "long tradition of extensive military cooperation with Nato," she says.

Sweden looks forward to a swift ratification process, she says, and is talking to
all Nato members counties including Turkey - which opposes Finnish and
Swedish membership - to sort out any issues at hand.



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