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Our most striking surprise was that the image of Japan
as a profoundly inward place no longer applies.
To someone who has lived for long periods in America
and Western Europe, there is nothing particularly
challenging about Japan, not anymore.
All the familiar landmarks of urban life are there:the
same suicidal bike messengers, the same seasonal store
sales, the same credit cards.
To be sure, the language is tough.
But in recent years, all signs in the subway and many
in the streets have been printed in English as well as
in Japanese, so navigating Tokyo is no longer a
bewildering slog through a maze of kanji characters.
Our next surprise discovery was the rainbow of
increasingly integrated immigrants, foreigners and
ethnic Japanese from places like Peru and Brazil.
There's the Indian cashier in my local supermarket,
always ready to help out when the hapless foreign
customer's Japanese comes up short.
There's the Filipino storeowner (and naturalized
Japanese citizen) whose shop fits so neatly into its
street in western Tokyo that it can be easily missed.

that-節の補語用法、省略、whose に導かれる関係代名詞節、その節のなかでのso 〜 that の構文の使用、といった文法、英文構造を明確に把握しているかどうか、challenging,
suicidal, come up short などの和訳の仕方が問われました。






1.球根 bulb
2.硫化水素 hydrogen sulfide
3.パン粉 bread crumbs
4.十二支 the twelve zodiac signs
5.よだれかけ bib
6.紬薬 glaze
7.大根おろし grated radish
8.領事館 consulate
9.祝詞 (のりと) Shinto prayer
10.露天風呂 open-air bath / outdoor thermal pool
11.麹 malt
12.柘植の櫛 boxwood comb
13.携帯電話のメール cellular phone e-mail
14.干菓子 dry confectionery
15.茅葺き屋根 thatched roof




(1)<My most striking surprise was that the image of Japan as a profoundly inward place no longer applies. To someone who has lived for long periods in America and Western Europe, there is nothing particularly challenging about Japan. All the familiar landmarks of urban life are there: the same suicidal bike messengers, the same seasonal store sales, the same credit cards. >
To be sure, the language is tough. But in recent years, all signs in the subway and many in the streets have been printed in English as well as Japanese.
(2)<My next surprise discovery was the increasingly integrated immigrants, foreigners and ethnic Japanese from places like Peru and Brazil. There’s the Indian cashier in my local supermarket, always ready to help out when the hapless foreign customer’s Japanese comes up short. There’s the Filipino storeowner whose shop fits so neatly into its street in western Tokyo that it can be easily missed. >

【2】富士山(Mt. Fuji)の魅力,美しさ,日本人が富士山に対して持つ感情や思い入れ,信仰心などを,外国からの訪問客に英語で説明しなさい。語数は特に指定しないが,解答欄の範囲内に書くこと。(20点)

Japan’s appetite for fish is insatiable. Close to one-fifth of the global seafood catch ends up on Japanese tables. And most of that is traded through the bustling aisles of Tokyo’s Tsukiji Market, the biggest fish bazaar in the world. Known affectionately as the city’s “larder,” Tsukiji is one of the must-see sights of Tokyo, especially if you’re interested in how a city this size feeds itself. The densely packed stalls are laden with seafood of all descriptions, much of it freshly landed by boats docking at the market jetties.
Some sushi chefs do not waste time inspecting the fish, comparing prices, or haggling with the dealers. Instead, they head directly to their regular suppliers, the specialists they have dealt with for decades. They know they handle only the freshest fish and set aside the finest tuna cuts for them.
One of those sushi chefs likes to talk about the “rules of Tsukiji,” the unwritten code of understanding under which business is conducted according to the principles of tradition and trust. In the market, no money passes hands, not even a signature; accounts are all settled later, at the end of the month.
The action starts very early in Tsukiji: deliveries arrive throughout the night for morning sales. And the auctions are over by 6 a.m. Gawking tourists are tolerated if they don’t get in the way and as long as they mind those motorized barrows driven around the market at high speed. By mid-morning, the stalls are all but deserted.
It’s easy to work up a hearty appetite from all this early-morning activity. Fortunately, breakfast is close at hand. Just head to one of the many sushi counters where market employees like to relax at the end of their working day. Even at this hour there will be lines outside the most popular shops. But it’s always worth the visit since fish doesn’t come any fresher than this.

設問1. 本文の内容と合致するものにはT、合致しないものにはFを記せ。

設問2. 下線部“rules of Tsukiji”を60字以内の日本語で説明せよ。句読点も字数に算入する。(5点)

The next generation may not be the Pepsi generation – or the Coke generation, for that matter. For years, soda has been the quintessential American drink, considered the perfect thirst quencher, morning pick-me-up or accompaniment to lunch or dinner. But that is slowly changing. Data released yesterday by Beverage Digest, the industry trade publication, shows that for the first time in 20 years, the number of cases of soda sold in the United States declined. Case Volume in 2005 was down 0.7 percent, to 10.2 billion cases. In a research report yesterday, William Pecoriello, a beverage analyst at Morgan Stanley, said he expected the soda category to continue to decline at a 1 percent clip over the next few years. His research shows that 64 percent of the growth in bottled water is a result of people switching from soda to what nutritionists say is the healthiest beverage anyone can drink. John Faucher, an analyst at J.P. Morgan Chase, said that soda’s declining popularity was not just because of changing health trends and attempts to cut calories, but also because of wandering taste buds. “A lot of this is about variety,” he said. “Consumers want new exciting beverages.”


(1)I (ア)would advise you (イ)not to visit Tokyo in August. It is very humid with (ウ)temperatures (エ)reaching to 90F.
(2)(ア)Cheap package tours to Okinawa are available from every (イ)budget-travel agents. You must (ウ)book early to avoid (エ)disappointment.
(3)If we do not have (ア)reservations enough to fulfill (イ)the minimum, the trip (ウ)will be canceled (エ)prior to the departure date.
(4)The buses (ア)in Kyoto are color-coded, the majority (イ)show their route number (ウ)in the front, and the most important stops (エ)are announced in English.
(5)Because Osaka’s attractions (ア)are widely scattered, (イ)investing in a one-day pass is worth (ウ)to consider if you are (エ)up for a busy round of the sights.

(1)球 根          




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