

ドラム・ドラマーコミュのmetal battle japan drummer wanted

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drummer wanted , who aims for winner of metal battle japan, winnning the stage of
Europe big rock festival.

Please copy drummer part of European hard rock metal band called
"Children Of Bodom" , the song called "Needled 24/7"

which is th audition for both of you drummmer, and me of guitarist together with vocalist.

I play Alexi Laiho's part who plays metal rock guitar together with singing
English lyrics,

All you have to do as drummer is just copying "Children Of Bodom" , the song called "Needled 24/7".

Reharsal is Yokkaichi city, Mie prefecture , Japan
because I want to be near Suzuka circuit, being interested in car race.

As best condition for me, as musician, cuz I do not like to bear my child, I do not like bringing up my child , I never want to have my child, and cuz I think that winning the world wide metal rock band success of my band, has a higher priority over having family of bearing my child , for avoiding a lot of waste in bringing up my child,
so that I can be concentrarted on the success of the band .

and I hope the member of my band think the same sense of value.

If you think the same with me, when I am on the top page of Young guitar magazine,
you will be also on the top page of Drum magazine as star drummer, world wide.

I am looking forward to seeing so talented drummer as your looks,and your apperance,
just like I have both.

As postscript, I saw that kind of drummer man at music instrument store with both talent of drummming, and nice appearnace, before, with long blond hair,

If you see this, please contact to me.

Assumming the worst, even if you had already married, as long as your wife
is in agreement with my sense of value which takes priority over any other things,winning the world wide succes in music, your wife will not be nuisance for us.
And I will welcome her,

I am gay, and I do not have to eliminate your wife who does not stand in the way.

I rather respect the drummer who tries to get along with me very much,
respecting me, loving me much.

because as I take part in music work only, I never try to get along with other members, on the condition
that my sense of value in music is different from what others think.

I hope you think the same sense of value with me.

Of course, any others welcomd as long as you are talented as drummer.

See ya.


It means you have confidence in drumming technique,but not confidence in apperance, that's why you did not send me any your appearance
of photo?? for this big chance?? or you might have no confidence in both!lol If it is not true, your video of your drumming and your photo of your good looking appearance, please send me to make me satisfied.



人の記憶に残るっていう。Don't be Jealous of him of., the nice drummer whose drumming that I saw ,unexpectedly after you see me I praise his talentby writing it down here.

It is the talent itself that can has been remaining in people's mind.
ε=ε=┏(・_・)┛ ワッカンネ〜
>>[6] would you please stop giving me any comments any more??
>>[6] that is because I have no interests in you without any talents of drumming, being unable to give me any video or sound that you 're actually drumming , and also I have no interests in you who just criticize me for writing down my sense of value in the band as for sexual matter which is one of important elemens
to influence the human relations in my band in the future . Anyone has no rights to criticize other's sense of value as for gender.
>>[9] You said first to me , /Who cares about your sexual orientations?? / in your first remark of the first reply to me, above. If you do not understand it is criticism by your brain, why don't you ask the legal adviser?
>>[9] You said first to me , /Who cares about your sexual orientations?? / in your first remark of the first reply to me, above. If you do not understand it is criticism by your brain, why don't you ask the legal adviser?
すごいexclamation ×2★彡
とりあえずftx とかmtfとか分からんから調べてみた。なるほどそういう事ね。なんか音楽と関係無いとこで、とこのために、というべきか?突っかかられているのが残念な話だ。ほっときゃいいのに。こんな腐れSNS なんかに腕の良いドラムなんかおるのかね。巷のフリーセッションやってる店のがなんぼ見付かりそうなもんだが。



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