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Troy からちょっと気に入った表現です。語学の勉強としては、星はふたつ、☆☆かな?歴史をちょっと英語で学べる感じ。

- Now they all fight for me.
- You can’t have the whole world, Agamemnon.
It’s too big, even for you.
- I don’t want to watch another massacre. Let’s settle this war in the old manner. Your best fighter against my best.
- And if my man wins? We leave for Thessaly for good.
- Boagrius!
- Achilles!
- Boagrius has this effect on many heroes.

- Pearls from the sea of Propontis.
- They’re beautiful. But I can’t wear them. Menelaus would kill us both.
- Don’t be afraid of him.
- I’m not afraid of dying. I’m afraid of tomorrow. I’m afraid of watching of sail away and knowing you’ll never come back. Before you came to Sparta, I was a ghost.
I walked, and I ate, and I swam in the sea…, but I was just a ghost.
- You don’t have to fear tomorrow. Come with me.
- Don’t play with me. Don’t play.
- If you come, we’ll never be safe. Men will hunt us, the gods will curse us. But I’ll love you. Till the day they burn my body… I will love you.

- You fool.
- Listen to me.
- Do you know what you’ve done? Do you know how many years my father worked for peace?
- I love her.
- It’s all a game to you, isn’t it? You roam from town to town, bedding merchants’ wives and temple mates. And you think you know something about love. What about your father’s love? You spat on him when you brought her on this ship! What about the love for your country?
You‘d let Troy burn for this woman?

- Trojans have never been conquered. Some say they can’t be conquered.
- Old King Priam thinks he’s untouchable behind his walls. He thinks the sun god will protect him. But the gods protect only the strong! If Troy falls, I control the Aegean.
- Hector commands the finest army in the east.
- I’ll attack them the greatest force the world has ever seen. I want all the kings of Greece and their armies. Send emissaries in the morning.
- One last thing. We need Achilles and his Myrmidons

- Look.
- He’s grown.
- He’s strong.
- Briseis!
- Paris!
- Beloved cousin, your beauty grows with every new moon.

- I taught you how to fight, but I never taught you why to fight.
- I fight for you.
- Who will you fight for when I’m gone? Soldiers, they fight for the kings they’ve never even met.
- Soldiers obey.
- They do what they’re told; die when they’re told to die. Don’t waste your life following some fool’s orders.

- The gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything’s more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never lovelier than you are now. We’ll never be here again.
- I thought you’re a dumb brute. I could forgive a dumb brute.

- I’ve seen this moment in my dreams. I’ll make a pact with you. With the gods as our witnesses, let us pledge that the winner will allow the loser all the proper funeral rituals.
- There are no pacts between lions and men. Now you know who you’re fighting.







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