

教育日誌コミュのIndependent Skill vs. Employment Skill

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Since Mypace-chan graduated from the school, it has been already two years. She has not been seriously looking for a job because she has a big habit that keeps her busy, that is writing her own comic books. She had a dream of becoming a comic artist so went to the school to learn about how to accomplish her dream. She was not so fond of being a student for a long time so decided to go for an associate degree instead. She was a serious student and worked hard to earn the degree about two years ago. She also did not receive any academic and/or employment support from the disability office. She could manage her schooling by herself. However, unfortunately she was not aware that accomplishing her dream was not so easy. Since her several friends who graduated at the same time with the same degree found a job that does not even related to their degree, but at least they can make money to live in the expensive city. They can still work on their comic projects after their work or during the weekend and are looking for an opportunity to publish their work. Mypace-chan is also one of them who is always looking for the opportunity and wants to be in the circle of the artists. Everyday, she set up her own due dates to finish her comic project. Last time when I saw her, she was very happy and smiling to tell me that she first time published her comic by online. However, she also started feeling that she has a plenty of time to kill her time, and her comic projects are not enough for her to kill her time. As she also hears about her friends working and making money and being an independent, she felt she wanted to become an independent physically and emotionally.

Mypace-chan and I met at the beginning of this year through her mother. Since Mypace-chan is very shy and quiet, her mother seems to be her advocate for her. Her mother simply asked me to help her to be her an employment coach.

Mypace-chan is very sweet and seriously taken my suggestion. She is also very motivated to find a job. However, she did not know what to start and how to get a job. Most of all, she did not realize what it takes to get a job.

Over we have been working together, Mypace-chan has been tremendously improving her employment skills; how and where to look for a job description, how to find a hidden job that is not yet publicized and ask for the information, how to communicate with people, how to network, and so on. In spite of the improvement, there are some challenges that Mypace-chan needs to face are all related to be successful in an employment setting.

The first challenge Mypace-chan faced was getting around and familiarize with the SF city. Mypace-chan was very used to use the public transportation with using the same route. Even if it might take more longer to get to the destination point, she feels comfortable of using the same route. Any unfamiliar situation she needs to face, she feels extremely anxiety. When Mypace-chan found that she needed to go different places to talk to employers about possible jobs, she felt extremely uncomfortable. First, I met with her a same spot that she is comfortable with, and we take different transpiration and routes to show her how and introduce her the new transportation and routes. When we experienced a couple of times, she started to use the transportation and routes to meet at the different places. She seemed nervous but made it. She sent me the text and said, "I just came back home. It was so easy and faster to get home!" with the smile face. We chose different meeting places just to get her used to use the different transportation and routes. Our several sessions were also walking around and getting familiar with the different areas of the city - have her feel which area she feels comfortable to commute. Some ASD people are very sensitive about certain environments and so is Mypace-chan. She has a clear preference for the layout of the shop, area, noise level, etc. Once she expressed to me that she wants to work at a sop that careers different little households. I introduced her several places, she liked two of the shops but did not like the rest because the layout. Many people might think she is "wagagama". But, that's not the case for ASD. ASD people are extremely sensitive of certain things that some people feel anxiety, distracted and not being able to focus. And the level of sensitivity is different from individual.

Next challenge Mypace-chan faced was communication with stranger. In spite of being a shy lady, communicating with a stranger was an another big hurdle. She was so nervous to speak with a stranger and did not know what to do and what to start conversation. Maintaining the conversation was another challenge that she did not have any ideas. At the first meeting, Mypace-chan said, "I'm very nervous and don't know how to keep maintaining the conversation. I don't know what to ask..." I could fee her nervousness..... but she needs to be able to overcome the hurdle if she really wants to find a job. She will have to face that she needs to communicate effectively with a stranger within a time given. She has to impress people about who she is and what she can do for a company within a couple of short paragraphs. To be able to do it, she needs to gain some techniques on how to communicate effectively and find a way to be able to make herself comfortable talking with a stranger. I took her to several places my friends works and introduced her to them. I initiated the conversation and showed her how to initiate and maintain the conversation, then I shifted the conversation about her. Mypace-chan was spotted that required her to say something. She started, "Hi my name is ..... Nice to meet with you." Good start. My friend asked her some questions and she answered. But there was no conversational catch ball. Thus, she gained some techniques to keep the conversation flow. She tried next. Her conversation was much smoother. Although Mypace-chan sometimes talked about herself and the conversation stopped, she tried to maintain the catch ball. Mypace-chan did a wonderful job. Many ASD people are very good about details and can explain a subject that they are comfortable with. However, if a subject is not related what they are comfortable, then communication easily become awkward or one way. They do not know how to ask questions and/or response to the other person's questions. Another important characteristice of ASD people is that they are visual learners. They are more comfortable of learning things in visually than orally. Even people explain ASD people with details information such as where to go and how to go to the certain point, they easily get confused. It's helpful for them to see it physically. After several practices, I gave her an assignment to go to comic shop and communicate with people who are working for the shop. It's because Mypace-chan loves comic books and people who work at the shop usually loves comic as well. They have a thing in common and can share their common thoughts and ideas. Mypace-chan successfully done her assignment by herself. After experienced the moment, she became comfortable of going to places and asking for a job application. Enough preparations such as getting information about the company and job and its location seemed very helpful for Mypace-chan. Since then Mypace-chan slowly but became more comfortable about networking aspects. Now Mypace-chan can move forward to the next step: Informational interview process.

As the examples above, independent skills and employment skills are all correlated each other, and to make employment successful, it is very important to work on the independent skills as well.

Mypace-chan is still searching for an employment. She understands that it is not easy process but slowly but surely has been gaining tools to become more independent. She certainly feels the joy of being independent.



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