

教育日誌コミュのEnglish Writing Class & Teamwork?!

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As Tennen-kun has been having difficulties with his English writing class, Haipa-kun has been having the similar difficulties as Tennen-kun. They often stop by my office with facing guilty and panic mode as the end of the world, "Can I talk to you?". I often catch what they want to talk about before they open the conversation. Haipa-kun panicky started saying, "I got my teacher's feedback about my draft paper. Do you want to see? I got a good comment though." Overall his teacher started commenting about a good feedback about his draft paper, but His draft paper is covered with lots of comments how he can modify it better that can be overwhelmed for Haipa-kun. He asks, "How am I doing with the paper?" He feels nervous about the filled with comments what the teacher wrote and how he can start working on them. His intention is always working hard and doing a good job.

Most of weaknesses that Tennen-kun and Haipa-kun commonly have are: 1) verb tense, 2) capital and lower case, 3) punctuation, and most of all, 4) fragment and 5) required to write a narrative story and expressively describe and explain about specific events and his own feelings are his struggles. When he is required to write more descriptions of events and/or feelings, he often easily goes off from the main point what he really needs to describe. He also has a difficulty with brainstorming and coming up an idea of what to write.

The other part of assignments that they have to face in the class that they have to read a lot of modules and books, discuss about what they read in the class, and read other peer's papers and give them feedback and comments on how they can improve their writing. They both comment, "There are so many reading assignments and it's very hard to understand what I'm reading so I have to read the same chapter over and over until I understand. Also it takes longer time to read everything because there are many big words I don't understand so I have to look at the dictionary. Then I have to do discussion in the class, then I have to give feedback, then I have to.....". They are on and on explaining about what they have to do. The common ASD students I often observe have difficulty with reading comprehensions. They can fairly well decode words even if it's a big word! But "do they really understand what they meaning of them???" That sometimes is a big question mark! When they cannot understand the words and/or paragraphs, they are easily stuck on the parts and cannot move forward until they understand. Some of them also have a difficulty reading because of the noise distraction. Many ASD students have some types of sensory sensitivities, that might easily influence on their feelings and concentration. Therefore, some ASD students like to use audio books to read textbooks while they are reading the actual textbooks. However, it seems individuality. Some ASD students commented me that they like use audio books and some don't.

To find ways to solve the issues, we set up an appointment to meet with both Tennen-kun and Haipa-kun. "Each of you coming to my office separately and telling me the same issues about your English writing class. Now we can discuss the ways to solve your issues. I think we all can collaborate each other as a team for the class. Don't you think?" I listed each issue that Tennen-kun and Haipa-kun have described me in the past. When the list was done, they both looked and said, "Ahhh" and nodded. I asked, "So what do you both think about meeting together once a week and work on the reading assignments? Each can read at home and come up the words and/or paragraphs that you could not understand and write them down as questions. Then when you meet together, you can ask and seek the answers each other." They smiled and replied, "That's a good idea! I can do that." I continued, "I also observed you guys sometimes have a difficulty time to come up some ideas of what to write on the paper and/or describe and explain of events and feelings for the assignments. I think you can help each other to brainstorm ideas and help asking each other questions like 'what are you trying to say about the event? how you feel when you did .......?'" I also suggested, "if you both cannot answer any questions, you can ask me" They both seemed like the idea and want to try out. I last commented, "In order for you both work together as a team, it is very important to communicate and behave nicely. OK?" Both agreed it. Tennen-kun even started talking about, "Yes. I agree. I should not have said to you ........ That was not very nice to say." Haipa-kun replied, "Oh, that's not problem. I did not even think. Oh, haha. No problem. We can work and help each other." It seems a good start! They both exchanged their phone number and scheduled to meet every Thursday at 3pm. It will be very interested in seeing how they work together.



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