

日本語 101コミュのSubtleness in body parts

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I'd like to post a question here... well more like a simple call for enlightment, I guess. :)

When you study and train martial arts you often hear the expression "use your hip" or in my case the portuguese version "use o quadril". OK, now I'm learning Japanese and we begin studying body parts and symptoms. My teacher also trains Kendo, so I guess she knows what's she talking about.

She said that the word people trasnlated "koshi" to... this case, "hip", or "quadril", in portuguese, is not the correct one, although in a way is in the same general area. The koshi (腰) is referred to only the lowerback side of your back. Whereas the hip (quadril) refers to waist area as a whole. I think. When you look at the maneuvers in many martial arts styles, where it said to be using the "hip", you see that the maneuver uses the lower back. This is specially true in the "Koshi Guruma" maneuver of Juudou, and the "Koshinage" maneuver of Aikidou.

If my teacher is correct in that assumption, so what´s the word in japanese for hip (quadril)? I searched and found Youbu (腰部) and Youkan (腰間), but there could be better words....


Now... for those who read the post, but didn't have an opinion.

I asked again to my teacher and she told me somethings...

First, the word Youbu (腰部), refers more to the waist then to the whole hip, and is used only by more traditionalists... nowadays the waist is referred by, either koshimawari (腰回り) or by Uesuto (ウエスト), which is waist in katakana. :P

So there you have it... there maybe a word for the hip per se, but my teacher tells me that it would be probably a rare word, used only in medical ou phisicaltherapeutical journals... and that koshi, even though refers only to lowerback, might be used on other instances...



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