

2011年度 慶應経済 21組コミュのStudy Skillls 宿題

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P = Presentation W = Writing, R = Reading, Tbk = SS Textbook, SCW = Success with College Writing (Writing Textbook), HW = Homework, Ex = Exercise, Ch = Chapter, OP = Optional



1. Read the following sections of Study Skills (SS) Textbook (Tbk) and review the class on Wednesday, April 27, 2011:
(1) pp. 4-5 for very important information about SS.
(2) pp. 9-11 for goals and structure of SS.
(3) p. 13 for goals and tasks in the writing section of SS.
(4) p. 14 and this web site to learn more about English dictionaries.
(5) "Goal of the section" on pp. 49-50 for goal of the reading section of SS.
(6) p. 69 for goal and outline of the presentation section of SS.
(7) pp. 70-71 for body language of (a) posture and (b) eye contact.
(8) pp. 72 and 86 for your self-introduction speech.
2. Read Tbk, pp. 13-14 ("Using Dictionaries When Writing" and "E-E dictionarries") and p. 51 ("Two Rules for Effective Reading") and prepare for the class on Friday, April 29, 2011.
3. Bring an E-E dictionary to this class.
4. See Tbk, pp. 18-19 (and books on Microsoft Word, if necessary) and start learning how to write English with computers. Remember, somtimes, your classmates are the best teachers to help you learn how to use computers. Go to any of our on-campus computer rooms at Hiyoshi with your friend who knows a lot about computers.
5. Start looking for a book or a movie to talk about in your speech "Book/Movie Review" on June 8. You either recommend or not recommend a book or a movie in this speech.





1. Read the following and review Class #2 on April 29:
(1) "Effective Reading in Two Steps," Tbk, pp. 52-54
(2) "Using Dictionaries," Tbk, p. 55-56"
2. Read the following and prepare for Class #3 on May 4:
(1) SCW, UNIT 1 and UNIT 2
When you read UNIT 2, find the answers to the following questions:
(i) What is a paragraph?
(ii) What is a paragraph made of?
(iii) What do these sentences in Question (2) do in a paragraph?

1. Read the following and review Class #2 on April 29:
(1) SCW, p. 3: "The six steps of the writing process
(2) SCW, Unit 1, pp. 5-8: Step 1 "Choosing a topic" and Step 2 "Brainstorming"
(3) SCW, Unit 2, pp. 11-15: "The Structure of a Good Paragraph"
2. Read the following and prepare for Class #4:
(1) SCW, Unit 3, pp. 17-19.
(2) Tbk, pp. 57-61: Paraphrasing

1. Read the following and review Class #4 on May 6:
(1) SCW, Unit 3, pp. 17-19 and Tbk, p. 20
(2) Tbk, pp. 57-61
2. Finish the following and prepare for Class #5
(1) Do Ex. W-1 (Tbk, pp. 21-22), paying attention to Structure Checklist (p. 20)

? is the same as S2 in Structure Checklist.
? is the same as S3 in Structure Checklist.
(2) Read Tbk, pp. 15-17 on Checklist #1 "Format Checklist"
(3) Read Tbk, p. 23 on Checklist #3 "Spelling and Grammar Checklist"
(4) Raed SCW, Unit 5, pp. 33-35, and do Exercises 1 and 4.
(5) Read Tbk, pp. 62-63 "Writing Summaries"


1. Read the following and review Class #5 on May 11
(1) Tbk, pp. 20-22 (Structure Checklist)
(2) Tbk, pp. 15-17 (Format Checklist)
(3) Tbk, p. 23 (Spelling and Grammar Checklist)
(3) SCW, Unit 5, pp. 33-35 "Opinion Paragraph"
(5) Tbk, pp. 62-63 on "Writing Summaries"
2. Start writing an opinion paragraph (e.g., "The beginning..." in Tbk, p. 16) for Class #7
(1) The paragraph must have THREE supporting points (SPs).
(2) Follow Format, Structure, and Spelling & Grammar Checklists when you write your paragraph (Tbk, pp. 15-17, 20, and 23).
(3) The paragraph must be typed. Read "Tips for Formatting with Microsoft Word 2010" (Tbk, pp. 18-19), if you do not know how to use a word processing software.
(4) Copy "Paragraph Writing Checklist" (Tbk, p. 30) and check your writing with the copy. Then, attach the completed checklist to your paragraph.
(5) Submit the paragraph in Class #7 on May 20.
3. Read "Writing Summaries" (Tbk, pp. 62-63) and do Exercise R-3 (1) (Tbk, p. 63)


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For Class on Friday, May 13, 2011
1. Read the following and review Class #5 on May 11
(1) Tbk, pp. 20-22 (Structure Checklist)
(2) Tbk, pp. 15-17 (Format Checklist)
(3) Tbk, p. 23 (Spelling and Grammar Checklist)
(3) SCW, Unit 5, pp. 33-35 "Opinion Paragraph"
(5) Tbk, pp. 62-63 on "Writing Summaries"
2. Start writing an opinion paragraph (e.g., "The beginning..." in Tbk, p. 16) for Class #7 on May 18.
(1) Use the Class Handout, pp. 6-7 and start writing Paragraph #1 in six steps. Note: If you are not good at using computers or wordprocessing software, you should start as soon as possible.
3. Read "Writing Summaries" (Tbk, pp. 62-63) and do Exercise R-3 (1) (Tbk, p. 63)
4. Read the following:
(1) SCW, Unit 4, p. 30: "What are transitions?"
(2) Tbk, p. 25-27.

For Class on Wednesday, May 18, 2011
1. Writing Homework #1 is due. (Class Handout, pp. 6-7)
2. Finish Ex. W-3 "London"
3. Read SCW, Unit 11
For Class on Friday, May 20, 2011
1. Read the following and prepare for the presentation section of Study Skills which will start from this class.
(1) Tbk, pp. 69-71
(2) Tbk, pp. 73077
2. We will continue to practice the two steps in summary writing, when we have time in class. Finish Class Handout, pp. 8-9.
For Class on Wednesday, May 25, 2011
1. Use Class Handout, pp. 34-35, and prepare for your Presentation #2 "Show and Tell." Remember to do lots of rehearsals with a watch and physical message (posture, eye, gesture, and voice), until you feel confident and therefore ready 150%.
2. Finish Class Handout, pp. 8-9, so that we can check your answer at any time when we have some extra class time.
For Class on Friday, May 27, 2011
1. Rewrite Writing #1:
(1) Look at Checklists and find your weak points.
(2) Read Mr. Shimura's comments in Writing #1.
(3) Rewrite.
(4) Use the four checklists of (i) format, (ii) structure, (iii) spelling and grammar, and (iv) unity and coherence and check your writing.
(5) If all checkpoints, especially your weak points, are OK, print out the writing. IF NOT, REWRITE.
(6) Staple the following (in this order):
(i) A copy of Tbk, p. 30.
(ii) Final version of Writing #1
(iii) Old Writing #1 and its checklists which were returned to you on May 25.
(7) Submit this homework in this class.
2. Finish Section I in Class Handout, p. 38.
You will give a mid-term presentation about a book or a movie which you (do not) want to recommend to your classmates.

For Class on Wednesday, June 1, 2011
1. Watch the DVD and self-evaluate your Presentation #2 "Show and Tell" with Class Handout, p. 37. And find both strong and weak points of your physical message.
2. Prepare well for the very importnat mid-term presentation: Presentation #3 "Book/Movie Review":
(1) Use Class Handout, pp. 38-39 and think of both physical and story messages of your Presentation #3.
(2) Rehearse with a watch and body language as many times as possible, probably until you are 150% ready and confident. If you felt very nervous during your Presentation #2 on May 25, you may need more of such rehearsals than your classmates and "control" your nervousness. Good luck!
(3) Note that you can use prompt cards ONLY during your presentation. Yet, rehearse a lot so that you will not have to depend too much on them. Rehearsals are therefore very important for you to give a good presentation. In fact, you cannot rehearse too much!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Homework for This Class:
(1) Aono to Suzuki: Watch the DVD in Building #3 and self-evaluate your final presentation.
(2) Finish Reading Homework (Handout, pp. 8-9), if you have not done so yet.
(3) Read SCW, Units 8 and 10.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Homework for This Class:
(1) Son to Yamamoto: Watch the DVD in Building #3 and self-evaluate your final presentation.
(2) Reading Homework (pp. 10-11), if you have not done so yet.
(3) Start writing an essay.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Homework for This Class:
(1) Reading Homework (pp. 12-15)
(2) Submit the essay.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Final Examination on Reading and Writing
This final examination is also just like the official final examinations for other courses. Therefore, if you get sick on this day, see a doctor on this date or on the following day and get some document about your illness from your hospital. Without such a document, you cannot take this final examination on a later date. Note that 30 percent of your final grade for Study Skills depends on this final examination.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

No Class to Help Conserve Electricity

Friday, July 8, 2011

Final Class!



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