

2010冬季海外EAPコミュのBlack Thunder

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わーい(嬉しい顔) Chika Komatsu,
わーい(嬉しい顔) Ryonosuke Numasawa,
わーい(嬉しい顔) Shiori Chiba, and
わーい(嬉しい顔) Tetsuya Iijima.

What have you done toward your goal? : )


team Black Thunder

My goal is speaking without miss!!
And I enjoy speaking with forien people!
This team perhaps has got the coolest name among all 指でOKぴかぴか(新しい)

Chika, you set a high goal and that's great!
What specifically have you been working on to achieve your goals?
im loving our team nameぴかぴか(新しい)

My goal at the end of EAP is to learn about another foreign culture, in this
case, the Australian Cultureわーい(嬉しい顔)

I am a member of Black Thunderぴかぴか(新しい)

My goal is to improve my listening skill.
By the next class, I will listen to Western musics.るんるん
This week,I was able to read the wall street journal(^ ^)
I feel bad now.
I think very difficult about friendship.
what are you feel about friendship?
do u mean that we should have a
closer bond between the team members?
since i am going back to Guam over Christmas break,
I would try and get used to living in an English speaking
environment again.

Quite some time passed since I was living in an English-
based environment so I would like to use this up coming
break to get the feeling back of using English as the main
language of communication.
I study TOEIC between the winter breaks.
And, it is taken care not to do the degenerating life.
> Tetsuya

Awesome : ) If you don't mind, I would further suggest that
you focus on fine-tuning the tone & manner of your use of the
English language.

That is, study (and practice, if there is any chance) to switch
the code of your talk from casual to professional at your will.
Such capability will add a lot to your strong English skills.

> Chika

"Degenerating" is a strong word, but I'm glad to hear that
you are going to take good care. Be safe and enjoy the holiday break!

How, specifically, are you going to study for TOEIC?
Complete some workbook? Watch CNN/BBC? Write a journal/diary in English?
I will remember 300 words of Duo2.0 in Christmas break.
I hope this skill would be useful when I go Overseas EAP in winter.
Happy New Year! : D

I hope this message will find you well well and sound with peaceful mind.
I look forward to seeing you soon in our very last pre-departure session
on the 12th. Study hard and be ready for the Deakin placement test!

Sincerely yours,

its been a while since i last wrote here but anywayz,
I was able to fly back home this christmas.

And as I mentioned in my Christmas Break goal, I was able
to spend time in an environment where English is being
used as the primary language which got the feel back
inside of me of using English.

I hope that this break back in Guam got me prepared for
the over seas EAP that is scheduled for next month.

wow, time does really fly!



2010冬季海外EAP 更新情報


