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ぴかぴか(新しい) ウェブキャスト第2日目の昨夜20時11分が

その直後 ドランヴァロは深い瞑想に入り銀河の中枢部より

ドランヴァロを通して語られたメッセージの部分 を抜粋でお届けします。

メッセージは 時間にして約10分ほどでしたが

---- Via Drunvalo's Webcast "Day II" (Approx. 10 min. long)

“ The Galactic Message through Drunvalo ”

Blessing to the Earth. And to all life in Earth, especially to human kind at this time.
We are the central council of our galaxy.
We are a collective of all life in the galaxy.
Drunvalo has given us a permission to speak thru him
and we will use his concepts and ideas to express ourselves.
We love you.
We have always loved you and never ever be a time when we do not loved you.
And we are always with you even when you don’t know where with you.
You are about to go thru a transition. It’ an ancient. It is nothing new.
It’s very very old. And every one of you have been thru transition one very similar to it many many may times before.
You know within your heart precisely how to move during this transition.
And so the secret is to find your way to your heart.
And near future many things are going to begin to take place on your planet.
We are guiding you carefully from where we are, from where the sun is, from where the earth is.
We will not let you go.
you will never forget you.
We are always be with you.
we prepared everything for you.
All you have to do is to remember who you are.
We know this because we know your future.
And remember what you are capable of.
You can speak to us any time.
You need help from within your heart.
We will be there when we help you if you are confused.
You will do fine.
We know this.
Because we know the future.
We know what happens to you and your planet.
We know where you are going.
We’ve already seen it.
And it is beautiful. It is good.
You humanity have become bright light to all life everywhere.
We all thank you what you have done.
The pain you had to go thru and all trials but it is just about over.
And new life is to begin.
Love guides all life everywhere. And you are no different.
Love will guides you carefully and protect you carefully to all the movement you make.
You must trust yourself. And you can trust us also.
For we are you and you are us.
But most of you don’t remember.
There is one minor correction we would like to make to Drunvalo’s teachings.
It’s a small thing but it’s a big thing.
When he teaches what you call the “Unity breath” when you connect to love with your mother earth and feel the love then send your love to her and send her love to you
As you connect with sky and all rest of creation in the same way.
You send love to father sky and father sky sends love back to you, and you connect.
And he feels you both at once.
And he has see you as triangle and he has you feel the love between your mother and your father.
There is one thing it’ been forgotten. You must feel love yourself.
You are the reason the universe was created.
Forgot you? There’s no reason to continue.
You are beautiful. Remember who you are.
And find the love. That surround you and within you for yourself.
All life in existence loves you and grateful to you what you have done.
In your human form you may just another human being.
From where we are, you are much much more that.
We do leave you now but we’re not going to leave you.
Any time you wish to be with us, please find us in your heart.
We will always be there for you. always, always, always….
Pleasants in your life, my friends.
Thank you and good bye.

December 21, 2012 @ 2012 hours Japan time.




> 銀河のメッセージ
> 2012年12月21日、MST(米国のマウンテン・スタンダード・タイム)
> 午前3:40に、私たちはアリゾナ州セドナから放送を開始します。そうす
> ることで、地球、太陽、そして銀河の中心が一直線に並び、つながる瞬間に
> あなたがより深く備えられるようにします。ちょうどアメリカのマウンテン・
> タイム午前4:11(ユニバーサル・タイムの11:11)、この瞬間に地球の
> ハート、太陽のハート、そして銀河の中心のハートが愛とセクシャル・エネル
> ギーの中でつながります。この結合による誕生は必然なのです。人類は深く内
> なる変容を始め、それは9年間という新人類誕生の期間を経て最高潮に達する
> でしょう。あなたは、この受胎を体験し、新たなる生命の歓びを感じるでしょう。
> この宇宙的な結合の数分前に、私はみなさんをハートの聖なる空間/小さな空
> 間の瞑想へと導きます。ハートの空間の中で、あなたは個人的に融合を感じ、
> あらゆるところに存在するすべての生命との親密な結びつきを思い出すことがで
> きます。融合は約8分間続き、それから3日間かけてゆっくりと定着します。こ
> のつながりを感じ、体験できる場所は世界にふたつしかありません。グァテマラ
> と米国のフォー・コーナーズ地域です。あなたが世界のどこにいても、パーソナ
> ルにこれがあなたに届くように試みましょう。
> これが、昔々、とてつもなく昔にマヤの人々がそのうちの何人かをホピへと送り
> 出した理由なのです。そうすることで、銀河の中心からの意識の神聖なエネルギ
> ーを物理的に地球のポイントで受け取ることができるのです。マヤによると、これ
> らの場所以外には、世界のどこにも起こらないのだそうです。
> 私たちが瞑想に入り、8分間エネルギーが流れている間、私は私たちの銀河の中心
> /意識に、私たちに地球上での新しい時についてのメッセージを与えてくれるよう
> にお願いします。答えてくれるかどうかはわかりませんが、答えてくれることを祈
> るのみです。



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