

Jules Cluzel #16コミュのクルーセルさんの言動。

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05.09.2010 : Good result for Jules at Misano. He starts well, makes the holeshot, and leads the first lap. He stays in this first position before fighting in top three. His rear tire starts to break up and he finish well in 6th.
This race was marked by tragic accident involving Redding, De Angelis and Shoya Tomisawa. The three riders fallen just in front of Jules, who riden through motorcycle fragments. Shoya shared Qatar podium with Jules, he will stay in everybody memory.




In such a situation it’s impossible to find the right words and sportive results take a backseat. Today the MotoGP World Championship lost someone really special, Shoya Tomizawa. The entire Forward Racing Team expresses its sincere condolences to his family, his team and all his friends. It has been an honour for us to know him and to compete with him; he remains forever in our hearts.

During such a sad day the positive race conducted by the Forward Racing team riders, who ended up in sixth (Jules Cluzel), ninth (Claudio Corti) and 23rd (Ferruccio Lamborghini) position, became only boundary after the official announcement of the tragic accident that occurred at the fifteenth lap.

Jules Cluzel:

"After a good start I could not keep the pace of the fastest during the second half of the race, unfortunately I had to slow down when the rear tire started to lose grip to avoid to crash out. Now we are working on the solution of this problem.

But right now my thoughts are with Shoya and his family. As riders we know well which risk we take every time we are on track, always hoping that nothing happens. "

Claudio Corti:




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