

S/R言語、S-PLUSコミュのR 2.7.0 is released

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This is a development
release which contains a number of new features.

Also, a number of mostly minor bugs have been fixed. See the full list
of changes below.

You can get it (later today) from


or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you. In case of
impatience, try http://www.biostat.ku.dk/~pd/R-release

Binaries for various platforms will appear in due course.

For the R Core Team

Peter Dalgaard

These are the md5sums for the freshly created files, in case you wish
to check that they are uncorrupted:

9eaee3eceec1d5f72cea5640ca90768c R-latest.tar.gz
9eaee3eceec1d5f72cea5640ca90768c R-2.7.0.tar.gz
3f4331cd3d66c36b9e350b0576fa8f42 FAQ
020479f381d5f9038dcb18708997f5da RESOURCES
eb723b61539feef013de476e68b5c50a COPYING
a6f89e2100d9b6cdffcea4f398e37343 COPYING.LIB
070cca21d9f8a6af15f992edb47a24d5 AUTHORS
1ad28cbc84485ccdf4ce5721b34ed645 THANKS
f7a51a08be0aab537123b0fc66cd0e79 NEWS
ff4bd9073ef440b1eb43b1428ce96872 ONEWS
4f004de59e24a52d0f500063b4603bcb OONEWS
433182754c05c2cf7a04ad0da474a1d0 README
70447ae7f2c35233d3065b004aa4f331 INSTALL

This is the relevant part of the NEWS file:



o The default graphics device in non-interactive use is now
pdf() rather than postscript(). [PDF viewers are now
more widely available than PostScript viewers.]

The default width and height for pdf() and bitmap() have been
changed to 7 (inches) to match the screen devices.

o Most users of the X11() device will see a new device that has
different fonts, anti-aliasing of lines and fonts and
supports semi-transparent colours.

o Considerable efforts have been made to make the default output
from graphics devices as similar as possible (and in
particular close to that from postscript/pdf). Many devices
were misinterpreting 'pointsize' in some way, for example as
being in device units (pixels) rather than in points.

o Packages which include graphics devices need to be re-installed
for this version of R, with recently updated versions.


o The apse code used by agrep() has been updated to version
0.16, with various bug fixes.

agrep() now supports multibyte character sets.

o any() and all() avoid coercing zero-length arguments (which
used a surprising amount of memory) since they cannot affect
the answer.

Coercion of other than integer arguments now gives a warning
as this is often a mistake (e.g. writing all(pr) > 0 instead
of all(pr > 0) ).

o as.Date(), as.POSIXct() and as.POSIXlt() now convert numeric
arguments (days or seconds since some epoch) provided the
'origin' argument is specified.

o New function as.octmode() to create objects such as file

o as.POSIXlt() is now generic, and it and as.POSIXct() gain a
'...' argument. The character/factor methods now accept a
'format' argument (analogous to that for as.Date).

o New function browseVignettes() lists available vignettes in an
HTML browser with links to PDF, Rnw, and R files.

o There are new capabilities "aqua" (for the AQUA GUI and quartz()
device on Mac OS X) and "cairo" (for cairo-based graphics

o New function checkNEWS() in package 'tools' that detects common
errors in NEWS file formatting.

o deparse() gains a new argument 'nlines' to limit the number of
lines of output, and this is used internally to make several
functions more efficient.

o deriv() now knows the derivatives of digamma(x), trigamma(x)
and psigamma(x, deriv) (wrt to x).

o dir.create() has a new argument 'mode', used on Unix-alikes
(only) to set the permissions on the created directory.

o Where an array is dropped to a length-one vector by drop() or
[, drop = TRUE], the result now has names if exactly one of
the dimensions was named. (This is compatible with S.)
Previously there were no names.

o The 'incomparables' argument to duplicated(), unique() and
match() is now implemented, and passed to match() from merge().

o dyn.load() gains a 'DLLpath' argument to specify the path for
dependent DLLs: currently only used on Windows.

o The spreadsheet edit() methods (and used by fix()) for data
frames and matrices now warn when classes are discarded.

When editing a data frame, columns of unknown type (that is
not numeric, logical, character or factor) are now converted
to character (instead of numeric).

o file.create() has a new argument 'showWarnings' (default TRUE)
to show an informative warning when creation fails, and
dir.create() warns under more error conditions.

o New higher-order functions Find(), Negate() and Position().

o [dpqr]gamma(*, shape = 0) now work as limits of 'shape -> 0',
corresponding to the point distribution with all mass at 0.

o An informative warning (in addition to the error message) will
be given when the basic, extended or perl mode of grep(),
strsplit() and friends fails to compile the pattern.

o More study is done of perl=TRUE patterns in grep() and friends
when length(x) > 10: this should improve performance on long

o grep(), strsplit() and friends with fixed=TRUE or perl=TRUE
work in UTF-8 and preserve the UTF-8 encoding for UTF-8 inputs
where supported.

o help.search() now builds the database about 3x times faster.

o iconv() now accepts "UTF8" on all platforms (many did, but not
e.g. libiconv as used on Windows).

o identity() convenience function to be used for programming.

o In addition to warning when 'pkgs' is not found,
install.packages() now reports if it finds a valid package
with only a case mismatch in the name.

o intToUtf8() now marks the Encoding of its output.

o The function is() now works with S3 inheritance; that is, with
objects having multiple strings in the class attribute.

o Extensions to condition number computation for matrices, notably
complex ones are provided, both in kappa() and the new rcond().

o list.file() gains a 'ignore.case' argument, to allow
case-insensitive matching on some Windows/MacOS file systems.

o ls.str() and lsf.str() have slightly changed arguments and
defaults such that ls.str() {no arguments} works when debugging.

o Under Unix, utils::make.packages.html() can now be used directly
to set up linked HTML help pages, optionally without creating
the package listing and search database (which can be much

o new.packages() now knows about the front-end package gnomeGUI
(which does not install into a library).

o optim(*, control = list(...)) now warns when '...' contains
unexpected names, instead of silently ignoring them.

o The options "browser" and "editor" may now be set to functions,
just as "pager" already could.

o packageDescription() makes use of installed metadata where
available (for speed, e.g. in make.packages.html()).

o pairwise.t.test() and pairwise.wilcox.test() now more explicitly
allow paired tests. In the former case it is now flagged as an
error if both 'paired' and 'pool.SD' are set TRUE (formerly,
'paired' was silently ignored), and one-sided tests are generated
according to 'alternative' also if 'pool.SD' is TRUE.

o paste() and file.path() are now completely internal, for speed.
(This speeds up make.packages.html(packages=FALSE)
severalfold, for example.)

o paste() now sets the encoding on the result under some
circumstances (see ?paste).

o predict.loess() now works when loess() was fitted with
transformed explanatory variables, e.g, loess(y ~ log(x) + log(z)).

o print()'s new argument 'row.names' allows to suppress
printing rownames.

o print() and str() now also "work" for 'logLik' vectors longer than

o Progress-bar functions txtProgressBar(), tkProgressBar() in
package tcltk and winProgressBar() (Windows only).

o readChar() gains an argument 'useBytes' to allow it to read a
fixed number of bytes in an MBCS locale.

o readNEWS() has been moved to the tools package.

o round() and signif() now do internal argument matching if
supplied with two arguments and at least one is named.

o New function showNonASCII() in package tools to aid detection
of non-ASCII characters in .R and .Rd files.

o The [dpq]signrank() functions now typically use considerably
less memory than previously, thanks to a patch from Ivo

o spec.ar() now uses frequency(x) when calculating the
frequencies of the estimated spectrum, so that for monthly
series the frequencies are now per year (as for spec.pgram)
rather than per month as before.

o spline() gets an 'xout' argument, analogously to approx().

o sprintf() now does all the conversions needed in a first pass if
length(fmt) == 1, and so can be many times faster if called
with long vector arguments.

o [g]sub(useBytes = FALSE) now sets the encoding on changed
elements of the result when working on an element of known
encoding. (This was previously done only for perl = TRUE.)

o New function Sys.chmod(), a wrapper for 'chmod' on platforms
which support it. (On Windows it handles only the read-only

o New function Sys.umask(), a wrapper for 'umask' on platforms
which support it.

o New bindings ttk*() in package tcltk for the 'themed widgets'
of Tk 8.5. The tcltk demos make use of these widgets where

o write.table(d, row.names=FALSE) is faster when 'd' has millions of
rows; in particular for a data frame with automatic row names.
(Suggestion from Martin Morgan.)

o The parser limit on string size has been removed.

o If a NEWS file is present in the root of a source package, it
is installed (analogously to LICENSE, LICENCE and COPYING).

o Rd conversion to 'example' now quotes aliases which contain

o The handling of DST on dates outside the range 1902-2037 has
been improved. Dates after 2037 are assumed to have the same
DST rules as currently predicted for the 2030's (rather than
the 1970s), and dates prior to 1902 are assumed to have no DST
and the same offset as in 1902 (if known, otherwise as in the

o On platforms where we can detect that mktime sets errno
(e.g. Solaris and the code used on Windows but not Linux nor
Mac OS X), 1969-12-31 23:59:59 GMT is converted from POSIXlt
to POSIXct as -1 and not NA.

o The definition of 'whitespace' used by the parser is slightly
wider: it includes Unicode space characters on Windows and in
UTF-8 locales on machines which use Unicode wide characters.

o The src/extra/intl sources have been updated to those from
gettext 0.17.

o New flag --interactive on Unix-alikes forces the session to be
interactive (as --ess does on Windows).

o x[] <- NULL is always a no-op: previously
type-checking was done on the replacement value and so this
failed, whereas we now assume NULL can be promoted to any
zero-length vector-like object.

Other cases of a zero-length index are done more efficiently.

o There is a new option in Rd markup of \donttest{} to mark
example code that should be run by example() but not tested
(e.g. because it might fail in some locales).

o The error handler in the parser now reports line numbers for
more syntax errors (MBCS and Unicode encoding errors, line
length and context stack overflows, and mis-specified argument
lists to functions).

o The "MethodsList" objects originally used for method selection
are being phased out. New utilities provide simpler
alternatives (see ?findMethods), and direct use of the mangled
names for the objects is now deprecated.

o Creating new S4 class and method definitions in an environment
that could not be identified (as package, namespace or global)
previously generated an error. It now results in creating and
using an artificial package name from the current date/time,
with a warning. See ?getPackageName.

o Unix-alikes now give a warning on startup if locale settings
fail. (The Windows port has long done so.)

o Parsing and scanning of numerical constants is now done by R's
own C code. This ensures cross-platform consistency, and
mitigates the effects of setting LC_NUMERIC (within base R it
only applies to output -- packages may differ).

The format accepted is more general than before and includes
binary exponents in hexadecimal constants: see
?NumericConstants for details.

o Dependence specifications for R or packages in the Depends
field in a DESCRIPTION file can now make use of operators
< > == and != (in addition to <= and >=): such packages will
not be installable nor loadable in R < 2.7.0.

There can be multiple mentions of R or a package in the Depends
field in a DESCRIPTION file: only the first mention will be
used in R < 2.7.0.



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