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以前、EIHA(European International Hemp Association) で知り合った、IHA(International Hemp Association)のロバート クラーク氏の紹介をさせていただきます。
Robert Clarke damatze@yahoo.com

 Greetings and salutations of joy from Amsterdam. It has been quite some time since we last made contact. I hope this message finds you and your loved ones in fine health and high spirits. Possibly I will return to Japan to continue my hemp research, and I will certainly welcome your assistance once again.

Attached you will find my most recent hemp article from the “Journal of Natural Fibers” published in two parts. Basic knowledge I have acquired  during many years of hemp textile research across Eurasia is summed up in this article; and its publication heralds an opportunity to bring you up to date concerning my ongoing research, publishing projects and plans.
I still live in Amsterdam―traveling, collecting Eurasian hemp textiles and pursuing a deeper understanding of hempen textile traditions whenever an opportunity arises. Last year we added several Nu and Lisu nationality costumes including satchels and blankets to the International Hemp Association collection―collected by Yan Xia in Yunnan near Burma in our continuing effort to document hemp textile traditions. Recent field research in Turkey revealed Anatolian hemp kilim and strip cloth rug traditions. The Caucasian Azeri peoples of Azerbaijan and northwestern Iran also wove hemp kilims, as well as hemp saddle bags. All new textile realms to investigate.
Mark Merlin from University of Hawai'i and I continue negotiations with University of California Press towards a publishing contract for our 13 year project tentatively titled “Cannabis through the Ages” or “Cannabis: Evolution and Ethnobotany”. So far, so good...
The path to deeper study of hemp textile traditions presents many possibilities. My next focus is completion of “Warp's End” a detailed summation of the hempen traditions shared by the Tibeto-Burman and Hmong-Miao peoples living in a higher altitude temperate climate band extending across the foothills of the Himalaya and Hengduan Mountains from western Nepal to the Yungui Plateau in southwestern China. Beyond, I imagine two more hemp textile books―one covering Han Chinese, Korean and Japanese traditions, and another for Europe along with Anatolia and the Caucasus―which will require many more years of study before fruition.
Beside physical textile culture, my underlying fascination remains pan-Eurasian hempen ritual; and Korea and Japan hold a particular appeal. Their hempen traditions are ancient as well as active, yet they are quite different―Koreans practice funerary mourning traditions spread from Confucian China while preserving shamanic healing traditions passed down from even more ancient times; while Japanese use hemp in their endemic Shinto worship. Today hemp textile usage is rare, yet remains strong in Japanese and Korean ceremonial settings, and I hope to further explore hemp's connections with ancient ritual traditions.
Several tools I will need to successfully complete these last projects are sorely lacking. The most pressing problem is that I am not poly-lingual. I require local linguistic assistance at every turn and I have barely been able to keep up so far. Japan poses the most severe lingual obstacle. A bilingual research partner would really facilitate research and publication. My lack of professional credentials also poses problems―especially when approaching museums―where even a simple “Research Associate” visit card from a respected institution would be of great help. Towards these ends I am searching for colleagues who take interest in my research and can assist me with moving onward.  There is far too much out there for me to explore alone. Please feel free to forward this message and attached article to anyone you feel may be interested.
Thanks for your continuing support. I hope you enjoy my article; and will appreciate hearing back from you in any regard.
Robert C. Clarke
International Hemp Association - Projects Manager
Society for Economic Botany - Life Member
Textile Society of America - Member



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