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一部 文字化けしてますが大意に影響ないでしょう。(長くてゴメンなさい)

What comics did you read as a child, and why?
Did you have any art education?
What made you move from Osaka to Tokyo to be an assistant to a professional cartoonist?
When/why did you become interested in adult manga? What was popular at the time?
* How did you get into drawing erotic comics?
What was your first erotic comic, and how did you come up with the idea for it?
* What was the culture like in Japan at the time? Why weren’t you allowed to draw a penis?*
* How did you come up with the idea for Urotsukidoji (Legend Of The Overfiend)?
* What do you think of Hideki Takayama’s film of Urotsukidoji and the tentacles?
How did you feel when it became popular?
* With Urotsukidoji, you were credited with creating hentai do you agree?
Why did you decide to include tentacles in Y醇vj醇・Ky醇vshitsu Gakuen (‘Demon Beast Invasion’)?
* Had tentacled creatures appeared in Japanese erotica before? (Ask about the illustration from the novel 'Kinoe no komatsu' of 1814 by Katsushika Hokusai, and his woodblock series. Also ask about Shunga erotic art that appears on woodblocks)
* Do tentacled creatures appear in Japanese folklore? (There is the legend of female abalone diver Tamatori)
* Why are tentacles and fish a big part of Japanese culture? Is there a reason they were chosen for porn?
How do you feel about anime’s ‘obscene’ aspects?
Did you expect hentai to take off?
* La Blue Girl has been described as a hentai parody. Was that your intention? Why?
* What are the sexual restrictions on Japanese art/culture today?
What contemporary artists using tentacles in their work?
You had a motorbike accident in 2001 what happened? How did it affect your work?
*Is it true that you’ve contributed to a woman’s hentai magazine? How does that differ to general Hentai?
Is it true you studied Ally McBeal scripts to try to understand women?
Which piece of work are you most proud of, and why?
* How do you feel about Hentai’s popularity in the west?
How do you feel if people in the west laugh at your drawings, or see them as dirty?
* What are the rules on porn in Japan now?
* What’s next for Hentai? What should we look out for, and what are the latest trends?

お疲れ様でした。 答えは「Hentai」変態でした。かなり日本語の意味からはずれて使われるようになりました。フェチっぽいエロ系とでも訳すんでしょうか。

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