

バックパッカー 楯の会コミュの2011年度、楯の会センター試験!!

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The meeting of we shield is brought up by the Self-Defense Force, and the Self-Defense Force is, so to speak, our father, and it is an older brother. Why is it that I went for an act of such an ingratitude if I repay the favor?

As for me, as for the student, the associate self-defense official received treatment in a unit in 3 for four years if I looked back, and a piece of calculation received the education that there was not, and we loved the Self-Defense Force heartily again and dreamed of "true Japan" which there was not anymore in Japan of the fence outside of the unit here and knew the tears of the man who did not know it at last here after the end of the war. Our sweat which I drained here was Junichi, and did the wilderness of Fuji as the comrade who did mind of the patriotism together together. This does not have a piece of doubt, too. The Self-Defense Force was a hometown for us, and it was the only place that could breathe for mind of lukewarm modern Japan. The love that was popular from an instructor, assistant instructor ladies and gentlemen is immeasurable. Why is it that it was still reflected on this daringly, besides? I love the Self-Defense Force, but I assert that it is a reason so that it is said a sophistry.
 Postwar Japan was addicted to economic prosperity, and we forgot Omoto of the country and lost national spirit and I ran and I was hypocritical and fell into an end without correcting a book with patching things up for the moment and watched that I was depressed to the blank state of the oneself soul. You had to watch that the politics was given to only a makeshift of the contradiction, self-protection of the self, desire for power, hypocrisy, and the big plan in national hundred years entrusted it to the foreign country, and the disgrace of the defeat was only deceived without it being wiped out, and did the history and tradition of Japanese oneself Japan while doing a tooth bite.  

We dreamed of the soul of the true Japanese true Japanese true samurai being left now only in the Self-Defense Force. It was obvious that the Self-Defense Force was unconstitutional, and, for a principle of law theory, the defense that was the basic problem of the country was deceived by legal interpretation of the opportunism and watched that I did the corruption of the soul Japanese as the armed forces which did not use the name of the armed forces, prime cause of the decadence of morals, besides. The armed forces which should have respected honor have been left with a deception of the badness most in fact. The Self-Defense Force continued bearing a national disgraceful cross after the defeat. The object of the loyalty was not made clear without only the position as a thing huge physically of the police being given without nation's armed forces cannot be enough in the Self-Defense Force, and it being given fundamental meaning . We got angry at a postwar too long Japanese sleep. When the Self-Defense Force woke, I believed that it was time when Japan woke. I believed that this Japan which could be idle did not need to wake without the Self-Defense Force waking by oneself. By a constitutional amendment, the Self-Defense Force took fundamental meaning of and, for true nation's armed forces and a day to be, believed it when there was not the duty greater than what I made the limit of the poor ability for as the nation.
 I had one will four years ago and entered the Self-Defense Force and formed the meeting of the shield in the next year. So that when the Self-Defense Force wakes entirely, the basic idea of the meeting of the shield assumes the Self-Defense Force nation's armed forces, honorable nation's armed forces; determination to throw away life. If a constitutional amendment is already difficult under the parliamentarianism, as for the action for public peace and order, is the only good opportunity, and we become the vanguard of the action for public peace and order; and abandoned for life, and is cornerstone of nation's armed forces. It is the armed forces to keep the National Athletic Meet, and it is the police to follow the form of government. I come for the stage that cannot protect the form of government with a police force, and the national polity becomes clear by the dispatch of the armed forces for the first time, and the armed forces will restore fundamental meaning of . With the fundamental meaning of the Japanese armed forces, "protect the Japanese history / culture / tradition led by the Emperor"; there is particularly it. For a mission to correct Omoto whom the screw of the country turned at, we took training and were going to volunteer.
 However, what happened on last October 21, 1969? This demonstration that you should have called the final scene before the Prime Minister visit to USA ended in misfire with an overwhelming police force. I watched the situation in Shinjuku, and I felt great sorrow when "the constitution did not change in this". What happened on the day? The government ascertained a limit of the extreme left power and ascertained the reaction of the general people for the regulation of the police which were equal to martial law and got the confidence that could get ten chestnut of the burning called "the constitutional amendment", a situation under control daringly. As for the action for public peace and order, I became disused. The government got confidence to survive only by the police force that did not conflict with a constitution at all for the form of government maintenance and got the confidence that continued covering its head and cheeks with a towel for the basic problem of the country. I continued letting you break it with a candy of the constitution protection as left power and hardened a policy I threw away the name, and to take the fruit in this and got the advantage of advocating oneself, protection of the Constitution. I abandon the name and take the fruit!  Thus it will be good for politicians. However, for the Self-Defense Force, the politician should notice it being a fatal injury. Therefore hypocrisy and concealment, which rise before again.




銘記せよ! 実はこの昭和四十四年十月二十一日という日は、自衛隊にとっては悲劇の日だった。創立以来二十年に亘って、憲法改正を待ちこがれてきた自衛隊にとって、決定的にその希望が裏切られ、憲法改正は政治的プログラムから除外され、相共に議会主義政党を主張する自民党と共産党が、非議会主義的方法の可能性を晴れ晴れと払拭した日だった。論理的に正に、この日を境にして、それまで憲法の私生児であつた自衛隊は、「護憲の軍隊」として認知されたのである。これ以上のパラドックスがあろうか。

 沖縄返還とは何か? 本土の防衛責任とは何か? アメリカは真の日本の自主的軍隊が日本の国土を守ることを喜ばないのは自明である。あと二年の内に自主性を回復せねば、左派のいう如く、自衛隊は永遠にアメリカの傭兵として終るであらう。



合格ですな  (笑






カンニングはE判定以下ですな   (笑



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