

BMI's Tail♡コミュのWould you say 'Yes we can?'.

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Good afternoon,
These have been very tough years for our country. Millions of our family members, friends and neighbors have lost their jobs in the great recession. Plummeting home values closed out what had already been a lost decade of stagnant wages and rising costs.
But today we got an encouraging sign of better times ahead. We learned that the economy is now actually producing a substantial number of jobs instead of losing them -- there were 162,000 new jobs created in March, the most positive jobs report we have had in three years.
One community where we've seen these glimmers of hope is Charlotte, North Carolina, where the President spoke today. An advanced battery company, one of those industries at the forefront of the emerging clean energy economy, has also been at the forefront of our recovery in no small thanks to a boost from the Recovery Act. We had a chance to check it out a few days before the President headed down.------消去------
Pulling America back from what many experts warned could be another Great Depression and putting us on a course towards new jobs and new industries has been the President's top priority since Day 1. That's why he made signing the Recovery Act his first task when he came into office. Two million more Americans are on the job today because of the Recovery Act, and we have broken the back of the worst recession in a generation.
We are gratified for that. But we are not satisfied. Not by a long shot.
We know we have a lot of work in front of us to repair the damage and rebuild our economy. We also know that there will be some additional bumps in the road ahead.
But today's news is a positive sign post along that road.
And I want you to know that the President and all of us in the Administration will continue to work day and night to pursue a recovery that strengthens the middle class and reaches all our communities and lays a lasting foundation for a better future.
Senior Advisor to the President


 22:42 メールの返答に質問状を付加して送付あせあせ(飛び散る汗)

I watch to the video.

Economic results of the efforts of the American people seem to show signs of recovery.
Japan is not yet recovered from the economic downturn.
I think great results.

I think that the abounding country should pull the world economy.
We knows that the role that achieve the United States world economy is never small.
Lead to global stability and stable development of the U.S. economy.
I am expecting it of the activity of the United States.

It wishes that I would like you to pull the world economy by the negotiation for steady economic development.
It can be said about the relationship between America and Japan.
Negotiation costs are low compared to other methods.

The subprime loan problem occurred because it had said existence the one that did not exist.
Similarly, impossibility is caused in saying the existing one as no existence.
I think that I should describe it clearly in the mind and work with a problem.

PS.I'm sorry that the answer of mail is delayed.
No reply has been made about the contents of my sent mail.

It is satisfactory in able to get by reading mail or YES or NO and give the answer to me.

I sent mail to Mr.jimgues at three times,too.



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