

臭い豆嫌いの英語練習コミュのOrange Girl Part 14 (We meet the Orange Girl at last ^_^)

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From now, Georg has tried to understand why his dad was so interested in telescopes and outer space. But now, he is about to read his dad's story about the Orange Girl. It gets really interesting from here. ^^

「The story of the Orange Girl began one afternoon when I was standing outside the National Theatre waiting for a tram(train). It was sometime toward the end of the 1970's, and it was late Autumn.

I remember that I was thinking about the medical course I'd just begun. It was strange trying to imagine that one day I'd be a real doctor dealing with real patients who would come to me and place their destiny in my hands. I would be there in a white coat, sitting at a large desk saying: 'We'll do some blood tests, Mrs. Johnsen.' Or: 'How long have you had this?'

Then finally the tram appeared. I could see it a long way off, as it glided past the Parliament building and then trundled slowly up Stortingsgaten. Something that has troubled me ever since is that I've never been able to recall where I was going. But in any case I was soon boarding the bright blue Frogner tram, and it was jam-packed with people.

The very first thing that caught my eye was a lovely girl who was standing in the aisle clutching a huge paper bag brimful of luscious-looking oranges. She was wearing an old, orange anorak(sweater), and I remember thinking that the bag she was holding was so large and heavy that she might drop it any moment. But it wasn't really the bag of oranges that made the biggest impression in me, but the young woman herself. I realised immediately that there was something very special about her, something unaccountably magical and enchanting.

I also noted the way she looked at me and seemed to pick me out from all the other people who'd come swarming on to the tram- this only took a moment, it was almost as if the two of us already enjoyed some kind of clandestine(secret) alliance. As soon as I was inside, she fixed me with a level gaze, and perhaps I was the first to look away, it's quite possible, because I was uncommonly shy in those days. And yet, I recall thinking quite lucidly and clearly during that brief tram journey that this was a girl I would never forget. I didn't know her name or who she was, but right from that first moment she exercised an almost uncanny power over me.

She was half a head shorter than me and had long dark hair, brown eyes and was somewhere in the region of my own age, 19. As she glanced up, seeming almost to nod at me without moving her head in the least, she sent me a teasing, mischievious smile, almost as if once, a long time ago, we'd shared a whole life together, just her and me. It was as if I was reading something of that sort in her brown eyes.」

There are some useful words and phrases that Georg's dad uses when he first meets the Orange Girl. Let's look at some of them.

1) Trundle/ ゆっくりとやる気がないで歩く

2) Jam-Packed/ びっしり

3) Caught my Eye/ 目を止める

4) Swarming/ 群れる



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