

VEGAN TOEIC クラブコミュの第29号 食育教育プログラム(アメリカ)

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そんな価値観をくつがえす「EDYBLE SCHOOL YARD」という



Ten years ago, our culture might not have been ready, but no longer will anyone tell you there's something elitist about awakening a child's senses to healthful, delicious food grown by local farmers or by the kids themselves.
No longer can anyone say that only the privileged should worry about learning to cook good simple meals in their own kitchens, and share them with family and friends.
These are the bedrock pleasures and values on which our agrarian democracy was founded, and they remain the key link between our private selves, the health of our bodies and our planet, and each American's power to influence positive change.
Our lives have become much too fast, too separated from the values our farming forebears knew without knowing.
Runaway obesity and diabetes are the consequences, along with the disintegration of the American family and the harm we've done to the natural environment.
The transformation of school lunch, around the idea of Edible Education, is a rare opportunity to reverse all that.

Edible Education is an experience, a long-term proposition.
It is an integration of a school garden and kitchen and cafeteria into the very core of the teaching mission, from kindergarten forward.
It's a way of making sure that children grow up feeling the soil with their own fingers, harvesting its bounty in the American sunshine, and watching their own hands make the kind of beautiful, inexpensive food that can nourish the body and the spirit.
Only then will the next generations of Americans know that we don't just vote in the ballot box, we vote for the
kind of world we want every time we choose what to eat.
Only then will our children feel for themselves why saving open space for farming isn't just a nice idea, and why the upside of a global economy doesn't extend to food―which should travel the shortest distance possible before being sold, in the interest of human health and happiness, of our local economies, and of our natural environment.

「Edible Schoolyard―A UNIVERSAL IDEA」 Alice Waters著 CHRONICLE BOOKS 2008年出版 38〜39ページ引用

単語の意味などは 薫さんのメルマガ をご参照ください(2010年2月27日第29号)



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