

VEGAN TOEIC クラブコミュの第26号 エックス線被爆

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本日は「マクドゥーガル式 完全自然食健康法」という20年前に出版され、



Recent, highly publicized reports of accidents at nuclear power plants have focused public attention on the dangers of low-level radiation.
Increased rates of cancer have been seen following exposure to levels of radiation once thought to be safe.
Soldiers involved in atomic bomb tests in 1957, nuclear power plant workers, naval shipyard workers, and individuals with a history of
therapeutic radiation to the head and neck area in infancy and childhood are victims of the cancer-causing effects of low-level radiation.
The risk of developing cancer is directly related to the amount of exposure, and the damage is cumulative with repeated exposures.
Furthermore, there is no safe threshold below which an increased risk of developing cancer does not occur.
Cancers of the thyroid, female breast, bones, liver, and lung and leukemia are the forms most commonly found following exposure to radiation.
About 2.5 percent of all cancers in the general population are attributed to radiation.
X-ray treatment performed in the past for acne, enlarged tonsils and adenoids, or an enlarged thymus gland has resulted in a 600 percent increase
in the risk of developing cancer of the thyroid.
Because of these findings, X-ray treatment to the head and neck has generally been abandoned.
However, X-ray as a form of treatment continues not only in cancer therapy but also in the treatment of benign conditions.
A September 1977 HEW report notes that 40 to 55 percent of dermatologists surveyed were still using superficial X-rays to treat keloid scars, acne,
and plantar warts.
In high voltage X-ray therapies for the treatment of cancerous conditions, such as Hodgkin's disease, long-term follow-up shows a very high rate of
leukemia and other cancers caused by the therapy, hence the benefits of various treatments must be weighed against the carcinogenic potential.

「The McDOUGALL PLAN」John A.McDougall,M.D.& Mary A.McDougall著 
NEW CENTURY PUBLISHERS,INC.1983年出版 185〜186ページより引用

単語の意味などは 薫さんのメルマガ をご参照ください(2010年2月6日第26号)



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