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(41)What is the difference between temples and shrines?
Temples in Japan are Buddhist temples and they are called “tera” in Japanese. On the other hand, shrines are Shinto shrines and they are called “jinja” in Japanese. At most Buddhist temples, there are Buddhist statues in the main hall. At Shinto shrines there are torii gateways at the entrance. A torii consists of two upright posts connected at the top by two horizontal crosspieces.


(42)On what occasions do Japanese wear kimono?
Today, kimonos are worn only on special occasions, such as graduation ceremonies, Coming-of-Age Day ceremonies, weddings, or celebration of New Year's Day. These days, fewer and fewer people wear kimono. One big reason is that they are very expensive. Another reason is that, when wearing a kimono, it's difficult to move around.


(43)On what occasions do Japanese wear yukata?
We do see many young women in the informal cotton kimono called yukata, especially at summer festivals.


(44)What is the difference between Kabuki and Noh? Where can I see Kabuki and Noh?
Kabuki is a traditional stage drama performed exclusively by men to the accompaniment of songs and music. It is characterized by a combination of rhythmical words, dancing, elaborate costumes, and stage sets. On the other hand, Noh is a classical stage art performed mostly by men to the accompaniment of recitative chants called yokyoku and an orchestra consisting of a flute and three types of drums. It is characterized by symbolic, highly stylized acting, and elaborate masks. In Tokyo, you can usually see Kabuki at Kabukiza in Ginza, and Noh at Kokuritsu-Nohgakudo in Shibuya.


(45)What is the difference between Geisha and Maiko? Where can I see Geisha or Maiko?
Geisha is a kimono-clad female entertainer who is trained in the traditional arts, singing, dancing, and conversation and who serves as a party companion and hostess. On the other hand, a maiko is an apprentice geisha. A maiko trains under the strict guidance of specialists for several years in the fields of traditional dance, song, and the shamisen, a three-stringed Japanese instrument similar to a banjo. You can see some of them if you stroll in the Gion district of Kyoto in the afternoon and evening.


(46)On what occasions are hanko or Japanese personal seals necessary?
Japanese people use three types of hanko, or personal seals. One is called jitsuin, or a registered seal. An impression of the seal is officially registered at the local government office. This seal is used only for official documents and important transactions. Mitomein, or a cheap, ready-made seal, is mainly used when they receive registered mail. Ginkoin is a seal registered at a bank, and is used when they make withdrawals without using a cash card.


(47)What is Maneki-neko?
Maneki-neko is a statue of a cat beckoning passers-by. The statue is often found in restaurants and shops and is displayed as a charm to attract customers.

(48)What is higan?
Higan are the weeks centering around the vernal equinox and autumnal equinox. During these periods, Buddhist temples hold special services and people pay their respects at their ancestors' graves.


(49)What is setsubun?
Setsubun is the day before the first day of spring according to the lunar calendar, usually February 2 or 3. Bean throwing ceremonies are held in homes, shrines, and temples in the belief that this will bring in good fortune and drive away evil spirits.


(50)What is the difference between shogi and go?
Shogi is a traditional chess-like game played between two people. As in chess, pieces may be captured, but unlike in chess those pieces may be used by the captor. The game ends with the checkmate of an opponent's king. On the other hand, Go, or igo, is a game of strategy played between two people. Black and white stones are placed alternately on a board in an attempt to capture the other player's stones by surrounding them. The game ends when the board is filled with stones, or the possibilities for gaining territory are exhausted.


(51)What is the difference between manzai and rakugo?
Manzai is a comic routine. Usually performed by two or three entertainers in a variety program on TV, manzai tends to be slapstick in nature. On the other hand, Rakugo is a funny story usually told by a professional storyteller at a variety hall or on TV. Themes are usually humorous incidents from daily life in the Edo period.


(52)What is the difference between haiku and waka?
Haiku is a very compact but evocative verse form of 17 syllables in a 5-7-5 line pattern. The themes of haiku may be inspired by intuitive perception into nature and life. On the other hand, Waka is the general term for classical Japanese verse forms. It especially refers to Tanka, a 31-syllable verse form with five lines in a 5-7-5-7-7 pattern.

(53)What is omikuji?
Omikuji are fortunes written on slips of paper. People buy them at shrines and, occasionally, temples, and tie them onto the branches of nearby trees in hopes that a good fortune will come true or that a bad fortune will be kept away.


(54)What is the difference between geta and zori?
Geta are Japanese wooden clogs raised off the ground by two wooden supports under the sole with a V-shaped thong between the big and second toes. On the other hand, Zori are Japanese sandals consisting of a flat sole with a V-shaped thong between the big and second toes.


(55)Why do Japanese like cherry blossoms?
Cherry trees bloom brilliantly and lose their flowers in the short span of about two weeks. This evokes a sentimental feeling among Japanese, drawn from an ancient cultural belief, and reminding us of the short, transitory nature of human life. Also, cherry blossoms are regarded as the official signal that spring has come after a long, cold winter, so people are naturally in a cheery mood. Besides, Japanese people like to enjoy “hanami,” or cherry- blossom-viewing parties, with family or friends. These are some of the reasons why Japanese love cherry blossoms in particular.


(56)When and where can I see cherry blossoms?
Cherry blossoms (or “Sakura”)can be viewed at many locations throughout Japan from late January (in Okinawa)through mid-May (in Hokkaido). The blossoms reach their peak earlier in the south than the north, but usually last for only ten days or so. Nearly all Japanese cities have local parks with beautiful cherry blossoms. Popular viewing places in Tokyo include Chidorigafuchi, Ueno Park, Shinjuku Gyoen Park and Koganei Park.



(57)What are honne and tatemae?
Honne refers to one's true feelings or motives, whereas tatemae is the face one wears in public. Honne may be expressed privately, while tatemae is an opinion designed for social acceptance.


(58)Today many Japanese work very hard. Why do they work so hard?
Many Japanese work hard because they have a strong work ethic and a sense of loyalty to their employers, who often promise lifetime employment.


(59)Why do Japanese celebrate Western holidays?
This is due to the Japanese trait of readily adopting foreign culture, including traditional events and festivals. Western things in particular, such as Christmas and St. Valentine's Day, have always been very popular. Another reason is that these holidays are great for business. People buy gifts and decorations, so companies are eager to promote them. Finally, these traditions are fun, so people naturally enjoy them.



(60)What is the difference between sukiyaki and shabu-shabu?
Sukiyaki is a dish of thinly sliced beef, onions, tofu, and shiitake mushrooms cooked in a pan at the table. Sugar, soy sauce, and sake are added for flavor. On the other hand, Shabu-shabu is a dish of thinly sliced beef and vegetables, cooked in a pan. The ingredients are quickly boiled in broth, and then eaten after being dipped in a special sauce.








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