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Please tell us your name and where you live.
試験官により、Where are you from?と聞かれる場合があるが、自分の出身地ではなく、現在住んでいる場所を答えること。
How big is Japan?
Japan’s land area is about 378,000 km2, which is slightly smaller than the state of California in the United States or the entire size of Germany. Japan’s archipelago stretches some 3,500 km (2,170 miles) between the northernmost and southernmost points.
Will you tell me about one of Japan’s World Heritage sites?
?I will tell you about Himeji Castle near Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture, one of the most famous castles in Japan. It is designated as a World Cultural Heritage site, as well as a National Treasure. Himeji Castle is also known as “Egret Castle” because of its white plastered walls, and is considered one of the most beautiful castles in Japan. As usual with many Japanese castles, it sits high on a hill and offers an excellent view from the top of the castle tower.
?I will tell you about Horyuji Temple in Nara Prefecture. Horyuji Temple is internationally noted among the oldest wooden structures in the world, and designated as a World Cultural Heritage site. The temple presents visitors with the opportunity to view some of Japan’s finest historical works of art in a pleasant atmosphere. Most of the major buildings in the precincts have long been named National Treasures.
?I will tell you about Itsukushima Shrine. It is a magnificent Shinto shrine on the island of Itsukushima (or Miyajima) in Hiroshima Prefecture. It is designated as a World Cultural Heritage site, and the several buildings and possessions of the shrine are named National Treasures. This shrine extends over the sea on long pillars. Its large red torii is renowned for the impression it gives of floating on the sea.
What is Bunraku?
Bunraku is a classical puppet play performed to the accompani- ment of narrative ballads known as joruri. Its charm lies in the harmony of skilled puppeteers and the voices of the joruri singer.
What is Kabuki?
Kabuki is a traditional stage drama performed exclusively by men to the accompaniment of songs and music. It is characterized by a combination of rhythmical words, dancing, elaborate costumes, and stage sets.
What is Maneki-neko?
Maneki-neko is a statue of a cat beckoning passers-by. The statue is often found in restaurants and shops and is displayed as a charm to attract customers.
How do you explain Obon to foreign tourists?
Obon is a three-day Buddhist holiday, usually August 13, 14, and 15. During this time the spirits of the dead are said to return to their former homes and families. People light lanterns to guide the spirits and perform bon dances for their entertainment. The week of obon is considered bon-yasumi, or bon vacation, and many people return to their hometowns or take trips.
Please tell me about the topographical features of Japan.
?First, the islands of Japan are surrounded by the sea. Second, Japan has a wide variety of topographical features due to several volcanic ranges which run through the country. Third, its rivers are short and fast-flowing, and as a result, they form deep gorges in the mountainous areas. Finally, Japan boasts many places of scenic beauty and hot-spring resorts.
?Japan is a very mountainous island nation. Although its total land area is a little smaller than California, 67% is covered by mountains. Plains account for only 13%. Japan also has 80 of the world’s 800 active volcanoes.
When and where can I see cherry blossoms?
Cherry blossoms (or “Sakura”) can be viewed at many locations throughout Japan from late January (in Okinawa) through mid-May (in Hokkaido.) The blossoms reach their peak earlier in the south than the north, but usually last for only ten days or so. Nearly all Japanese cities have local parks with beautiful cherry blossoms. Popular viewing places in Tokyo include Chidorigafuchi, Ueno Park, Shinjuku-gyoen Park and Koganei Park.
What is Shichi-go-san?
Shichi-go-san is a festival to celebrate the growth of children. On November 15, girls of seven, boys of five and three-year-old children of either sex are taken to shrines by their parents to give thanks and pray for a divine blessing.
What is bonsai?
Bonsai is a potted tree which has been dwarfed and shaped by such methods as pruning and wiring in order to create particularly aesthetic shapes.
What is the retirement age for company employees in Japan?
The retirement age in most Japanese companies is currently 60. However, since the qualifying age for receiving an old-age pension is being increased in stages to 65, the retirement age in companies may also increase in the future.
What do you think of the current global economic recession?
I think that it is causing serious damage to economies around the world. In Japan, considering that both consumer spending and plant and equipment investment have weakened, the Japanese government has no alternative but to increase government spending in order to improve the economy. To put it concretely, the government should plan and implement public works projects, such as building roads or dams.



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