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When and where can we see cherry blossoms in Japan?
Each spring, the cherry blossom season starts in Okinawa and moves northward by degrees. Although at each place the petals fall after about a week, a person who travels north following the “cherry blossom front” would be able to enjoy the blossoms for nearly three months. Some examples of places where you can enjoy cherry blossom viewing are Yoshinoyama in Nara Prefecture, Arashiyama in Kyoto, Ueno Park in Tokyo, Kakunodate in Akita Prefecture, and Hirosaki in Aomori Prefecture.
What is the climate of Japan like?
There are four distinct seasons in Japan ? spring, summer, fall and winter. There is also a rainy season between spring and summer. Japan’s climate is influenced by summer and winter monsoons, ocean currents and topographical features.
Who do you think is the most important person in Japanese history?
I think it’s Tokugawa Ieyasu, who lived from 1543 to 1616. He was the founder and first shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate, which was to maintain effective rule over Japan from 1600 through 1867. With his sweeping victory in the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, Ieyasu became the most powerful warrior leader in Japan, and in 1603 he assumed the title of the shogun, thus succeeding in the reunification of Japan. Ieyasu established the “bakuhan” (literally, shogunate-domain) system, which was the political, economic, and social foundation of the entire Edo period.
What is shogun?
Shogun is usually translated as generalissimo. It was originally a temporary title given by the emperor to the commander-in-chief of an expeditionary army. Later, it developed into the official title given by the emperor to the administrative head of the country. This shogunate system lasted until the mid-19th century.
On what occasions do Japanese people wear a kimono?
Today, kimonos are worn only on special occasions, such as graduation ceremonies, Coming-of-Age Day ceremonies, weddings, or celebration of New Year’s Day. These days, fewer and fewer people wear kimono. One big reason is that they are very expensive. Another reason is that, when wearing a kimono, it’s difficult to move around.
What is the important custom that foreign tourists should beaware of, when they come to Japan?
In Japan, tipping is not necessary unless you have requested some special services. This holds true for the services of taxi drivers, bellboys, and restaurant staff. Also, foreign tourists need to be aware of the Japanese custom of taking off their shoes at the entrance before they enter a private house, or when they enter a tatami room of a Japanese-style hotel.
What do Japanese children want to become when they grow up? What are occupations popular among them?
I think that many Japanese boys would dream about becoming baseball players in the US major-league teams. It is because several famous Japanese players, such as Matsui and Ichiro, have served as their role models. As for girls, many dream about becoming florists or confectioners.
If I left my bag (wallet, etc.) behind in a taxi, what should I do?
First of all, you should call the taxi company if you know which one it was. If not, go to a police box nearby, and a police officer should be willing to help you solve the problem.
Japan has many castles. What is the most famous castle in Japan?
Himeji Castle near Kobe is one of the most famous ones. It is known as “Egret Castle” because of its white plastered walls, and is considered one of the most beautiful castles in Japan. It is also a World Cultural Heritage site as well as a National Treasure. As usual with many Japanese castles, it sits high on a hill and offers an excellent view from the top of the castle tower.
I would like to see some historical sites in Japan. Where would you recommend I visit?
?I would recommend Kyoto, which was an ancient capital of Japan for over 1,000 years. There you can visit some of Japan’s most famous historic sites such as Kinkaku Temple and Kiyomizu Temple. Kinkaku Temple is known in the West as “The Temple of the Golden Pavilion.” Kiyomizu Temple is built out over a cliff and is famous for its wide veranda and tall wooden pillars.
?I would recommend Nara, which was an ancient capital of Japan in the 8th century. It has many places of historical interest including Nara Park and Todai-ji Temple, in which a large statue of Buddha is located. The city retains a serene traditional atmosphere.
?I would recommend Nikko. It is a popular tourist site character- ized by the elaborately constructed Toshogu Shrine dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate. Nikko has other sites of historic interest such as Futarasan Shrine and Rinnou-ji Temple. The former has a pleasant garden, and is dedicated to the gods of mountains surrounding Nikko. The latter was founded in the 8th century and is known for its Sanbutsudo Hall, a large building that enshrines three 8.4m-high gold-plated wooden images of Buddha.
?I would recommend Kamakura, a historical city about 50km southwest of Tokyo. From the end of the 12th century through the early 14th century, Kamakura was the seat of the bakufu or feudal military government. The city has many historical and cultural sites, for example, Kamakura Daibutsu (Great Buddha) and Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine.
?I would recommend Dazaifu in Fukuoka. You should visit Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine, which is dedicated to Sugawara-no-Michizane. In the early 10th century, he was demoted from his position as Minister of the Right in Kyoto and exiled to Dazaifu, where he continued his scholarly studies despite extreme hardships. Today, he is deified as the god of scholarship, which is why this shrine is popular among high-school students praying to pass tough entrance exams into universities.
Tell me about the geographical features of Japan.
First, the islands of Japan are surrounded by the sea. Second, Japan has a wide variety of topographical features due to several volcanic ranges which run through the country. Third, its rivers are short and fast-flowing, and as a result, they form deep gorges in the mountainous areas. Finally, Japan boasts many places of scenic beauty and hot-spring resorts.
Why are there so many hot springs in Japan?
The number of hot springs has a lot to do with the number of volcanoes. Because Japan has lots of volcanoes, it abounds in natural hot springs.
What traits of foreign tourists are thought to be rude to Japanese?
Some Westerners blow their nose making a big noise while eating at a dining table. Also, I have seen some Westerners sitting on a table or desk. These are generally considered to be rude in Japan.
What part of Japan is famous for producing rice?
Among the most famous rice-producing areas in Japan is Niigata Prefecture. The most popular rice variety is Koshihikari, which is produced in many areas in Japan, but the tastiest Koshihikari is said to be the one produced in the Uonuma region in Niigata Prefecture.
Suppose I am a foreign tourist with my daughter and my daughter has a sudden stomachache, what should I do?
Let’s go and get some stomach medicine at a drugstore. If she doesn’t get well with the medicine, we should take her to a nearby hospital.
What is the national sport of Japan?
Sumo is generally recognized as the national sport of Japan. In ancient times, it was a sacred event to foretell an abundant harvest. In the Heian period, sumo was adopted as a court ritual. Even today, sumo includes many ceremonial elements. Today, sumo is one of the most popular spectator sports, and we can see many foreign sumo wrestlers active on TV.



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