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●まずは、ハローの英語2次試験対策の主任講師であるRon Pompeo 氏の「第2次試験の傾向と分析」(動画)をご覧ください。

●Ron Pompeo 氏の特訓セミナーでの授業風景を見て勉強方法の参考としてください。(動画)



2008年度の試験は、東京会場(首都大学東京、東洋学園大学)、京都会場、 福岡会場の4ヶ所で実施された。その内容は、次のようなものであった。



How is Japan’s prime minister elected?
These days the Japanese economy is very bad. What do you think Japan should do to cope with it?


(5)例年通り、Why do you want to be a tour guide? のような志望動機に関する質問もされた。



Please tell us your name and where you live.
試験官により、Where are you from? と聞かれる場合があるが、自分の出身地ではなく、現在住んでいる場所を答えること。


I heard there are many hot springs in Japan. Please recommend one of them.
These days, global warming is getting more serious. How does it affect Japan? What can Japan do to stop global warming?
I heard the Meiji Restoration was very important in Japanese history. Why was it so important? Tell me how it happened and what changes it brought to Japan?
I saw sumo wrestlers throw salt into the ring and stomp their feet before their match. Why do they do that?
I heard that there was “the procession of feudal lords” in the Edo Period. Please explain what it was like and what it was for?
What kinds of TV programs do you like? What TV program would you recommend to foreigners?

Why are there so many Buddhist temples in Kamakura?
What is Japan’s climate like?
Why do Japanese people eat sea bream on happy occasions?
I hear that many Japanese houses are made of wood. What are the advantages of wooden structures in Japan?
In the Edo Period, there was a system called “Sankin-Kotai.” What was the purpose of it?
How is Japan’s prime minister elected?

I saw gardeners wrapping tree trunks with straw mats or straw blankets (in early winter). What is that for?
Tell me about “Tokaido 53 Stations.” What is “Tokaido-gojusan-tsugi”?
At the end of the Edo Period, why did the shogun return his power to the emperor?
Tell me about Todaiji Temple.
I have no cash and I only have credit cards. How can I get cash?
Your tour bus has got stuck in a traffic jam and doesn’t move. What would you do?

Suppose you are taking a group of tourists to Meiji Shrine, what would you explain to them before entering the shrine?
I saw people carrying a small shrine on their shoulders at a local festival. What is it and why do they carry it?
The precincts of most shrines and temples are covered with pebbles. Why is that? Does it signify something?
What period of Japanese history are you interested in most?
What is the difference between sake and shochu?
On New Year’s Eve, the bell of a Buddhist temple is struck 108 times. What does it signify?

I heard that there is a ski resort in Hokkaido where many Australians visit. Where is it?
Why did samurai always have two swords?
Who do you think is the most important foreigner in Japanese history?
If a foreign tourist left his camera in the train, what would you do?
I know Japanese people love flowers. But why do they particularly love cherry blossoms?
I heard that there are some dialects in Japan. Can you tell me something about them?

I want to go to Hakone. Could you tell me something about Hakone?
I saw two types of curtains: One was a red-and-white one, and the other was a black-and-white one. What are they? What is the difference between them?
I want to visit a Japanese garden. Where do you recommend?
Why is Edo Castle called the Imperial Palace now?
What was the Nara Period like?
Tell us about the Nara Period.
These days the Japanese economy is very bad. What do you think Japan should do to cope with it?

What is the difference between udon and soba?
What was the Heian Period like?
Tell us about the Heian Period.
Why do Japanese people clap their hands at Shinto shrines?
I hear that in Japan it is very hot and humid in summer. How do you cope with it?
Why are there so many shrines and temples in Kyoto and Nara?
What would you do, if a group of foreign tourists you are guiding missed the Shinkansen they were supposed to take?



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