

Lotta SkeletrixコミュのSANG BLEU

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Confirmed interiews and collaborations for issue 1:

Tattoo artists and studios:
Alex Binnie, London, Brighton
Alex Reinke, Hori Kitsune, Plettenberg
Amanda Toy, Trieste
Claudia, London (Frith Street Tattoo, Newskool Tattoo)
Dan Andersen, London
Filip Leu, Lausanne (Leu Family’s Family Iron)
French Thomas, London
Frank Carter, London (Frith Street Tattoo)
Ian Flower, London Frith Street Tattoo, Newskool Tattoo
Joel Frattini, Zurich
Laura $atana, Paris Luca Mamone, Roma, London (Santa Sangre Tattoo)
LTW Tattoo, Barcelona
Mike The Athens, Athens, Ibiza Mr X, London MO Coppoletta & Family Business, London
Nico, Gen?ve (One Love Tattoo)
Saira Hunjan, London
Steve Byrne, Leeds
Thomas Hooper, London (Frith Street Tattoo, Newskool Tattoo)
Tattoo World, Malmo Titine Leu, Lausanne, (Leu Family’s Family Iron)
Wido de Marval, Lausanne

Adrien Pelletier, film maker and graphic designer, London (Re-, Useless, Fantastic Man)
Alexis Zavialoff, photographer, Lausanne, Prague (Uovo, Intersection)
Audrey Rasper, draughtsman, London, Paris (Purple Fashion, C?leste)
BLAKAM, artists, Lausanne
Charles Anastase, fashion designer and artist, Paris, London
Emma Engkvist, photographer, London (i-D, Dummy, Vice)
Erwan Frotin, photographer, New York, Paris (Vogue Paris, New York Times, Dazed, Details)
Gilles et Vincent Turin, photographers, Lausanne, Paris
Jonathan Hallam, photographer, London (Purple Fashion, Purple Journal, Self Service)
Julia Mueller, artist, Amsterdam (020)
Lele Saveri, photographer, London, Roma (Vice, Rolling Stone)
Lilya Turki, illustrator, Paris (Purple Fashion, Crash)
Lernert Engelberts, Amsterdam. Filmmaker and writer (VPRO, Re-, BUTT)
Lotta Skeletrix, fashion designer and photographer, London
Philippe Miletto, makeup artist, London (i-D, Dazed, Zoo, 10)
Sandrine Pelletier, artist, Paris (I-D, The Face, Dazed)
Steph Brooks, writer, Leeds
Sophie Heawood, writer, London (New York Times, the Guardian)
Teresa Tsai, artist, Dallas (www.teresanasty.com)
Toru Nagahama, photographer, London

Fabrice Gigy, artist, Gen?ve (Self-Tattoos)
Genet Mayor, Artist, Lausanne Marina Abramovic, artist, New York
Miki Vialetto, editor, Milano
St?phane Dafflon, artist, Paris
Wim Delvoye, arist

The way individuals perceive their body and its appearance has deeply changed in the 2nd half of the 20th century. More than ever, it is now a fundamental flag on which one is free to express or demonstrate her/his affiliations, beliefs, opinions, aesthetical sensibility, as well as a travel book on which one keeps traces of highlights of her/his life. Thus, the body has become a privileged space for the expression of individuality and possibly the last enclave of the freedom of speech.

In this context, tattooing, this somewhat archaic, but nonetheless efficient and fascinating technique finds a new and interesting relevance as it allows any body with this desire, to permanently formalize and display these signs and ornaments. This renewed interest for tattooing provokes the emergence of numerous new styles and approaches, which add up to the already rich palette of traditions and cultures related to this practice. From the hardcore tattoo aficionados to the Art world, the fashion world or even entertainment, nobody can ignore this phenomenon, whether you appreciate it, you fully embrace it or you refuse it.


Sang Bleu is an avant-garde Tattoo publication with the mission to present and to honour this new situation and the treasures it produces. Design-wise and content-wise, Sang Bleu is a upscale publication which proposes to is readership a complementary perspective to the “traditional” tattoo press. Its content is based on the usual: Portraits of personalities, from the world of Tattoo, but also from contemporary Art, fashion, design, literature or human sciences, presentations of speially selected tattoo studios and tattoo artists, in-depth articles on subjects bringing new innovative and interesting perspectives on the matter and finally, photographic, artistic, pictorial or literary essays on the subject.

Fundamentally, Sang Bleu is a Tattoo magazine, which focuses on personal visions, in-depth articles and big photographic essays, rather than the traditionall close-up photos and generic articles. It keeps the classic components, just with a more open and aesthetic-aware perspective.

Sang Bleu collaborates with specially selected tattooers, artists, photographers and authors to continuously provide new perspectives and propositions on the subject of the body, the ornamentation, the expression of individuality and style. Sang Bleu wishes to bring to its readership “reflection tools”, not ready-made solutions to these delicate and delectable questions which are up to us to resolve for our own selves.

Sang Bleu comes out twice a year and is approximately 200 pages.


Sang Bleu is open to suggestions, propositions and collaborations. Feel free to get in touch.



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