

I Love Santa Barbaraコミュの東日本巨大地震被災者支援の為の募金

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244 S. San Pedro St #504, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Tel:(213)626-3067, Fax: (213)626-3070

IRS Subsection 501(C) (3): Tax ID# 95-4633602



日商基金ではNPO Corp.としての正式手続きを踏んでJapan Disaster Relief Fundを正式に立ち上げました。私たちは共に痛みを分かち合う日本人同胞として、一刻も速く実のある行動に時間を割くべきと考えております。3月14日(月)から南加日系社会を始め広く南加地域社会と協力して募金活動を始めました。







南加日系商工会議所基金は、この度3月11日に発生した東日本巨大地震で 被害を受けた人々の為の義捐金を募ることを下記の如く発表した。

日本観測史上最大と言われるマグニチュード9の巨大地震と未曾有の大津波は東日本ほぼ全域を襲い国難と言える甚大な被害を発生させています。 現在の被災者救援活動にもこれからの国を挙げての復興にも長い歳月と大きな努力と巨大な財政が必要であるのは明らかです。

南加日商基金は、日本で始動している救援復興作業に大量に不足する物資、医療活動、被災者保護活動などに少しでも役立つよう願い救援人道支援の 募金を開始しました。私共は「ロスアンゼルスに於ける日系社会として諸団体や人々と広く手を携え合同で一丸となって貢献したい」と語っています。

義捐金は全額がUNICEF L.A.からUNICEF JAPANを通し被災地に送られます。

寄付金チェックの宛先:U.S.Fund for UNICEF

(メモにJapan Disaster Fundと記入して下さい。)


送付先:Japanese Chamber of Commerce Foundation

244 S. San Pedro St., #504

Los Angeles, CA 90012


問い合わせ: Tel(213)626−3067 Fax (213) 626-3070

E-mail office@jccsc.com

Other organizations you can donate online:

* American Red Cross: Donations can be made to the relief efforts for Japan by calling 800-733-27677 or visiting www.redcross.org. You may also text REDCROSS to 90999. Each text message is a $10 donation to the Red Cross and will be added to your next cell phone bill.

* Global Giving: Donations to the Japan earthquake tsunami relief can be made online at www.globalgiving.org/projects/japan-earthquake-tsunami-relief/ or by texting JAPAN to 50555 to donate $10. The donation will be added to your next cell phone bill.

* International Medical Corps: Online donations can be made at https://www.internationalmedicalcorps.org/SSLPage.aspx?pid=1967 or by calling 800-481-4462. You can also text MED to 80888 to donate $10, which will be added to your next cell phone bill.

* Mercy Corps: Mercy Corp has set up a donation fund for its partner, Peace Winds Japan, and its emergency assistance on the ground. To make a donation to the Japan earthquake tsunami relief online visit, https://www.mercycorps.org/donate/japan or call 888-747-7440.

* World Vision Canada: World Vision is one the first to start relief work for the Japan earthquake tsunami disaster. To donate, visit www.worldvision.ca/give-a-gift/Pages/Pacific-Tsunami.aspx.

* Medecins Sans Frontiers: Medecins San Frontier is among the first workers who are already on ground in Japan assessing the situation. You can make donations online at www.msf.org/msf/donations/donations_home.cfm.

* The Salvation Army: Text “Japan” or “Quake” to 80888 to make a $10 donation that will be added to your next cell phone bill. You may also call 800-SAL-ARMY and say you want to give to “Japan Earthquake / Tsunamis”

How To Avoid Scams
Consumer Protection offers these tips to avoid phony charitable solicitations:
# Donate to established, reputable organizations, such as the American Red Cross, UNICEF, World Vision, or other charitable organizations you know and trust.
# Be suspicious of brand new, unknown organizations, along with those with names that are similar – but not identical -- to established organizations.
# Be especially wary of electronic solicitations such as e-mails and text messages, or postings on websites such as Craigslist. Scammers use these methods to quickly reach large numbers of potential victims. If you are not certain of the source of such communication, do not respond. Instead, contact the established charity of your choice and directly make your donation.
# Never provide your Social Security number, credit card number, bank account numbers, or other personally identifiable information to a solicitor. This information could easily be used by an identity thief to commit fraud against you.
# Avoid donating cash. Use a check or credit card (when directly dealing with a legitimate charity). When paying by check, be sure to make it out to the exact name of the charity.
# Be cautious when making an online donation. Most legitimate charity websites end in “dot-org” rather than “dot-com”. Also, use sites with a URL address that begins with “https” – the “s” stands for secure. Only make a credit card transaction when you initiate the contact and know you are using a legitimate site.
# Never feel pressured into making a donation. Legitimate charities will give you time to consider your options and do not expect an immediate donation.
# If you are uncertain about a charity, check it out with the Better Business Bureau (800-273-1002) or www.give.org. Other helpful resources include www.guidestar.org or www.charitynavigator.org. Always find out what percentage of your donation is going directly toward relief efforts and what portion is used for administrative costs, etc.
# Under Wisconsin law, most organizations soliciting for charitable donations must register and file an annual report with the Department of Regulation and Licensing. Religious and veteran organizations are exempt from registration.



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