

Stoneleigh-Burnham SchoolコミュのEdieからのメール☆

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Hi everyone!

Greetings from South Deerfield, MA and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all!

I've received cards, emails, and e-cards from so many of you this holiday time that I decided I would respond with a group email and some photos. When I retired in June, 2004, I tried to send photos to you all, but I didn't know how to do that correctly, so it didn't work. Now, because I have more time to figure out my digital camera and my computer, I think I can succeed! The photos I've chosen include recent ones and some older ones from when I retired. I hope you enjoy them.

As I hope you can see from the recent photos, I am doing very well! When I look back at my retirement pictures, I think I looked really tired! Of course that was partly because I had just broken my foot and was feeling stressed from hobbling around on crutches. But now my life is more relaxing and quite lovely!

I'm still enjoying the writing group I attend every week with my husband Alan. We're part of a group of excellent writers who gather together to write and then share our work with each other. I've been too busy to write a lot outside this once-a-week group, but I hope that I'll have time now that the holidays are over. My husband wirtes short stories - sometimes very funny ones, sometimes very strange ones! My writing is most often personal memoir that I'm writing for my family. Sometimes I also write poetry.

I'm especially excited about a drawing class I began this past September. I've NEVER done any drawing before, so this is quite a new adventure for me - and I love it. The class was supposed to end this month, but those of us in the class love it so much that we asked for it to continue until June. Next year I hope to take a watercolor class - but right now I'm enjoying pencil drawings.

The last month has been very, very busy. Most recently I was helping the Tibetan woman I've been tutoring in English prepare her wedding. She wanted to combine Tibetan and American traditions in the ceremony, so I helped with the American part and a Tibetan friend helped with the Tibetan rituals. I've included two photos from that wedding which happened on January 2nd. It was such a treat to be able to help Tsultrim have such a happy wedding day. That's nothing I could ever do for my SBS students :)

I've also been busy in the last month preparing for my daughter Katie's return from Budapest, Hungary where she is now living and working. Originally she was just coming home for two weeks, but now she'll be home for a month or even two months because she's in the process of getting her work visa to continue her work in Budapest. She's working for an organization called OSI (Open Society Institute) which does a lot of the social justice work for which she trained in graduate school. She's having a wonderful time in that lovely city, and she very much enjoys European living. I think if Alan and I weren't here, she'd stay in Europe! But the current plan is for her to work there at least through this coming August, and maybe for another year or two. Then she'll return home. If any of you are traveling in the area of Hungary after she returns in March, you should meet up with her!

Let's see - what else is news for you? There's good baby news from SBS that will interest more recent graduates. Lisa Ganci and her partner now have a baby girl, born in November. Camilla also had a baby girl in the fall, and Randy Bertin's wife had their third son in December. Emily and John Whitney aren't at SBS any longer, but their second child is due this spring, I believe. Katie's very close friend Shawn (in the photo with Katie and Cathy) now teaches English at SBS, so I hear news of the school quite often from her. The biggest School news, I guess, is that the middle school has grown, so next year they will have a sixth grade as well as 7th and 8th.

I hope this email finds all of YOU happy and healthy, doing good things with your lives. If you write back, I promise I WILL answer. And please, do forward this email to any other former international students who might like to read it or see the photos. I'm sorry I don't have everyone else's addresses! Carol and Nika, I know I owe you LONG letters! Nicola, Kyo, and Soo Yeun, thank you for keeping in touch over all these years! Nicola, do you have Nicole's address for me? Recent grads, do you have email addresses for Helen, Hee Jung, Mi Hwa, and Rhahyun? I haven't heard from any of them. I'd also like Susan Choi's email and the email addresses of any of the three Sasano sisters - if anyone knows any of those.

This comes with great affection for you all. I hope I will hear from you. I'm always delighted to learn how your lives are unfolding.

Wishing you great happiness and peace in the new year,



Mrs.Pattはまだリタイアしてないみたいです♪日々、international studentsを入れるために張り切ってますよ(爆!



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