

イギリス紳士によるイギリス英語コミュのEnglishman in Tokyo

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So here it is; the so called Lockerbie bomber Ali al-Megrahi, who killed 270 people on board a PANAM Jumbo Jet in the skies over Scotland in December 1988, has been freed on compassionate grounds. Those grounds; he is dying of cancer and has just three months to live.

Now, I am not going to say anything about his innocence or guilt as I simply do not know, but since everyone seems to be expressing their opinions about the issue, mostly of vitriol at the Scottish Government for even considering the action, I thought I would make my views heard.

I think it was a brave decision, and the right one at that. Many people say it shows signs of weakness and gives victory to the terrorists. I disagree. I think it shows incredible grace. This is a virtue which is all too rare these days. The Scottish government are saying that yes, you were convicted of a heinous crime, you showed no remorse or compassion, but we are going to show you compassion. You can kill, injure or insult us, but we will not lose our sense of compassion and human dignity.

Go home to your family. Die peacefully with your loved ones around you. But do not forget the compassion shown to you by the very people who you sought to kill.

That, readers, is real strength. That is what the terrorist and mongers of hate just do not understand, and that is why eventually extremists everywhere, be they Muslim, Christian, Jewish or Atheist, will be defeated.

The weapon; Grace!



イギリス紳士によるイギリス英語 更新情報


