

ミャンマー ビジネスコミュの2月12日はミャンマーのUnionDay!

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Kayin National Union (KNU)/Kayin National Liberation Army (KNLA) は今日Peaceのためミャンマー政府とSignしました。これでミャンマーは少しでも安全になりました。

Senior General Than Shwe sends Union Day message
Warns against attempts to undermine national unity, cause recurrence of armed conflicts, hinder economic growth

Yangon, 12 Feb?The following is a translation of the message sent by Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary Union Day of the Union of Myanmar.

Esteemed national brethren of the Union,

On the auspicious occasion of the 60th Anniversary Union Day, I would like to extend my warmest greetings to all the national brethren and may you be blessed with auscipiousness.

Since recorded history, various national races such as Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Bamar, Mon, Rakhine and Shan have been living in the motherland in harmony and unison sharing joys and sorrows.

In the course of the Myanmar history, all national races have remained united in repulsing various forms of alien intrusion, and stood tall as a sovereign nation in the world. Here is a notable point that in the times of unifying the nation into a sovereign strong one, the unity of national races reached its peak with flourishing Union Spirit and thriving political, economic and social sectors.

However, in the times when national races were not cohesive nor equipped with Union Spirit well, the nation's political, economic and social conditions were declining and even the nation's sovereignty was threatened. In the 19th Century, Myanmar came under three aggressive wars waged by the imperialists with superior weaponry power?in 1824, 1852 and 1885. Then, the colonialists annexed Myanmar and enslaved national races.

With a clever scheme to prolong their rule over Myanmar, the colonialists exercised the divide-and-rule policy between the plains and hilly regions. In addition, they suppressed national brethren's nationalistic fervour and patriotic spirit and drove a wedge to sow doubts and suspicions among them. When they had no choice but to grant independence to Myanmar, they plotted a conspiracy to leave hilly regions out of the independence programme.

Nonetheless, as the sayings ?Blood is thicker than water? and ?Indivisible is water?, Myanmar national races renewed anti-colonialists spirit, Union Spirit, and national fervour and sought all possible ways in various aspects to regain independence. Consequently, leaders of national races could show consolidated national unity necessary for regaining independence at Panglong on 12 February 1947. On 4 January 1948, Myanmar became a sovereign nation under the name of the Union of Myanmar and since then it has stood tall in the world.

In addition to driving a wedge among national races, the colonialists resorted to various means to widen the development gap between a region and another, and sowed and raised doubts among national brethren. Consequently, an armed insurgency was smouldering for more than 40 years after the independence. And the Union was on the brink of collapse for three times. Up to now, Myanmar still has to tackle such evil legacies. Resulting from lack of peace and stability, national development tasks could not be carried out effectively. So, the nation lagged behind in development.

Again, certain powerful countries desirous of gaining dominance over the Union of Myanmar are stirring up racial conflicts to break up national unity and cause the recurrence of armed conflicts. Moreover, they are imposing economic sanctions against the nation and making political interference in the internal affairs to slow down the nation's economic growth. So, national people are to develop the national awareness of such destructive acts.

Taking lessons that the nation was strong with economic development due to consolidated national unity and the nation was weak with a slow-down in economic growth due to disintegration of national solidarity, the State Peace and Development Council laid down the national policy ?Non-disintegration of the Union, Non-disintegration of national solidarity and Perpetuation of sovereignty? to strengthen national unity. As a result, 17 national race armed groups have returned to the legal fold. It is also pursuing its determination to achieve cent per cent unity of national races by offering a warm welcome to the remaining armed groups so that they will enter the legal fold.

Owing to the achievement of national reconsolidation, the entire nation is enjoying fruitful results of peace and stability. The government is now taking necessary measures to ensure all-round development of rural areas including border areas that lagged behind in development in transportation, water supply, economic, health and education sectors. At the same time, it is enhancing national unity and ensuring non-disintegration of the Union.

After building these basic foundations, the government laid down the State's seven-step Road Map. Now, it is holding the National Convention, the first and the most important step, with representatives of the entire national people, and the majority of them represent national races. It is also implementing the political objectives such as ?Emergence of a new enduring State Constitution? and ?Building of a new modern developed nation in accord with the new State Constitution? to transform the nation into a peaceful, modern and developed one that keeps abreast of other nations. Before long, there will emerge a State Constitution, collectively written by national races, that will guarantee further burgeoning of liberty, justice, equality, and prevalence of law and order based on the noblest and worthiest of worldly values throughout the nation, perpetual flourishing of fine traditions of peace, harmony and unity among the national races born in the Union, and ensuring that national races will equally enjoy fruitful results of development.

The government has already announced the seven-step Road Map. So, all national races have to steadfastly pursue it for the emergence of a modern and developed nation with flourishing discipline. All the people who cherish the motherland are to march forward through the programme with Union Spirit and the spirit of national unity.

Therefore, the entire national people are duty-bound to preserve the already-achieved national solidarity with Union Spirit so that the Union of Myanmar will be able to stand tall as long as the world exists.

Furthermore, the people are to continue to strive through consolidated unity of the government, the Tatmadaw and national people as well as the strong national force, for accomplishment of the projects the government is implementing to enable the nation to meet the international level by means of development.

In conclusion, on the auspicious occasion of the Union Day of the Union of Myanmar, I would like to urge the entire national people to energetically participate in the implementation of the objectives of the 60th Anniversary Union Day (2007)?

- For all national races to safeguard the national policy ? non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty;

- For all the national races to keep Union Spirit ever alive and dynamic among the national people;

- For all the national races to defend and safeguard the Union for its perpetual existence;

- For all the national races to prevent, through national solidarity, the danger of internal and external destructive elements undermining peace and stability of the State and national development; and

- For all the national races to make concerted efforts for successful implementation of the seven-step Road Map, while making efforts to be equipped with patriotic fervour and Union Spirit for ensuring the emergence of a modern and developed nation.



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