

Harvey's★セントルイスコミュのCrime Alert

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このところ、深夜にSkinker-DeBaliviere付近で強盗が立て続けに起こっているそうです。黒のGMC Yukon、暗い色の4ドア小型車が使用されているとか。くれぐれもお気をつけください。以下、大学メールの転載です。

In the past week there has been a string of robberies or attempted robberies in neighborhoods close to the Danforth Campus, including two early this morning at about 1:30 a.m. in the Skinker-DeBaliviere Neighborhood. Based on suspect and suspect vehicle descriptions, it appears that several of the incidents are connected.

The robberies have ranged from the 6000 and 6100 blocks of Pershing, Kingsbury and Waterman and the 300 block of Rosedale in the Skinker-DeBaliviere Neighborhood to areas north of Delmar on Eastgate near Cates and Westgate near Enright. They have taken place between about 10 p.m. and 2 a.m., with most occurring after 1 a.m.

Students walking on sidewalks, in alleys, between buildings or standing in front of their buildings have been approached and threatened and in some cases assaulted by an individual or individuals who then leave the area either on foot or in a vehicle driven by an accomplice. The suspects demand or forcibly take items such as cell phones, keys, purses and cash. Until the incidents this morning, when a victim was struck by a tennis racquet, no weapons had been used in these crimes.

The suspects have been consistently described by the victims as being young black males, approximately 18-20 years of age, slender and approximately 6 feet in height. Two vehicles used in the robberies have been identified as a black four-door GMC Yukon type vehicle with tinted windows, and a dark or navy blue four-door compact vehicle.



Harvey's★セントルイス 更新情報


