

◇世界に通用する英語を学ぶ◇コミュのIntroduce yourself to the members!

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Introduce yourself to the members!

Yes, we have a topic for your introduction in Japanese as well. However, some of you would like to try it in English, I thought....

This way, members who are shy, who think that his/her English skill is not yet up to writing publicly can take a look and learn from others.

Show yourself to the world in English! Expressing who you are is very important in English spoken cultures. Communication starts from introduction and expands further where it starts. So please don't be shy and talk whatever comes to your mind!

Here is the link to Japanese Intro Topic;


Hello. I'm Katsu. Thank you for inviting me on community.
I try to write in English if possible.
But I'm embarrassed to write in English.
Because I will make mistake so mach, and I will write a strange sentence.
At the time, Plese point my mistake.

I will do my best to study English until achievement for my aim.
Hi, Katsu!

I am so glad that you tried.
Your mistakes in English sentences are usual ones for Japanese speakers.


to the community> line 1
mistakes, much, I may write strange sentences> line 4
until I achieve my aim > line 6

Please write more and make more mistakes!

Hello. it is improvement of English that I participated in this
community. As the result, nice to chat with you.
Hi, guys.

I am an English teacher in Hyogo.

I want many friends who study English that's why I came here.

Be a friend, please.



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