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3損保統合 動き出すか金融の大再編(1月25日付・読売社説)















(2009年1月25日01時34分 読売新聞)


The Yomiuri Shimbun

The balance of power among nonlife insurance companies is set to shift when Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Group Holdings, Inc., Aioi Insurance Co. and Nissay Dowa General Insurance Co.--ranked second, fourth and sixth in the industry, respectively--merge through the creation of a holding company in April 2010.

Their combined net premium revenues will reach nearly 3 trillion yen, surpassing that of current industry leader Tokio Marine Holdings Inc.

We hope that the new group will provide insurance services of an even higher level of quality, by taking full advantage of its strengthened financial position and streamlined operations through the merger.


Economy forcing realignment

Streamlining of the nonlife insurance sector began in 2001, triggered by intensified competition among insurers due to deregulation of insurance premiums. By 2004, the current six major nonlife insurers dominated the industry.

The new period of realignment, which is unfolding as a result of the planned trilateral merger, will mean that the nonlife insurance industry eventually will be dominated by four major groups. The latest move has come about because the business environment for nonlife insurers has grown increasingly harsh.

Among the industry's premium revenue sources, sales of the core product, auto insurance, have been hovering at a low level due to a severe decline in auto sales and a fall in unit insurance premiums stemming from an increasing number of drivers switching to compact cars. Fire insurance also has been hit due to a plunge in home sales.

As the nation's employment situation grows more severe, it is expected that households will reduce spending on premium payments as they trim their household budgets.

Sales prospects regarding its core business in the nonlife insurance sector are not bright, as new insurance companies are successfully offering products with inexpensive premiums.

Moreover, plummeting stock prices have destabilized the industry. The combined losses of the six major nonlife insurers, due to the financial turmoil, reached nearly 200 billion yen for the April-September 2008 period, indicating that the loss for the full 2008 business year could swell to more than double that figure.

To address this situation, Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Group Holdings and the two others seem to have opted to integrate not only to streamline their structures and cut costs, but also to facilitate business expansion by drawing on their respective strengths.

The focus of attention will now switch to how Tokio Marine Holdings--which will lose its top-ranked position when the trilateral merger is carried out--and lower-ranked insurers that appeared complacent about moves by the major insurers, including Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. and Nipponkoa Insurance Co., will regain lost ground. Further integration among insurers is possible, with a tie-up between Sompo Japan and Nipponkoa a possibility.


Finance sector must adapt

As a result of the ongoing financial crisis, a sector-wide realignment of the banking, securities and insurance in the financial industry is gathering momentum.

U.S. insurance giant American International Group Inc. is considering selling its Japanese insurance arms, while U.S. banking giant Citigroup has indicated it will divest itself of Nikko Cordial Securities Inc. and another firm under its wing.

The trilateral merger may set a precedent for a new era of major realignment across the financial sector. But regardless, the strategies drawn up by each financial company to ride out the global financial crisis will attract close attention.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Jan. 25, 2009)



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