

Susan Millerで英語☆の会コミュの2008年12月の牡羊座

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Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Your December Horoscope by Susan Miller

Aries Horoscope for December 2008

You're feeling adventurous and pioneering and ready to stretch your wings. Travel in very early December will go well, but you could encounter delays and unexpected difficulties as you approach December 10, due to a challenging angle of Uranus to the Sun, continuing over the full moon period December 12-14 when Mars will stir the pot as well with Uranus.

If visiting your sister or brother, these aspects could trigger an unexpected strain, so be careful what you say. On top of this, you may be a bit worn by a heavy workload evident in the office in early December, so by midmonth you may have less patience with relatives that say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Allow your siblings some slack and hopefully they will do the same for you.

At midmonth, as mentioned, you may have problems with transportation too, so to avoid car trouble, have your car checked by a mechanic to be sure your car will continue to run smoothly. If you expect snow where you're going, have your car prepared for that eventuality, too.

Friends will be delicious fun all month. Uranus has just recently turned direct orbit, and so has Neptune, and these two planets will open the door to a lively social life for you. The many friends who have been too busy to see you in recent months will now be eager to catch up, bringing on a fuller, happier holiday season.

As you approach December 23, the spirit of the season will capture you, and you'll be ready for carols, sampling mother's pie, and jumping into the social scene with gusto. December 24 offers a bubbly interplay between Mercury (news) and Uranus (surprises), so expect to hear fantastic career news! Wow!

Santa's most vital gift for you will be to bring the most outstanding career news you've ever heard at holiday time - or ever! Let's look at the lineup of exciting days in December.

On December 1 a highly placed VIP will single you out for special praise.

A major promotion or job switch to a powerful, exciting new position should arrive just after the new moon December 27. Watch early next month too, for this will be a huge trend that will continue into the first week of January portending reward for months and possibly years of hard work that has yielded great results for your firm. Indeed, starting in late December you will have Jupiter, Mercury, Pluto, Mars, the Sun, and new moon crowded in your solar tenth house of professional prestige and promotion, the part of your chart that brings all sorts of acclaim to your reputation. Having SIX heavenly bodies crowded into that lofty part of your chart will be a huge competitive advantage and is so exceptional that you'll not have the same kind of cosmic help again until 2019.

Romantically, you will need a little time to switch gears and get into the mood for love. You'll have a lot on your plate in December, so take a deep breath, slow down just a tad, and get your wardrobe ready ahead of time so that you don't think about what to wear or go shopping at the last minute if you get a dazzling invitation you want to accept. As you get to the last part of the month from December 23 onward, your social life will pick up noticeably.

Offers to attend parties will arrive from many friendly sources, and no matter how busy you may be this month, you should make it a point to clear time to go. Venus' tour of Aquarius from December 7 to January 3 will add sugar and spice to the events you do go to, for air sign Aquarius blends beautifully with your fire sign Aries Sun. (Many people assume Aquarius, symbolized by the water bearer who holds a water jug, is a water sign, but it is not - it's air. Actually the jug he carries holds knowledge, and Aquarius pours that knowledge into the ether that surrounds the earth.) Air makes fire burn brighter, so you can expect Venus in Aquarius to add quite a bit of sparkle to your party experiences this season!

December 24 and 25 brings high spirits and sizzling serendipity to your life. Friends and family can mix together beautifully, so set a place or two for pals who have no family at your clan's festive family dinner this year. Having a few "outsiders" will add a fresh touch to a family dinner that will bubble up plenty of conversation.

When Venus glides with Neptune on Saturday, December 27, you'll reach your most heavenly romantic evening of the month, filled with music, flowers, and delectable foods. It will be a glamorous evening filled with tender looks, whispered promises, and the clink of champagne glasses as you toast the coming year together.

As incredible as this may sound, as you start to get ready for your evening celebrations over the weekend of December 27 and for New Year's Eve, December 31, chances are excellent for you to get more good news concerning your outstanding professional prospects, thanks to a team-up between newsy Mercury and good luck planet Jupiter, offering you even more reason to celebrate.

In regard to New Year's Eve, with the moon in tender Pisces at the time, you may be in the mood to celebrate the New Year in a private way, shunning noisy parties or clubs in favor of a candlelit dinner for two in a softly lit restaurant.

When you arrive home and you see the snow slowly falling outside your window, sticking big lacy snowflakes on city sidewalks, drink to your success and to the love you share. In the wee hours of the morning of 2009, the two of you will do what comes naturally. Just let it happen.


With Mars moving through your long distance travel sector, you are sure to be traveling far and wide in December. You need the change, so enjoy your new setting. Do holiday shopping as quickly as you can, early in the month. You will have much on your mind this month, and if you put things off, you will find the holidays at your heels and you'll run out of time.

I say this because mid-month could be marred with quite a bit of tension. The full moon, December 12, plus or minus four days, will be an angry one, lashing out at Saturn, Uranus, and the Sun. Travel could become very troublesome at that time, so have your car checked before you set off. There will also be an emphasis on your family, most notably a female sibling, mother, or grandmother, as well as a high level of pressure on the job. Keep telling yourself that once you get to December 16, you will have a firmer grip on things and you won't feel the tensions you feel near December 12.

Once Mars changes signs on the same day as the new moon, December 27, your career will begin to take off like a rocket. Not only will the new moon and Mars brilliantly light your house of fame and honors, but also good fortune planet Jupiter, the Sun (lending authority), along with Mercury and Pluto. That's HUGE planetary power in one part of the chart, and each of these planets will work to help you.

Although you will have a million ideas on your mind in December, you should give your career star billing, especially as you get to the end of December. Pluto's position suggests you have the power to impress some very high level VIPs, so you should feel very confident, especially near December 22 and 28.

This trend will continue throughout all of January, but your best period will extend from December 27 to January 4.

Jupiter is due to leave your career success sector on January 5, but before that happens, Jupiter will give you one last blast of energy that will be so remarkably strong that it will be powerful enough to put your name in lights, now and for a very long time to come. Jupiter will not be back for 12 years, so make the most of this stellar planetary power at your disposal. You are likely not to see any evidence of it until on and after December 27, but when it comes, you'll know. Keep your cell phone powered up. As we discussed last month, I hope you won't be away on vacation. If you are available, you will feel the stirred-up excitement until at least January 5, if not the whole month.

Keep in mind that Mercury will retrograde January 11-February 1. This is a time when Mercury, the planet of communication, negotiation, and contracts will be emitting weak rays. It is considered a very bad time to accept a new position or sign a contract, for you won't have all the information you need to make a long-term decision. Work diligently in late December and early January while you will have your strongest and most helpful star power.

Despite all the professional things going on, you'll have plenty of time to enjoy friends and experience tender romance, too. So despite the jarring full moon at mid-month, you seem to find a way to create a nice balance and to enjoy the season's festivities to the fullest!

Happy New Year!

Dates to watch for December:

News from a person overseas or from a distant city from you could be jarring: December 5.

Be careful with your relationship with your sister or brother: December 10 and 12-15.

Travel could be difficult over the full moon period: December 10-15.

Your office workload will be heavy: December 1-15. Still, the buzz about you is fantastic. Stay cheerful.

Fantastic news about your career is due at many points.

Everyone sings your praises from the boss to underlings: December 1.

Favor from a VIP is powerful and affirming: December 22.

Career news is surprising and thrilling: December 24.

Some of the most important career news and opportunity of your life will occur after the new moon, December 27. Opportunities that surface now will be right for you.

More excellent career news arrives: December 31.

A private evening with special someone special will make New Year's Eve memorable and romantic.

Other romantic dates of the month: December 6-7, 16, 20, 22, 23, and 29-31.



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