

Susan Millerで英語☆の会コミュの2008 10月 双子座

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Gemini Forecast for October 2008
By Susan Miller

After a fairly stressful September, you are looking forward to October, and rightly so. Mercury, your ruler, will still be retrograde for the first three weeks of October. This time you may welcome the slower pace that Mercury retrograde brings. With two eclipses in August and a very difficult full moon in mid-September, you've been dealing with a lot of news and shifting situations. If your birthday falls near June 15, then you may have had even more to adjust to lately.
Mercury is the planet of perception, communication, and negotiation. When Mercury slows down, we do too, for that's the best way to deal with these phases. This planet makes us hasty and prone to making mistakes when retrograde. There will be plenty of confusing static in the air, so your judgment will be off. It would be best not to pressure yourself into making any important agreements. Put off a decision to buy or lease a house or apartment, or to accept a new job. Don't buy anything expensive and certainly not anything electronic, for Mercury rules commerce, but also machines with all moving parts. Wait to resume normal life after October 20 (even though Mercury will turn direct on October 15) because you will need to wait just a little longer for Mercury's orb to regulate. He is always on his worst behavior at the start and end periods.
Yet Mercury out of phase does have its charms. With so many items on your schedule getting delayed, you'll have more time for yourself while you wait for your new schedule to click into place. That can be a real blessing now, for you'll get the chance to catch your breath and get ready for the year's two best months, November and December. Give yourself a little break now, while you can! Actually, January and February will be extra-special, too!
The universe is on your side, dear Gemini. The new moon that arrived last month on September 29 was in Libra and will help you enjoy love and fun. You'll have more time for friends too - so overall, you'll be looking at a much lighter, sweeter lifestyle than you've experienced over past months. If you have hoped to meet someone new, that new moon will help you find the right kind of person for you. The early part of October will be best for circulating, although the end looks mighty special as well. If you were born on May 27, you will have a double heaping of romantic luck.
The first date night I'd like you to watch, no matter when your birthday happens to fall, would be over the weekend of October 4-5, when Venus and Jupiter will be setting off high levels of sexy electricity. This should bring you at least one warm and tender romantic evening, memorable in many ways. The night should go the way you want it to go, too.
Another gorgeous evening for you will be October 9, when the moon will be in Aquarius, a perfect placement for Gemini, and Venus will send a beautiful glance to Uranus, planet of surprise. This day will be a four-star day if you're single and are hoping to meet someone new, or simply want to have fun with someone you love or want to know better. If you're attached, you can use it for a wonderful night out for no particular reason. It could be one of your favorite days of the month!
If attached and hoping to have a baby, this would be an ideal month to try for conception. You've just had a new moon in your fifth house of pregnancy and birth, so if you're serious about trying, do so in the month's first two weeks if possible.
You seem to be attending some sort of soiree or other social gathering on this full moon in Aries October 14, plus or minus four days. This full moon will blow a kiss to Neptune, making it lyrical and quite romantic. Many friendly faces will surround you too, and you may get a chance to add a few new people to your circle. You will have a lot in common with the people you meet at this time.
If you were born on June 13 or within three days of this date, this full moon on October 14 will be one of your most brilliant and beautiful of the year.
This month you contact an old lover or an old lover may contact you, and if this proves to be true, it will be because Mercury in retrograde will be urging you to look back to the past to see if you can regenerate that tie and make it strong again. This is especially true because Mercury will be moving backward though your fifth house of true love. If you don't meet up with a romantic interest from your past, then it may be that you will discuss an idea or promise that you both made to one another a long time ago, but for some reason had to put aside. See how you feel this month.
Nothing is destined, of course, so you will get to decide how things will go. However, I will say that the planets are smiling on you now, dear Gemini. If you ever had a chance for reconciliation with someone you loved once and may still love, it's this month. A lot depends on why you broke up in the first place, and how you feel now, but if you'd like to try, be my guest.
Venus will do her part by moving into your partnering sector on October 16 and staying put, making an existing relationship smoother and happier, and making you more optimistic about your future. In the second half of the month, if attached, you'll see that life need not always be so serious all the time. Venus will remind you just how attractive you are - someone near has noticed, but are you aware of this person's admiring glances? You may be too wrapped up in analyzing current concerns to see this to be true.
If you can, take off your cares like a big old heavy overcoat. Let it drop to the floor, and leave it there for a few weeks. When you come back, it will still be there, but the difference will be that you'll be stronger and better able to handle all your responsibilities and cares than before you took your rest. A vacation taken now would be a wonderful idea. If you can slip away, do so in the first three weeks.
At work, if you are in the creative department, this month you'll find it easy to come up with ideas but a little harder to execute them properly. This is only because the chance of misunderstanding what the client (or your boss) wants will be high. Listen closely and then summarize what you think is being asked of you. By going the extra mile to be sure you heard the right message, you will save yourself a great deal of time and energy. I'd like to say again, this month you'll be incredibly creative. Don't let anyone allow you to become discouraged. Keep turning out that great work, dear Gemini!
Speaking of work, Mars will be circulating in your house of everyday assignments all month, so despite the lovely romantic vibrations that will be at play, you will also be working very hard. In that sense, this will be a high contrast month, where you work hard but will also get to play hard, too. Thank goodness for that!
An idea that you offer to VIPs can bring you nods and applause on October 3, 4, 9, and 31, thanks to a lovely collaboration between Venus and Jupiter, and later between Venus and Uranus.
Perhaps your best day at work will be October 27 when Mars and Jupiter will make you a force of nature. The moon will be in Libra, giving you an added boost.
Another day when you could convince anyone of anything - and get a surprisingly positive response - will be October 31, a Friday. I suppose if your company has Halloween dress-up day at the office, it might not be wise to come as a The Wicked Witch of the West, the Devil, or Count Dracula. You might want your costume to be something a little less scary if you are presenting to a client! Leave your broom, pitchfork, or long teeth at home!
In all ways this month, when it comes to work, you may feel the workload is strenuous, but in the end, as long as you keep checking your work for errors, your output will be stellar.
The month closes on a great event - Halloween! Mars and Uranus will be perfectly angled on this day, whipping up plenty of creativity. This will be a Halloween to set the standard for years to come! You'll see this to be true if you go out and about to parties - the costumes will be amazing. You should go! This year Halloween falls on a Friday night, adding to the "date night" experience.
If you are not invited to a party or don't plan to give one, then welcome little Halloween trick-or-treaters to your door and be ready with little plastic bags of popcorn, candy corn, baby chocolate bars, and maybe a few little boxes of raisins, too. Their outfits will make you laugh - it will be lots of fun.
Best romantic days: October 1-10, 13-18, 25, 26, and 31.







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