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「過食症は中枢神経を制御する機能を阻害し、連鎖反応がさらなる中毒を発達させます。 『セックス中毒』がその一例です。」


「私のところに訪れる女の子たちのセックスに対する考えはおぞましいものです。彼女たちにとってバイブを使うことは日常なのです。バイブを使うことが絶頂を迎える唯一の方法なのだと、いう娘たちもいます。私のところに助けを求めるほとんどの少女たちはアナルセックスを経験しています。ところが、一人として、コンドームを使わないのです。 ドラッグがセックスをより気持ち良くさせるのよ、と言う少女まで出てくる始末です。とても信じられない。」、と赤枝院長は「週刊ゲンダイ」に語った。


「女の子たちにとってセックスは簡単なものになってきているのです。 彼女たちはその気になれば、どこでセックスしようが、気にしません。 クラブのトイレであろうが、プリクラでだろうが、ゲーセンでだろうがです。 女の子たちは万一の時用のコンドームを携帯しません。 いつも、そのままでやってしまいます。」


「それでも彼女たちはコンドーム無しのセックスを続けるのです。 お願いだからコンドームをつけるように言ってるのですが、誰も、聞こうとしない。」



「Hしてる時って、天国みたいに感じちゃう」17才の晶子(仮称)は、がなりたてる。「だって、男って私にやさしいじゃん。 Hする時っていっつも冷たい男の方は『かわいいね』とか『好きだよ』っていうわけ。なんか、わたしが必要とされてるって感じ? そう思ってるとさ、ゾクゾクしてきちゃうんだよね。」


「私って、酔っ払っちゃたら、まるで制御がきかないの。 ただ、ジーパンずりおろして、彼の言うとおりにするだけなの。」



「中学一年の時がはじめてだったの。それから60人と寝たわ。渋谷と池袋のクラブに行ったわ。音楽聞きながら、クスリやってたら、普段聴かないような音が聴こえるようになったの。私の体が光になったので考えることをやめたの。 いい気分だったわ。 こんなときにHするとすごいの。 わたしが興奮してると男たちも気持ち良くHできるわ」


「今まで寝た男の数なんて数えられないわ。セックスは好きだけど、何もすることがないからしてるの。別に好きだからやってるわけじゃないの。 何ていうか日常的に摂取するようなもの。」





Fast food sends schoolgirls into sexual feeding frenzy

By Ryann Connell, Staff Writer
June 19, 2002

A tendency for getting their lips around a Whopper has turned Japanese schoolgirls into Nippon's naughtiest nymphomaniacs, according to Shukan Gendai (6/29). Kazuo Sakai, head of the Stress Hibiya Clinic in Tokyo, says fast food is to blame for the promiscuous behavior of today's schoolgirls.

"Sex addiction, which involves having sex with numerous different partners over a short period, is related to bulimia. Fast food so popular among young people is absorbed unnaturally quickly by the body, making it easy for bulimia to develop," Sakai tells Shukan Gendai. "Bulimia makes it harder to control the central nervous system and a chain reaction makes it easier to develop other addictions. Sex addiction is a case in point."

And gynecologist Tsuneo Akaeda, who runs a free sex consultation clinic for schoolgirls in Tokyo, warns that if her patients are anything to go by, the nation's schoolgirls are full-blown sex addicts.

"Attitudes toward sex of the girls who come to me for help are gut churning. It's normal for them to use vibrators. Some say using vibrators are the only way they can climax. Nearly all the girls who seek my help have experienced anal sex. Yet, none of them use condoms. Some girls even say they take drugs to make sex feel better. It's pretty unbelievable," Akaeda tells Shukan Gendai.

Akaeda has been running the consultation clinic since 1999, helping over 1,000 schoolgirls with their sex problems during that time.

"Sex has become so simple for these girls. If they feel like having a bit, where they do it doesn't matter to them at all, be it a nightclub toilet or in the photo machines at game arcades. They don't carry condoms around just in case and always do it unprotected."

Shukan Gendai notes that Akaeda handed out 300 tickets to schoolgirls that would allow them to get a free check-up for sexually transmitted diseases. Of the 300, 125 turned up to his clinic and 81.6 percent proved to be carrying some kind of venereal disease.

"Gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, herpes, genital warts ... some girls are carriers of multiple diseases. I had one girl whose herpes sores had spread so far she couldn't walk any more," Akaeda says. "And they still do it without condoms. I tell them to at least use a condom, but none of them listen to me."

Akaeda continues, "A common phrase I hear from the girls is "I want to do it.' Another girl told me she always feels like she's in heat. They're like animals. They can't control their sexual urges. The only explanation I can give is that they're chronic sex addicts."

Few schoolgirls would seem to disagree.

"While I'm having it off it feels like heaven," gushes a 17-year-old we'll call Akiko. "It's 'cause the guys are nice to me then. Usually, guys who're really cold say things like 'You're cute,' or 'I like you,' when we're having sex. It's like the guy really needs me. When I feel like that, it really gives me a thrill."

Akiko says that when she gets the urge nothing can stop her.

"I've done it in a Shibuya nightclub toilet once before. It was because I was with this really nice guy. He picked me up when I went to the club with a friend," she says. "Once I got drunk, I couldn't hold back anymore, so just whipped down my pants and let him do it there."

Many schoolgirls see little wrong with rampant promiscuity.

"It's better to go wild having sex than become a juvenile delinquent," says a 16-year-old girl we'll call Mieko. "I first had sex in the first year of junior high and I've slept with about 60 guys since. I go to nightclubs in Shibuya and Ikebukuro. Listening to music after taking a few uppers lets me hear sounds I wouldn't normally be able to. My body becomes light, I stop thinking and I feel sensational. Sex at these times is really intense. When I get excited, it makes the sex better for the guys."

Tetsuko, at 17, is even more blas・about bonking.

"I can't count the number of guys I've been with. I like sex and I often do it just because there's nothing else better to do. It's not something I do because I like, but something I need a daily dose of," Tetsuko tells Shukan Gendai. "I've done it once with three guys at the same time. They picked me up at a video arcade and we were at it before I knew it. It felt so good I had no idea what was going on with me."

Schoolgirl sex counselor and gynecologist Akaeda urges something be done to aid the nubile nymphomaniacs.

"Usually, these girls are sad and lonesome. But while they're having sex they forget their loneliness," Akaeda tells Shukan Gendai. "When they're at home, they're parents are always nagging them to study. What this means is that the parents don't want their kids by their sides. If kids can't get rid of their loneliness while they're around their parents, it's only natural that they look outside for a means to feel less forlorn. Parents have simply got to make more of an effort to relate to their kids."



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