

Ryan Gallantコミュのskateboardin.com 3

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Tell me about one of your first surreal days skating in SD with me and (Sean) Sheffey.

RG/That probably was one of the most standout days so far in skateboarding. It's funny, a lot of my friends back home hate that I'm out here, but I get to be like, "Dude, you have no idea who I saw today." So actually there was a party at Lambert's house the night before and I didn't even really sleep. The sun was coming up, and we drove down to I don't even know where. Anyway, it was real hot. I wasn't feeling that good, a little hung over. I don't even know who we were going to skate with, and I get out of the car and there's Nate Sherwood, Sean Sheffey, Willy Santos, and me. Picture coming out from the East Coast and never having seen Sheffey around before, and I had just met Nate, so it was an exciting crew, yeah.
(あれは恐らくもっともスケートボードを遥かに越えた日だったよ。楽しかった。たくさんの友達がい家に帰るのを嫌がっていたから、おれは家をでた、でも”なぁ、特に今日誰に会うか思いつかないだけど”って感じになって。だから実はその時ランバートの家でパーティがあっておれはよく眠れてなかった。陽が昇ってきていて、俺達は未だにおれがよくわからない場所に車を出した。とにかく、すごく熱かった。おれは調子が良くなかったし、少し二日酔いだった。おれは未だにその時誰と一緒にスケートしてたかわからない、そして車を降りたらそこにはNate Sherwood, Sean Sheffey, Willy Santos, そしておれがいた。写真が東海岸から送られてくるよ。だからシェフィーに会えたと断言できる。そしておれはたった今ネイトに会った。だからそれはヤバいクルーだったんだ。)

Who else do you fan out over?

RG/Dude, I fan out on everyone.

Have your heroes changed from when you first were coming up?

Do you still have the same people you looked up to when you first started skating?

Like, "Oh that guy was cool, but I met him at this party and ... "?


RG/No, I don't think so. When I see videos nowadays, I would much rather not have a part if it means not seeing a Tony Ferguson or Chany part. I'd much rather see the generation that I looked up to, rather than the younger kids or my generation. But that's just my personal opinion. Those will always be the dudes that inspired me to get into skating. No one I've met has ever been a dick or anything.

Were you bummed when Stevie left DC?

No. I mean, whatever, it sucks kinda, because at that time Stevie was ... not the face of DC, because Danny and Colin will always be DC ... but he was a big part of it. I thought it was crazy he was leaving, but he did his thing, and I think it's good for him.

Was the fact that you looked up to Danny and Colin so much from Questionable and Virtual Reality a major selling point for you going to Plan B?
(Questionable and Virtual Reality(Plan-Bのビデオ)でダニーとコリンと出会ったことは、君がPlan Bに行くのに大きい要因になってた? )

RG/Yeah, yeah, of course. Plan B was the gnarliest thing when I was watching videos. Like, ”oh shit, the Plan B dudes!” And then even to be on DC and meet Danny and Colin ...

How did you meet PJ,originally ?

RG/And I'm talking way back.I remember the first time I saw him-my brother had just moved to Boston, and we were out cruising around really late at night. My brother was on his bike, and I was skating, and this dude just rolled through-literally just skated down the street and did five tricks at this spot and just kinda kept skating on. Then my friend Damal used to be like, "Yo, this kid PJ, man." He was telling me about him, and I was like, "What?" I went to this ledge spot one day, and this kid skates up and does a lipslide to frontside boardslide on a ledge. It was so funny. But as soon as I saw it, I was just like, "Ah, that's that dude PJ I heard about."
(昔に遡って話すと、自分が彼を初めて見たのは--兄弟がBostonに引っ越してきたばかりで、俺達は本当に遅い時間にクルージングしてたんだ。兄弟はバイクに乗っていれ、おれはスケートしていた。そして彼(PJ)が通り過ぎたんだ。まさにストリートをスケートし倒して、5つのトリックをやって、ひたすらスケートし続けてた。それで友達のDamalが”おい、こいつはPJだぜ”って言って、彼はPJについておれに教えてくれたんだ。”なんだって?”っておれは言ったよ。ある日そのレッジのあるスポットに行って、ある子(PJ)がレッジでlipslide to f/s boardslideをやって、それは面白かった。でもそれを見てすぐに”あぁ、あれが話に聞いてたPJか”って。

RG/Then there was a contest at True East when it was a skatepark, and we both showed up and skated together. From then on we skated, and that was kind of like the meeting. I like skating with him 'cause he's motivating. I don't know why the dude likes me-he just seems like he doesn't like skating with too many people. He only speaks the truth, man. There's no bullshit with PJ.
(True Eastにスケートパークがあった時にコンテストがあって、俺達は(RG&PJ)は一緒に滑ったんだ。そのスケートからはなにかミーティングをしているようだった。おれは彼とスケートするのが好きだよ、彼はやる気を起こさせてくれる人だ。彼がなぜおれを好きなのかはわからない、彼は多人数でスケートをするのが好きじゃないようにみえる。彼は本当のことしか話さない。PJに嘘はないんだ。)

What happened with the whole disbanding of the Coliseum crew?

Are they still your homeys?

RG/Oh man, I don't even really know how to talk about that one. I haven't talked to any of them for a long time. Matt Roman, who, when I was riding for them, was running it-to this day, I owe so much to him. He's one of the coolest dudes. He took me, some crazy kid, and gave me free boards. Not even on that note, he's just a f-kin' cool dude. It's too bad I don't get to hang out with them, but whatever, they were cool. We all rode for the same shop, but it's not like I skated with all of them every day. Maybe some of them started going one direction ...When I think about skating now, those are definitely some of the best years for me-the Coliseum years, going on skate trips. No DC trip, no matter how sick it will be, will ever be as fun as a bunch of us in one hotel room, in a van going to Montreal and it's freezing, skating, throwing crazy shit off of hotel balconies and into the streets.

Was this before or after you rode for Converse?

RG/That was after. Coliseum wouldn't really be down for something like Converse.

Let me get this straight, for the record, DC wouldn't be down for Mitsubishi, and Coliseum wouldn't be down for Converse?

RG/Yeah, I guess so!

That's kind of random-you used to ride for Converse when Chany had his Converse pro model, but that's way before you guys ever lived together.Even PJ rode for Converse before I did. The first time I met PJ he was wearing Converse and I think he actually did a demo. He met Chany way before I even met Chany, like when we were still in high school. That was just random. And then they took me on a trip, and then they went out of business, I guess. I always see samples in Chany's closet, and we reminisce, like, "This shit was sick!"

How does that happen when you're deciding whether to go to Plan B and your roommate rides for Expedition, this company you're about to leave?

What goes through your mind?

RG/It was a little awkward living with him and the whole leaving Expedition for Plan B. I was hoping that it would be cool, and I feel like it's cool. But that was a hard one, man. I never really had to quit a company before. Expedition had never done anything wrong to me-it was just kind of like, "Shit!" When you have Danny Way and Colin McKay and it's Plan B, and they're saying, "Dude, we want to start it, and we want you to be one of the dudes." Like, f-k, and, "Your boy PJ and Paul's on it ... " Like, man ...
(彼と一緒に住んでいながら、 Expeditionから Plan Bにうつる間は少しだけ気まづかった。おれはそれがクールに行けばいいなと望んでいたし、クールだと感じていたけど、それは難しいことだった。おれは以前一度も会社を辞めたことがなかったから。 Expeditionは俺に対してなにも悪いことはしていない。ダニーとコリン、いわばPLAN-Bに会った時彼らがこう言ったんだ・”よう!俺達はPLAN-Bを始めたいんだが、俺達は君にその一人になってほしいんだ。君の愛しのPJとポールが乗ってるよ”ってさ。 )

RG/And for me it was just kind of like I felt like it was something I had to do. I know Chany had to quit Rhythm and leave friends to start Expedition back in the day. I know he always was bummed, like, "I felt bad leaving Jeff Taylor and all these dudes." He even told me, "Man, I understand, I know what you're going through." Of course, he didn't want me to leave, and part of me didn't want to leave either. You only live once, and I couldn't have lived without knowing what it would've been like to have been on the new Plan B. Especially if those are the dudes offering it to me. Like, "Shit, I better grab it before they realize I suck, ya know?" But now I'm not so psyched 'cause I know that I have to at least be back lippin' rails in the rain and shit!

(それにそれは自分にとって、なにかやらなきゃいけないことのように感じたんだ。おれはChanyが昔Expeditionを始める為にRHYTHMやその友達と別れなければいけなかったのは知ってる。彼がいつもがっかりしていたのも知ってる。彼は”Jeff Taylorとその仲間が抜けるのはすごく辛い”とか、俺に対して”RG,おれは君がなにをしたいと考えているかわかってるよ。”とさえ言ってた。当然彼は俺に辞めて欲しくはなkったし、自分も辞めたいわけじゃなかった。あなたは一度しか生きられない、そしておれは新しいPLAN-Bでなにが起きるのか、なにが起きようとしているのかを知らずに生きていけなかった。もし、”ちくしょー!俺達がどんだけやばいかあいつらに思い知らせてやろうぜ!”みたいなオファーをおれにしてくるやつらがいたとしても、今のおれはそんなにイカレてない。だっておれは雨でレールが滑るときは少なくとも帰るべきって知ってるからね!)

Do you guys actually get together and do team stuff?

RG/The whole thing is really new still. I mean, the boards haven't even come out yet. But so far it's been cool, every step of the way. We've had actual team meetings like, "Hey, everyone's meeting up at Colin's house." Or going out to dinner, like, "Be there." Every time a sample board would come in everyone would go down and try one, so it's cool, it is part of everyone mixing.

Why do people think people from Boston are such dicks?

RG/The Red Sox didn't win for 86 years. If you were there when we won, you would have been like, "Dude, people here are so friendly!" But yeah, f-k yeah, we were pissed. The night that the Red Sox beat the Yankees everyone just ran in the streets. I was watching the games up to it out here, and during those I was planning a trip home just hoping the Red Sox made it, because the Yankees were the ones we could never beat. So I was hoping I would be there and they would win, and they were and you know I was just so glad.


What was the deal with the bullets, with the cops blowing people's heads off?

RG/Oh, yeah, some girl died-they shot tear gas or rubber bullets or something into the crowd, and instead it went point blank into a girl's eye and killed her. But it got like a half a second on the news, like, "And one girl was killed ... but the Red Sox won the World Series and we just don't give a f-k!"

Was Robbie Gangemi one of your mentors growing up around Boston?
(君の良き相談者の一人であるRobbie Gangemiはボストン周辺で育ったのかい? )

RG/Yeah. I mean, not so much a mentor, but definitely someone I looked up to. Even now you put in Zoo York Mixtape-it's still so amazing. I would love this to be in there, because I would love for him to hear this. He did this one ollie in the Financial (District). You ollie up this one or two stair and then it's three stairs over a sidewalk. Oh my god, that thing was ... you could push down a hallway at it, but the fact that he ollied up a stair and did that ... that dude is just sick. And he back 50'd up this rail in Chinatown. That was when I really started going into the city, and at that time, it was like, "Holy shit!" The stuff Robbie was doing was so sick, and he just did it with such sick style. Him and Jahmal (Williams) were as good as it gets. Jerry Fowler did so much good shit, too. Oh, man.
(ああ、彼は良き相談相手ってわけじゃないけど、確実に自分が見てきた人だ。あなたは未だにZOOYORKのMIXTAPEに入っているけど、未だにそれはすごいよ。おれもあそこに入りたい。彼にこのインタビューを聞いて欲しい。彼は Financial (District)でワンオーリーを決めたし、あなたはオーリーアップや三段ステアをサイドウォークで越えたりしてる。そんなばかなって感じだよあれは。 あなたはhallwayをプッシュダウンしてた、でも彼は実際にそこでステアをオーリーアップした。彼はただイカしてるよ。彼は チャイナタウンでレールにback 50'd upした。その時おれは本当に街にでて滑り始めたばかりの時だったんだ。”おい!マジかよ!”って思った。ROBBIEのやることはマジでイカれてる。そして彼のスタイルはただただイカしてる。 彼とJahmalは良い。Jerry Fowler のやったことも本当に良いよ。 )

Gotta give your props to the hometown heroes. Who else would you like to thank in this journey that has taken you from one coast to the other and beyond?

Let's see here: Mom, Dad, Shaun, James, Jen, Tyler, Itchy, Tim, Devoe, Chomo, the whole True East crew new and old, my boy B. Hom R.I.P., Troy, Leila, Brea, Chany and everyone over at Kayo, Blaze, Jim, Heath, Mr. Ken Block and all of DC Shoes, Danny and Colin and my Plan B people, PJ and Eli, Gold wheels, Silver trucks, Jon, Lambert, and Leeper, the Worm Whole, and the Auburn Park crew. Everyone else, you know who you are. And, of course, my girlfriend Summer. Oh, and the Bentley.
(母さん、父さん、Shaun, James, Jen, Tyler, Itchy, Tim, Devoe, Chomo, the whole True East crew new and old, my boy B. Hom R.I.P., Troy, Leila, Brea, Chany and everyone over at Kayo, Blaze, Jim, Heath, Mr. Ken Block and all of DC Shoes, Danny and Colin and my Plan B people, PJ and Eli, Gold wheels, Silver trucks, Jon, Lambert, and Leeper, the Worm Whole, and the Auburn Park crew.、みんな。あなたの知っている人達。そして俺の恋人のSummerに、ベントリー。)(めんどうなのでまんま貼りました、すいません)

The Bentley, huh?

That's a dog by the way, he doesn't make that much money yet.



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