

POSITIVE THINKING SPACEコミュのPossibility: This Month’s Inspirational Quotes Theme

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"Everything is possible in this present, precious moment."
Dwayne Alvin Hearn

For the month of June the theme for my “Positive Thinking Space" community
is possibility, exploring the limitless possibilities that exist in each and every
precious moment of our gift of life!

“On the human chessboard, all moves are possible.”
Miriam Schiff

For additional quotes checkout my blog


“Only if you are possible,
everything will be possible.”
Santosh Kalwar
"Progress is the attraction that moves humanity."
Marcus Garvey
“Anything that has been accomplished by
any other human being in the physical realm
is within the field of possibility.”
Dr. Wayne Dyer
“Never limit your dreams to only
what you can see becoming reality.
The universe has infinite ways
of bringing desires into fruition,
once you allow the possibility
by removing your limitations.”
Danielle Marie Crume
“There are many who are living
far below their possibilities because
they are continually handing over
their individualities to others.
Do you want to be a power in the world?
Then be yourself.” Ralph Waldo Trine
“When you’ve exhausted
all possibilities,
remember this-you haven’t.”
Robert H. Schulle
“Start thinking in terms of what’s possible.”
Dwayne Alvin Hearn
“Remember that at any given moment
there are a thousand things you can love.”
David Levithan
“Whatever I believed, I did;
and whatever I did, I did
with my whole heart and mind
as far as possible to do so...”
Jean Toomer
“The possibility of stepping into a higher plane
is quite real for everyone. It requires no force
or effort or sacrifice. It involves little more than
changing our ideas about what is normal.”
Deepak Chopra
“With the exception of the equator,
everything begins somewhere.”
C.S. Lewis
“You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers.
In every moment of our existence,
we are in that field of all possibilities where
we have access to an infinity of choices.”
Deepak Chopra
“If your mind can wonder, then you’re a traveler.
If you're a traveler, then you're a dreamer!
If you are a dreamer...than anything is possible.”
Amy McNaughton
“It’s possible to fly without motors,
but not without knowledge and skill.”
Wilbur Wright
“To become aware of the
possibility of the search
is to be onto something.”
Walker Percy
“Dreams are renewable.
No matter what our
age or condition,
there are still untapped
possibilities within us
and new beauty
waiting to be born.”
Dale E. Turner
“So many things are possible
as long as you don't know
they are impossible”
Mildred D. Taylor
“This isn't the end,
and a beginning looks different.
This is the moment in between,
when everything still looks possible.”
Zoran Drvenkar
“In this moment,
there is plenty of time.
In this moment,
you are precisely as
you should be.
In this moment,
there is infinite possibility.”
Victoria Moran
“The potential possibilities
of any child are the most
intriguing and stimulating
in all creation.” Ray L. Wilbur
“Possibility is born
once I let go of my
belief in impossibility.”
Dwayne Alvin Hearn
“The impact of space activities is
nothing less than the galvanizing
of hope and imagination
for human life continuum
into a future of infinite possibility.”
Vanna Bonta
“I will tell you a well-kept secret, it’s always possible.”
King Solomon Hearn
“The thing about performance,
even if it’s only a illusion,
is that it is a celebration of the
fact that we do contain within
ourselves infinite possibilities.”
Sidney Smith
“The future belongs to people who see
possibilities before they become obvious.”
“The knowledge of all things is possible.”
Leonardo da Vinci
“May your walls know joy;
May every room hold laughter and
every window open to great possibility.”
Maryanne Radmacher-Hershey
“Possibility is born in this precious moment,
when I let go of my belief in impossibility.”
Dwayne Alvin Hearn
“All we are given are possibilities –
to make ourselves one thing or another.”
Jose Ortega Y Gasset
“A mindset of gratitude
lifts the veil of bitterness
and allows you to see
beauty and possibility.”
Steve Maraboli
“Do not hide your light for fear
of what others may think of you.
Let it shine and be a reflection
of what is possible.” Kristi Bowman
“Life is in a constant state of flux
which makes everything possible.”
King Solomon Hearn
“Integrated is the
expression of knowledge:
an assembly is
significant in Unity:
united are their minds
in the silent dynamism
of all possibilities.”
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
"You must learn a new way to think
before you can master a new way to be."
Marianne Williamson
“Learn how to think a few moves ahead at once.
In life, if you can anticipate the human mind,
you can anticipate all possible futures.”
Lionel Suggs
“Enlightenment is very possible
for the ordinary individual.
Actually, it is easier than for someone
who thinks that they are special.”
Sri Ravi Shankar
“The potential of
the average person is like
a huge ocean unsailed,
a new continent unexplored,
a world of possibilities
waiting to be released
and channeled toward
some great good.”
Brian Tracy
“In my dreams there are
endless possibilities and
in this precious moment
I will take the first step
towards making them
come true!”
King Solomon Hearn
“Not knowing when
the dawn will come
I open every door.”
Emily Dickinson
“In every moment of our existence,
we are in that field of all possibilities where
we have access to an infinity of choices.”
Deepak Chopra




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