

Australian National Universityコミュのよろしくね!

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Hi, my name is Hayato. I am living in Tokyo. I just happen to find this message. I guess you are from ANU and studied Japanese there. You seem to have really good command of Japanese, so you might not need to worry about a part most Japanese cannot speak English.

Japanese people are generally kind and generous if you make friends. The problem is some of them are shy at first, especially if they cannot communicate with same language.

So, it might be good to find a language exchange in your uni in Japan, if you are not so confident of speaking Japanese.

Except for that, I think Japan is good country to live. It is really convenient and safe even the midnight. Kanazawa has good nature around. Osaka and Kyoto is a sort of close, you can go these places by local train(bullet train is too expensive). You can find authentic Takoyaki and Okonomiyaki there. I recommend you to go there in holidays.

具体的に何か知りたい事があればいつでも質問していいですよ(私の答えられる範囲内でなら)。日本での留学生活を満喫してください。Take care!
Hi Hayato! Thank you so much for replying to my message! Your English is fantastic! So I'm going to reply in English because I'm too lazy to reply in Japanese >:3

The funny thing in Australia is... Whenever I speak to Japanese people, they always want to talk to me in English!! I find it sometimes a bit disappointing but more of the time quite funny!

The language exchange is a very good idea, thank you! I'll do my best and look for one!

I really love Japan :) I've been there twice before but I've never been to Kanazawa. So I'm looking forward to something new! I love Osaka and Kyoto! And you know how much I LOVE Takoyaki and Okonomiyaki? Thank you ^^!




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