

English GrooveコミュのNew Story 01

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Audio Podcast #16

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“We Can Imagine”

Not long ago my boys came home from school and they were singing.

Singing "Imagine" by John Lennon. I was very surprised.

I asked who taught them the song.

They said "We have a new teacher named Nate. He taught it to us."

Both of them loved it. They sang it over and over again. We sang it together.

They knew nothing about John Lennon, so we found the video on YouTube.

I told them about John, and the Beatles, and the meaning of the song..."Imagine".

I told them about Yoko Ono, and the Vietnam War, and that John is dead.

A few days later, I met Nate… an American, who's been living and teaching English in China.

He was going back to China a few days after that...for a new job.

Nate and I shared a beer before he left. He's living quite an adventure in China.

He even wrote a book about it. I only got to read one chapter. Great Book!

My oldest boy, Jiri, drew a picture of John and Yoko..."War Is Over"

We printed it and gave it to Nate...to say Thank You and Good Bye!

The next day Jiri asked, “Daddy, is war over?”

I answered, “No, not yet, but we can imagine”.

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Not long ago 少し前に, I was surprised  驚いた, Both of them 二人とも, over and over again 何度も何度も, knew nothing about 〜について何も知らない , A few days later 数日後, a few days after that その数日後, shared a beer ビールを一緒に飲んだ, living quite an adventure すごい冒険生活, only got to 〜しかしなかった, wish him all the best 彼の成功を祈る




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