

ヲウチギャラリーNYコミュのTomori Nagamoto solo exhibition

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Tomori Nagamoto
Opening Reception:7.21 7p-10p
solo exhibition:7.22-7.26 12p-6p (appointment only)

ouchi gallery

foreign soil

-Portraits of the prominent and promising artists grown in a foreign land


Flowers planted in foreign soil often have trouble growing, and like roses they can perish easily. But you can even find flowers growing on rocks.

Tomori's collection of portraits, Foreign Soil, features five major figures in today's contemporary art/music scene. Artists who had left their native country of birth and are blooming in a foreign land. A Japanese born jazz pianist Hiromi, graduated from the Berklee College of Music in Boston and now has obtained a sterling international reputation for her incredible jazz piano technique. Born in Mozambique, raised in Canada, incredibly talented illustrator, Marcos Chin, now resides in the U.S.. An award-winning, perhaps the most awaited illustrator, Yuko Shimizu, was born in Japan and now lives and works in New York. Graduated from Berklee with highest honors, Toru Dodo is another talented jazz pianist who was born in Japan. A young and promising artist, Risa Kusumoto is a truly multi-cultural icon. She was born in Japan and raised in Brazil, Germany and U.S., and now lives in Canada.

They all are flourishing in an urban environment like Toronto and New York; the world's most diverse/multicultural cites with half its residents born outside the country. These cities have fostered the concept of globalization. Globalization has increased the possibility of understanding among people whose traditional cultures were once estranged from one another. International foods, music, literature and traditions are now more easily consumed, integrated and understood. The building of an artistic cultural identity of the country is based on the respect for cultural diversity. In order to get the soil ready for planting, you must first plow the land because plants can only blossom if they can take in all the water and nutrients that the soil has to offer.

[About Tomori Nagamoto]

Known for his large-scale ball-point pen drawings of human figures, Tomori Nagamoto denotes urban isolation of individuals. The lines, which flow through repetitive motion, capture the essence of an individual's fragile state. Through determination and control of his work, Nagamoto expresses the combination of the abstract mind with high realism drawings.

Over the past 10 years, Nagamoto's works has been exhibited and published internationally. In his latest installation work entitled Sakura, which had its successful premiered at UpART contemporary art fair 2009 in Toronto. Sakura expressed the expectations and misconceptions of visitors' perceptions of their experiences in and of Japan. People and the ways of which they adopt to the space around them is the key focus of Nagamoto's work. And his subjects are content and seam to seduce the viewer.

Tomori Nagamoto was born in Japan and established his artistic career in Canada and now lives in New York. Up to the present, he has received many awards including "Best Artist" award from NOW Magazine in 2002 and EYE Magazine in 2003 as the best local visual artist of the year. His work has been featured in books, magazines and other media. His work has also been exhibited in Canada, U.S., China and Japan.



Q1) What is your impression of NY?

It does look like a crowded city and, at the same time, I sense a great emptiness of the city. I have observed the loneliness that can envelope even while surrounded by millions of people.

Q2) What do you think of the art scene in NY?

There are a lot of incredible things happening in NYC that cannot be categorized as art. Culture isn't a newsletter you can sign up for, it's something you participate in and contribute to.

Q3) What about the art scene in your own country?

Unfortunately there is no art scene in my country because there's no art market -no good soil compared to other large cities in the world. Artists cannot be grown without soil and also hard to have the soil from which an artist could grow.

Q4) Please tell us about your art.

My work is related to urban isolation and the loneliness of its inhabitants. I try to represent every living being's voice and story in my work not only by ball-point pen drawing but also photograph, installation and poetic literature.

Q5) What's your goal in the future?

Often a person who's suffering from depression will feel disconnected from society and reality. I hope my art can create or provide an imaginary place that only exists in their mind where he/she feels safe, peaceful and protected.

Q6) What can we do through art?

It's not naive to think that art will change the world. I think contemporary art should relate to social issues, and I hope that civic society will also make the effort to understand the nuances that artists are trying to convey.

Q7) What does art mean to you?

Art is a tool to communicate to others.




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