

内なる神と対話しよう ! コミュの地震について対話した文章の、英訳です

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3 Oct2011

Hello All Humanity’s Team (HT),

I’m Sachio Osawa, one of the leaders from Yokohama city (next to Tokyo)
Humanity’s Team in Japan. Call me Sachy.

This year, HT Japan team didn’t attend the HTWW (World Wide) and also we
had The Great Tohoku Earthquake so I would like to say something to all
teammates by sending my message. Since this disaster, I have tried to have
a conversation with my inner god like Neale did, then I myself was able to
obtain various answers and awareness from it. Now I would like to share
with you and would like you to know that one of the Japanese is thinking
about such as the following. So here is the message ‘Conversations with
my God’ and I would really appreciate it if you tell me your thoughts or
send me any messages. If you like my message, I hope you can enjoy sharing
it with many of your friends too.

<Conversations with God: exploring the meaning of this disaster>

S: Well, we had a big disaster as you know. I don’t have to mention
though. It was really big, we have many victims and lots of people are
still suffering, and food shortage and out of gas and oil, and we still
have aftershocks and also radioactive is leaking. It seems lots of things
happened at the same time. Oh, I talked with a guy in Osaka (second
largest city, about 600 kilometers away from Tokyo) today; he said that he
was having a normal life though so it seems the damage differs depending
on the location. So anyway, how on Earth does God cause such a big

G: You may be aware of it but the Great God didn't do anything.

S:Hmm… well, then what are you doing?

G: The Great God, Ultimate God is infinite and ‘not-all’ and enjoying a
finite expanding.

S: Hmm..It seems we will digress from the subject if we keep talking about
it, let’s get back to it. So tell me what has caused this earthquake and

G: It was caused by you. It’s you as the Gods creating the Earth and
creating your lives. You are your life creators. It’s a creation of all
of you together.

S: Hmmm..Well…

G: You are already aware of it, aren’t you?

S: Well… yes.. But I guess most of people don’t agree.

G: So what? Your life is being created by your convictions. So you don’t
have to worry about others.

S: Well…. But can you say that?

G: I am your inner God so I can say anything. I only have responsibility
to your life.

S: What? Are you serious? I have never heard that. You seem to be such an
irresponsible God.

G: That’s right. I have a responsibility to you, not to others. I am not
responsible for others.

S: Hmm..I seem to be losing my strength. What should I do?

G: (Don’t worry. We are here for each person to watch over with
responsibilities and lead them) Losing your strength? That’s a good
sign. You are always too tight. Your closest person always says ‘relax!’

S: Oh I see. I didn’t know what it meant. Woops, we are digressing.

G: No, I don’t think so. You are eager to know everything that happened
to you so that was also one of the things happening to you. You create
these events with co-creators together and giving your meaning and by that
means, continue to create new future and enjoy it. This is what you are
doing and what you want to.

S: Well, so can I say the same thing to the earthquake and the disaster?

G: That’s correct.

S: Hmm… Please tell me more specifically about it.

G: You already understood. So give me your answer as you already

S: Do I have to say?

G: That’s right. You do. You as me, you do. Let’s do that.

S: I don’t know if I am wrong.

G: There is no such thing as wrong in our spiritual world. Your life is
being created by your decision. When you spin A then A is created. That’s
all. There is no such thing as wrong but it just exists in your thoughts.

S: I hope I won’t be involved in creating my negative thoughts.

G: Haha.. You are Okay now. You can avoid creating your negative thoughts.
So let me tell you one more thing. There is no such thing as hell in the
spiritual world but some of you are thinking ‘hell’ in the concept. It’s
like that. In fact, you don’t make any mistakes but there is such a thing
as wrong in your thoughts and only those people who imported the idea
‘wrong’ are having arguing ‘that’s wrong’ blaming each other and
feeling negatively then they struggle to become more properly in order to
get out there. I can say such experience is created out.

S: I see. But let’s leave this subject for the time being. So as you
said, what is the meaning of the creation of the earthquake and the
disaster? I will answer from my viewpoint as I already know about it.

G: Right. Do it.

S: Okay, so we all created this disaster, didn’t we? But the meaning of
creation had a different purpose for each person, and when we all agreed,
it actually happened.

G: That’s right. Keep going.

S: Well, but I don’t think people agree with me consciously.

G: You may be right but so what?

S: What? Isn’t it nonsense if no one agrees with me?

G: Here you go again. You want me to say something even you already know?

S: Of course. I want to hear from you. Tell me, please, pretty please…

G: All right then, Let me answer that. By your agreement, your life is
created, so most importantly, what and which idea you agree to, this is
the bottom line. No matter what people agree to, no one created your own
life. Actually, it has been happening to people whose thoughts are close
to your own, and have naturally attracted them to each other. So are you
okay? Let’s continue.

S: Hmm, I see. Sure, let me try. This Earthquake and the tsunami is our
creation, however, most of us are not aware of it consciously. So then why
did we create this disaster which we are not willing to? Let me guess.

1) There are some people who believe the positive and negative rule.
Those people are having such a lovely life and living happily so they
thought it was about time to have the negative things happen to them. So
those people may agree on the disaster.

2) There are some people who worry about the isolation. They have seen
that it takes disasters to really bring communities together and
strengthen people’s bonds, so those people may agree on the disaster.

3) There are some people who are not happy because recently the world is
in peace so there is no chance to help people in need. Though they are
good people, they have a desire to show off their appeal and believe they
need someone in difficulties for their performance. So those people may
agree on the disaster.

4) There are some people who don’t have chances to cheat and get what
they want because the world is getting better and also stricter recently.
They like to take advantage of disasters to get many things so those
people may agree on the disaster.

5) Young people these days are enjoying life in an affluent world and
obtaining happiness without hardships. There are some people who are
envious and jealous of young people, so those people may agree on the

6) There are some people who have a sense of guilt if they are happy.
Those people can’t allow their own happiness if they see poverty, misery,
and hardships somewhere in the world. They think they deserve suffering so
they may agree on the disaster.

7) There are some people who are vaguely aware of the fact that whatever
you really wish deeply for becomes reality and also knew that some people
wanted such a disaster. In this situation, they may agree on the disaster
and if they concentrate on their thoughts of escaping damage from the
disaster, then they might be able to prevent it and create a reality of
avoiding any damages to them.

8) There are some people who certainly know and embody that all beingness
(God) are our life creators. These people watch the other people creating
and attracting this disaster bravely and with curiosity. With great
interest these people also observe their ongoing activities of how they
create their own life, like watching a movie. So this is what I came up
with so far….

G: Pretty good, you have a rich imagination.

S: You are teasing me.

G: No, I am not. Rich imagination is complement. You are, without judging,
without criticism, able to observe many people’s wishes and feelings from
shallow to deep levels that mean you are able to observe yourself as God
deeply as well. It’s for the compliment.

S: Oh, I see. But I wonder how I can connect with observation of many
people’s thoughts and of myself deeply.

G: That means we are all one and everything is an oneness and also
everything is inside of you. When you look inside yourself, if you accept
and love the twelve things A to L inside of you then you accept and love
people who express the twelve things A to L and you are able to understand
those people. If you deny and don’t accept the fourteen things M to Z
inside of you then you deny and don’t accept people who express the
fourteen things M to Z then you are not able to understand those people.

S: I see. What is happening outside of you is like the mirror of what is
happening inside of me. Is it like that?

G: Yes, that’s right.

S: So then I have become rich in my imagination. That means the world of
inside of me, my inner space expands. That is a good thing, isn’t it?

G: That is correct. That is a really good thing if you want to remember
the true state of who you really are and want to regain the true ability.

S: I’m so happy. By the way, then what should I do next after

G: I like your basic question. Okay, let me answer it. You don’t have to
do anything; there is nothing you have to do. You don’t have to prove
anything to anyone. Your life is all yours. No one is responsible to your
life likewise; you are no responsible to others. You can’t create other’s
lives and can’t take any responsibilities. You should know what your
prayers are and focus on. Then you will realize your prayers always get
answered. This is why you are here on this earth. You are not here to
prove who you are. You don’t have to prove because your presence is
already wonderful and unconditional love. You have many wishes and prayers
and make them come true over and over again. Your presence here on this
Earth enjoys this cycle of developing feelings of love, and we, (Gods)
enjoy it with you as well.

S: It sounds familiar. Enjoying the cycle of development together doesn’t
sound like God but I like that.

G: If you like it, then I will tell you more and make you happy. In some
ways we are like clay.

S: What do you mean? You are formed by us kneading you?

G: I’m saying it metaphorically but it is like that. You knead me to
create, experience, and enjoy. And we as clay enjoy your work of art so in
a way, we work for you.

S: Yeah! Super! That is wonderful. I thought that God was supposed to be
authority, supposed to be leader and supposed to be higher position above
us, but what you are telling me sounds you are like servant and supporter,
and it is like you follow our orders.

G: Yes, that’s right. You are enjoying, aren’t you? That you are joyful
is human nature. Wishes in happiness make it possible all the time like a
miracle. Then you experience the fruitions. You wish in your enjoyment and
make it happen again like a miracle, and again and again, and you will
experience a new expansion.

S: It sounds like fairytale, doesn’t it? Is it…? It could be so but I am
not sure yet. However, I am getting tired so let’s have conversations
again someday.

G: Sounds good. Let’s do that again. We are always with you and waiting
for the day when you are ready. Okay, we will take a nap in your magic
lamp; rub three times when the time comes.

S: Wow, what a lovely joke. How friendly my inner god is. Cool! I love you
very much.

G: I love you too.




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