

Storytelling@KUISコミュのStorytelling Night

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Once upon a time, a few ambitious students set out to spread the joy of storytelling by staging an event where they could share traditional tales from Japan, China, and the West. They had a vision to foster a greater respect for the values shared by others by looking at how stories, their performance, and the morals of those stories help shape a sense of community. They refined their storytelling techniques throughout the semester in their English Sogo class, and analyzed traditional children's stories deeper than they ever had before. Creating a mystical bond between performer and audience, they anticipate the transformation of classroom I-206 into a space allowing guests to reflect on stories, values, and communities through the magical power of the fairy tale.

On Wednesday, January 16, from 4:50 to 6:20, you will have the opportunity to join in this magical event. Recharge yourself at the end of the school year by enjoying some refreshments while you listen to stories and discuss their impact on you and your community.

STORYTELLING NIGHT -- How storytelling shapes communities
- Japanese, Chinese, and Western storytelling in English
- Discussion about Storytelling, Morals, and Communities
WED, Jan. 16, 4:50-6:20
Building I, Room 206

*Refreshments will be served
*Please contact Loren (this community's admin) if you have any questions


Storytelling Night was spectacular, with outstanding performances of Little Red Riding Hood, The Tongue-Cut Sparrow, Red Demon/Blue Demon, The Boyo Who Cried Wolf, and The Tortoise and the Hare.

It was the guests who made the night special, though. The eight guests shared insightful comments about various ways of interpreting and drawing morals from the stories. Indeed, people from different cultures viewed the stories differently. For example:
-Was the shepherd boy's fault in lying or in breaking his social obligations?
-Do we remember the Blue Demon's self-sacrifice, or feel tragic that Red Demon lost a true friend in order to become popular? What about the variant where the villagers kill Blue Demon? Was Red Demon at fault for using someone to make friends?
-What if the old man had taken the sparrows' big box?
-Morals have become emblazened into the minds of English speakers through phrases like "Slow and steady wins the race," and "Crying wolf." What about in other languages? What about the fact that some early texts of Aesop's fables don't include the same morals we remember today?
-Why did the wolf wait for Little Red to undress and get in bed with him before he ate her? Does the need for the woodcutter's help just provide another example that women can't survive without men's help? If we are to beware of strangers in the forest, how do we know whether to trust the woodcutter?

Thanks to everyone for coming and taking part in the evening!



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