

PROACTIVE IN2008コミュの2008 January Monthly Report in the US

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Hey you guys!

I read all of your reports.
Sounds like tough classes in Berkeley, and slow starter in NYU!

All of you four are becoming greater and greater. I feel you're making impressive improvement! Good stimulation for me, thanks.

Jiro, I totally agree with you that "Making the best results in the limited time" is the tough task, but I'm sure you can do it at the end! Tell me the tips when you achieve it!

Ryohei, I can see you participate actively in everything just like you did in Japan. You have your own opinions and they are so uniqe and interesting. So just deliver them at first, go forward! I'd like to hear you manage the team!

Hiroko, thanks for daily report here in MIXI as well. I think you're really a good writer and now you take an exciting writing class so you'll improve it a lot. I always enjoy your topic, diary, photo and comment! Keep in touch! You're going to busy from now on?

Tak, you seem to enjoy your life in NY! It is true that if you don't try, there's no challenge. Tell me how you make an opportunity to use English.

Dear Spring team!
Let's keep our motivation up右斜め上


I am happy that you enjoyed our report.
I am going to be busy this month, but I will try my best to update info as much as possible.




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