

死後の世界は存在します。コミュのTHE REBIRTH OF BUDDHA。

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Revised Edition…11
Original Edition…13

I Have Returned

Devotion to the Three Treasures…18
Eternal Values…21
The Origin of the Soul…24
Renounce the World…26
My Enlightenment…28
The Kingdom of the Mind…29
For the Purpose of a Higher Dimension…32
Seek the Right Mind…34
Like a Lotus Flower…37
The Salvation of Humankind…39
Come, Follow Me…40

Words of Wisdom
Nourishment for the Mind…44
Words of Self-Admonition…46
The Middle Way…49
That Which Makes the Soul Shine…52
Humility and Gratitude…55
Practicing Love…58
The Path of Cultivating Yourself…61
The Path of Improvement…70

Do Not Be Foolish
What is Foolishness?…76
Do Not Be Greedy…78
A Mind of Offering…79
The Enlightened Ones…81
Know Yourself…83
The Greatest Fool…85
The Value of Kindness…90
The Foolishness of Self-Preservation…92
Do Not Be Troubled by Your Body…95
Do Not Become Angry…98
Do Not Envy…100
Do Not Complain…102
Work Silently…105

Politics and Economics
Within Politics and Economics…110
A Spiritual Backbone…112
The Power to Change the World…114
The Truth About Politics…117
The Truth About Economics…123
Learn to Be Content…129
Progress in an Appropriate Manner…134
Progress from the Middle Way…139
The Middle Way for the Nation…141

Patience and Success
Walk Quietly…148
Times of Loneliness…152
The Road to Success…155
1,Maintain a Peaceful Mind…156
2,Do Not Incur Jealousy…156
3,The Fragrance of Enlightenment…159
The Sound of the Reed…160
Enlightenment Within the Ordinary Life…165
Patience and Virtue…170

What is Reincarnation?
The Philosophy of Reincarnation…176
Knowing Dignity…181
The Greatest Truth…184
The Blessed…187
The Road to Happiness…190
Daily Discoveries, Daily Excitement…193
This Life and the Next…195
The Gospel of Hope…200

Faith and the Building of Buddhaland
Who is Buddha or God?…208
Giving Gratitude to the Great Spirit of the Universe…211
Reverence for the High Spirits…212
The Foundation of Faith…216
Devoting Yourself to Buddha…218
The Sin of Disrupting the Harmony Among Disciples…227
Seek the Path with Humility…228
Even If you Should Die…231
Without Faith……234
Utopia Starts in the Home…237
From the Mind to the World…243

Original Edition…247
Revised Edition…249

Happy Science Contacts …250
Books by Ryuho Okawa…255


(Revised Edition)
I remember the profound emotion that was felt 2,500 years ago, as I taught my disciples on Mt. Rajgir, in India, overlooking Rajagrha, the capital of the Magadha Kingdom.

At that time, you had shaved heads. You wrapped your bodies in robes dyed the color of persimmons and wept for joy as you listened to my sermons. The age and the nation in which you were born have changed, and so have the clothes that you are wearing.

However, your minds, which feel Buddha’s Truth, are the same. Master and disciple are eternally bound by the Law. Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha are one.

I deliver again to you this eternal book.

October, 1994
Ryuho Okawa
Happy Science

(Original Edition)
The Rebirth of Buddha, as you will see from the book’s contents, is a message from Buddha to his disciples on the core doctrine of Buddhism. This book is a sure guide to those who have awakened to Buddha’s Truth. At times, this book will also serve as a stern voice of warning.
There are many who have studied Buddhism, but I believe that there has never been as candid a teaching of the essence of Buddhism as is written in these pages. As the teachings are given in a straightforward manner, they are easy to understand and truly approach the heart of the matter.
This book is indispensable for all religious practitioners and should be cherished for all times. It is my fervent hope that you will study each and every page.

July, 1989
Ryuho Okawa
Happy Science
(Original Edition)

In writing this book, I have used a writing method that is different from any of my other books.
First of all, I have written this book in form of a message to all practitioners. I have addressed this book to the monks and nuns, or in modern terms, to all men and women who practice the Truth.

Some parts of my message may seem strict, but the path of Buddha’s Truth indeed takes great discipline. It is impossible to reach the summit of mountain of Buddha’s Truth if you are only half-hearted in your efforts.

Therefore, I believe that there are two ways in which you can read this book. First, for readers who are already on the path of Buddha’s Truth, this book will serve as a reminder and warning of the strictness of this path. Second, for those who are hesitating to enter the gateway to Buddha’s Truth, this book will serve as a introductory textbook, revealing to you the great distance that stretches out before you on this path.

In either case, I believe that you will come to understand that the true intention of Buddha is revealed in this book.

It is my sincere desire that you read my words over and over again.

July, 1989
Ryuho Okawa
Happy Science

(Revised Edition)

My disciples,
Be strong.
Conquer all worldly temptation and wrong views, and gather around me.
You must demand an unyielding resolve of yourselves to directly heat the sermons of Buddha. The flower of the udumbara blooms only once every three thousand years, and only one Buddha is allowed to be born in any certain age.

“Come gather to the Rebirth of Buddha.”―This is the motto of all Bodhisattvas of light.

October, 1994
Ryuho Okawa
Happy Science



死後の世界は存在します。 更新情報


