

ジェイ・エイブラハムコミュの日本の某マーケターの方が使われている Mr.Xですが、ジェイが最初に使ったようです・・。

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 ご存じの方もいらっしゃるかと思いますが、日本の某マーケターの方が使われている Mr.X という言葉は、実はジェイが最初に使っていたようです・・。

 以下は、ジェイのサイトにあった、Mr.X bookというレポートのセールスレターです。


Dear Valued Friend:

A number of years ago I met a man, we'll call him "Mr. X" for now. He was a likable, remarkably success-driven man -- running a deserving little business in the Midwest who was struggling to get closer to the vision he had for his fledgling enterprise.

I liked him the first time I talked to him. He had vision, integrity and a historic perspective on life, humanity and economic theory that fueled his huge ambition. More importantly, he had a vision for his business that was giant and good and worthwhile -- not merely for him, but for his customers as well.

I got bitten by his bug and bought into his dream. Over the next five years we took his little fledgling company from $300,000 in gross sales to a peak of $500,000,000. He made millions. So too, did I. Then we parted -- friends -- and went our separate ways. I advised a lot more companies. He started and invested in a lot of companies. And he wrote a best-selling book on entrepreneurship.

We kept lightly in touch and always talked about trying to do something together but just couldn't find a project we both could get excited about. He liked start-ups; I liked leveraging already-existing businesses. Time went by...

One day in jest -- ( I thought ) -- he kiddingly said he'd decided to take the five years of hands-on education and instruction I'd personally given him, along with the experiential understanding he'd gained by actually applying, implementing and successfully incorporating my methods into all his business activities -- and create a "tell-all," "teach-all", "knock-off" version of my very expensive publications and tapes that was better organized, better presented, better clarified and better explained so people could apply my methods more successfully and easily.

I thought, at first, that he was kidding. But I found out he was not.

Mr. X was dead serious. He took the project upon himself almost like a crusader on a mission. But, he did it behind my back. I don't really believe his intent was covert or diabolical -- actually, the result was quite benevolent and invaluable to the public... as you'll see in a moment.

As I learned later, Mr. X spent almost one solid year reading every page of my $500 basic instructional, listening to every minute of every tape of my $5,000 Marketing Boot Camps, my $15,000 Protégé Training Programs, my $25,000 Strategy Setting Symposiums and my $1,000 Jay Days.

In addition, he painstakingly "pored" over the entire 2,000 page advanced marketing course I created for $3,750 called For Your Marketing Eyes Only. And he analyzed nearly 100 hours of individual, quick-fix consultations I'd performed for a wide range of private clients.

He made notes, he called people and followed up on results, he reconstructed virtually every important transaction, breakthrough concept and mindset factor that I'd taught him that contributed to his personal $25 million fortune. He quite honestly dissected me at a level of explanation and analysis I'd never taken myself to.

Then he dropped the bombshell

I regularly sell my publications for $1,000 to $3,750. My tape sets are purposely priced at $1,800 to $5,000 a set. Attendance at a live, multi-day event starts at $5,000 and runs upwards to five times that amount.

Mr. X, as a friend and former client, had been given copies of all my materials. He has a personal library of Jay Abraham materials worth, conservatively speaking, $50,000. And he decided to sell his abridged "fast-track" version of me to the market for a mere $397.

You cannot believe my amazement when he ran ads and letter offers to sell his highly-condensed and better organized (the guy's a great editor and one of the clearest, most lucid thinkers I've ever met) more tightly edited and more crisply presented and illustrated version of my expansive proprietary information at literally pennies on the dollar.

I was horrified -- yet in a funny way, I actually admired the ingenuity and resourcefulness of what he'd done. And then I got my hands on a copy of the "book" -- I use that word hedgingly because it's really a reference manual that any business owner, entrepreneur, marketer, or individual who wants to be such, should hold close to their hearts as a bible for successful marketing. It is packed with almost 400 pages of money-making wisdom Mr. X distilled from me. There isn't one wasted page. Not one paragraph of filler. Or one word of fat.

His book took off -- as you can imagine with nearly 1000 copies being sold in the first few months of announcing it.

I got concerned that it would undermine my own major marketing activities so I called Mr. X up and -- well let's say "politely persuaded" him that clashing swords on this matter wouldn't produce a happy outcome for either of us.

Sparks flew for about a month. But clearer heads finally prevailed and I acquired the rights to my "revised" material back from him.

I sincerely have to tell you that the resulting reference guide to understanding and applying my philosophy and concepts is actually better in many ways than the free-form, stream of consciousness type of writing or speaking I had typically done up to that point. Remember Mr. X also wrote a best-selling, fast-paced business book before (which did so well it has been released in paperback).

Anyhow, I acquired the rights and all his inventory of this massive reference work remaining in existence. It's called . . .

Money-Making Secrets of Marketing Genius Jay Abraham and Other Marketing Wizards (A No-Nonsense Guide to Great Wealth and Personal Fortune)
The manual is good. Damn good! Mr. X (I promised through all this not to reveal his true identity as part of our settlement agreement, but he's a nationally renowned business success who's been on Good Morning America, The Today Show and written about in The Wall Street Journal. You'd know him immediately if I told you his real name) has added massive sections where he analyzed and introduced the ideas and thinking of great sales, marketing and advertising luminaries and summarized how to grow your own business by adopting techniques they uncovered and perfected.
The manual is broken into 20 logical sections. Each section is a tightly-edited, 20 - 50 single-spaced pages, on average (376 pages total).

Here is the actual contents section by section:


Understanding what's ahead
Host Devices
Start-Up Marketing
Motivational Marketing
Unique Selling Proposition
Direct Response
Converting Prospects
Direct Mail Marketing
Marketing Help from Vendors
Public Relations
Building a Powerful Sales Force
Marketing for Professionals
Marketing for Specific Businesses
Marketing What You Know
How to Put on a Great Marketing Campaign
Recommended Readings
It presents my (and others) best-reasoned, most effective ideas and strategies in such a pragmatic and progressive way that it's virtually impossible not to become much more successful by following it.
Ironically, about a dozen people who've invested $10,000 or more in my materials have called to tell me that Mr. X's book helped bring all my ideas and concepts together for them and bring it all home.

My Dilemma


So here I am with the rights to an invaluable but unacceptably under-priced manual that 1000 people have already been able to purchase publicly. I had originally sold off his remaining inventory in a private sale to my own customers (also at $397). My intent was to ultimately take them off the market -- or reproduce them at a $1,000 - $2,000 price tag (remember this manual thoroughly explains and embodies the "core essence" and the key elements of nearly $50,000 of my best thinking and ideas).

Keep in mind that in addition to training and working intimately with more than 6,000 companies in every industry imaginable, over the years -- I have consulted, collaborated, and exchanged ideas with almost every leading business mind, coach, teacher, mentor, and writer in the world.

What I discovered, however, was very interesting. This "Book" has become one of the best "calling cards" I could ever leave to introduce my explosive money-making and business growth concepts. Naturally then, it would make sense for me to want "Money-Making Secrets..." to be exposed to the widest possible audience -- which is why I'm making this offer available to you as a business and marketing oriented fellow entrepreneur.






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