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One of this month's topic is 'protection'. As you know, energy is changing and sifting . Along with the sifting and changing, everything is changing. Earth is changing. People are changing. And the whole world is changing. And the change and shift is getting faster and faster. We need to prepare for the change and also to know how to protect ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually. However, body, mind and spirit are all connected so if one of them is unbalanced then other two also are unbalanced. We need to think from all aspects.
Like James Allen said,
Strong, pure, and happy thoughts build up the body in vigor and grace. The body is a delicate and plastic instrument, which responds readily to the thoughts by which it is impressed, and habits of thought will produce their own effects, good or bad, upon it.... If you would perfect your body, guard your mind. If you would renew your body, beautify your mind.
First of all, we need to think about our bodies. If we don't have healthy body, we cannot do anything we want to do and it's hard to think positive way. How to protect your body is basic and important but a lots of people are not practicing. like…
Eat good stuff for your body like veges and fruits not much of meat or sugary stuff.
Drink a lots of water.
Water makes up more than two thirds of the weight of the human body, and without it, we would die in a few days. The human brain is made up of 95% water, blood is 82% and lungs 90%. A mere 2% drop in our body's water supply can trigger signs of dehydration: fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on smaller print, such as a computer screen. Mild dehydration is also one of the most common causes of daytime fatigue. The experts have always said, on average, that eight eight-ounce glasses per day will suffice.
Sleep well and get rest. Your body and mind need rest. Otherwise, you get tired easily and hard to function.
Do excise. Your brain need oxygen to think. And your body need strength to hold the higher energy and function. And use deep breathing technique.
Your breath is much more than just the simple movement of oxygen in and out of your lungs. Your breath is a vehicle for not only the physical oxygen that’s necessary for your body functions, but subtle energies as well. The air has its own aura or energy field. Indian scriptures use the word prana to describe this life force and their word for breath exercises that increase your life force is pranayama.
You've probably noticed that your state of mind affects the way you breathe. For example, when you’re agitated, your breath tends to get shallow and fast. When you’re feeling happy and peaceful, your breath becomes slower and deeper.
Just as your state of mind affects the way you breathe, so also the way you breathe affects your state of mind. Because your breath mirrors your mental state, you can create an intentional feedback loop where you guide your breath to become calm and slow, little by little. Calming your breath also calms the thoughts in your mind. As the agitation of your mind begins to subside, your breath naturally becomes even calmer, thereby making your mind even quieter.
Breathing slowly and deeply can lead you into more peaceful spaces within your mind, heart, and soul.

Do yoga. It's really good. It's works for everything: body mind and spirit.
Next thing is for mind.
Most effective thing to do is meditation. Quiet your mind and stop monkey chattering in your head. If you can keep thinking about positive things then that'll be fine. But most of case, we are thinking about something make us stress like what we have to do, what we cannot to do, what we don't have, what people think about us ,etc… That's not good idea to do.
Do what make you feel good, happy, and enjoy. Get excitement in your life.
Go outside and connect with nature. Touch the ground, feel the wind and listen to your nature sound.
Try not to watch or read negative things including news.
Mind is effecting our body.
Have good discernment. We are getting so much information from all over the world, from media, and even from your friends etc. You have to have good discernment to know what is the truth to not confuse and get into fear.
Last thing is for spirit. This part is more likely how to protect yourself energetically.
As I already told you, energy is shifting and changing and we as spiritual beings also are evolving.
So we are getting more sensitive with energy. Because of that, a lots of people are effecting by other's energy rather than your own energy. Like now, some people are feeling the emotion of Japan and people who get fear from all over the world. or even from planets. we need to protect our energy to not effect by fear base energy. How to do it?
You can imagine yourself in a golden bubble of light or wearing golden jump suite. or
Take salt water bath to purifying your energy. You can take off all astral code, too. or
Carry or place a feng shui mirror to reflect the negative energy. or
Carry or place crystal like black Tourmaline or smoky quartz
And using sage or incent also effective.
Sound is good, too. Like bell, music, mantra, and wind chime those are also dissipate the lower energy. Laughing is really good, too.
Feng shui your house is always good.
There are more ways to protect yourself. However sometimes you feel like you did everything what you can think of and do but seems like nothing is working for you. Then maybe it's your karmic lessen to learn or something need to be changed in your subconscious mind. The case, you need to see what's going on and inside of you then think what you need to learn from it.
Yes, we sometimes need to go through hard time to learn because we can learn only from experience. But it doesn’t mean those protections are not working because you are still effecting by other people's energy that you don't need to be effected by.
Everything has meaning you like or not we can learn from it. But also we are creating our lives so have good intentions we can change our lives.
And one more thing you need to remember for your protection.
God is always with you and within you.
God is always right.
God has never done something to harm you.
So have faith to God, believe in God and surrender to God. Then you'll be fine.
Because God is great protection and the best protection.
God bless you.



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